Boone-My Anatolian Unicorn


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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YES! All is becoming well in your motative and canine world again.
I LOVE those kennel runs - super sweet.
Yeah, Cody made them heavy duty! I inagine if he was determined enough he could shimmy over the top front but he’s pretty content in there with his elk leg and his bed 😝


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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The boys were in the kennel when a herd of feral pigs came, lusting after Cody’s lawn. I heard a booming bark, then a roar, and then Fenny’s shrill screams.
The pigs did a 180 and took off. Fen is quite proud of himself, certain they left due to his lifesaving efforts. He’s pretty sure Boone had nothing to do with it.

We went to Josh & Chelsea’s last night to finish cleaning out the Burb. He gave us a check from his brother. Our other daughter with 4 of the other grands came down so we got to see 7 of the grands ❤️
We all had pizza, Boone had the time of his life playing with their pittie (bitch) and playing in the duck water, while Fen remained fascinated by the neighbor’s tortoise that was zooming up and down the fence line.


We finally got back to Cody’s, fed the dogs and Boone was tired enough he slept on the fireplace tiles so I could sleep in recliner instead of the floor. He woke me up around 2 a.m. by booping me and then stood very determinedly at the glass door to the back porch. Thinking he had to pee, I grabbed his leash then flipped on the outside light while opening the door, then quickly pushed it shut, because standing in Front of me with his tail held skyward was Mister Skunk!🦨
Boone whined a bit, I explained the situation as best I could to him, turned off the lights and Boone said he didn’t really have to pee anyway, he got up because of the skunk.

He quietly went back to his spot and without a single bark, went back to sleep.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Boone really has made some remarkable progress since we left home. He’s had to deal with so many major novel experiences, sleep in different homes with different rules, is picking up slowly on his directional cues, putting his head down when asked, hands me his feet and lets me just touch his nails with a dremel, let me clip both dewclaws and one toenail last night, has mastered assisting me up and down stairs, searching for my meds in multiple places and sometimes in another room, and is improving his responses to everything he already knew, AND look who’s under the table! My claustrophobic baby dog cowboyed up and put himself right under there so I could eat!! ❤️


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Got back to Cody’s after going back to the coast with Randy to see Shari and the kids They got all my stuff from the burb plus the big recliner and the 10’ kennel. Boone is going to get better acquainted with the kennel as he needs to stay home my next Dr appt because 1 appt is going to last 3-4 hours. It’s too long for him to sit in one place at his age and Randy can’t handle him and do errands.
Mr skunk was out back so we went out side door in dark so Boone could pee. He kept wanting to go to the truck, so I assumed he thought we were leaving. He didn’t pull hard or anything, he just tried moving that direction but I was able to convince him to go to the big oak tree. He relieved himself and I was able to move him to the house even though he wanted to stay by the truck.
Now it was Fen’s turn.
Randy took him out and noticed what I did not…Mister Skunk was watching us from under the pickup. They quickly hustled back in as Fen wasn’t quite as demure about Peppy Le Pew. He got to use the front yard.

Cody said tonight he plans to “pew pew Le Pew”

Packed up and ready to make 7 hr drive to Reno, get a hotel room and pick up my brother’s truck. I can’t get over how generous it is of my niece and nephews to do this 🥰


Loving the herd life
Sep 20, 2024
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Eastern NC
Ohhh poor Boone! I am a terrible, awful person. I had UTI return and was with online medical this morning. Then around 11, I got cold sweats, foggy and nauseous and super fatigued so my honorary daughter drove us to pharmacy. Boone was a good boy, but after picking up my meds, he was pulling hard towards some grass but I dragged him to car. Then I recalled I was gonna get some of those portable barf bags so back we went. He kept rushing me and I made him slow down. He continued rushing me. In fact, he kept turning his head, wanted to go backwards. He tried every feasible way short of barking his fool head off to let me know he needed to leave. Then, I was looking down the aisle, thankfully right next to the bathroom he squatted down and took the biggest fastest dump in the history of dogdom.

I suddenly understood all the signals. Poor Boone is upset and it’s my fault 😞
I’m glad he has a forgiving nature when it comes to me 😉
My Tirzah would ask to go outside when she needed to vomit. SMART dog (GSD/Lab cross).


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Boone has been very vocal lately. Not barking, just wooh woohs. I’m never too sure what he is saying but give it my best guess. We usually spend time training everyday, doing SOMETHING, but I was not great today so was reading and he just couldn’t have that, so he woohed, put a foot on me and stared me down. So, we worked on picking up toys and putting them in his bucket. He’s used to putting things in my hand so dropping them in the bucket instead was a tad confusing for him. He doesn’t mind working for his “wages” but he does expect payment whether the job was satisfactory or not, because, well, it’s the thought that counts, and he thought he was getting cookies. When he dropped his squeaky snake on the floor instead of in the bucket, he waited for his cookie, and when it wasn’t forthcoming, he huffed in complete disgust and grabbed my med bag off the table and shoved it in my lap, as he KNOWS that’s a sure payoff.
I resorted to putting the snake in the bucket myself and paying him each time and he seemed to get the idea. He put it in the bucket himself and got a jackpot so he’s satisfied with his superior intellect, then pulled his favorite red ball out and attempted teaching me how to play outside. After he stopped to gnaw on it, I went back inside. He showed up moments later with his red rubber frisbee, so I flew that for him a few times.
I might not quite understand what he’s saying, but I don’t think I am too far off, as he continues trying to communicate with me, so I am grateful for that.

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