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- #3,801
Herd Master
Potatoes, blue on the left, red on the right. Seems like the reds have about caught up.
again longer travel time than the map app said.
Map app says 6.5 hours, it took over 8.
The apps telling how long the journey will take are not correct for anyone driving a truck/trailer or an RV. They would be correct for a young person with no fear of death in a Lamborghini.again taking a couple of hours later than the map app said it would take. At this point DW has decided that the app assumes people speed. Certainly something we weren't doing in a heavy, wide, RV!
I did, they didn't seem overly interested. They don't modify the machines after they purchase them so future renters won't have a battery combiner nor lights on the service side. Nor will there be a drawer for utensils. I find it bizarre that it was built with nowhere to store such things. We kept the flatware in a plastic takeout container DD2 had brought home a few days earlier. Hopefully they will be careful to mention the parking brake requirement. Olivia, the rental girl (older sister of the one who "checked" us out (*) and I guess in her late 20's isn't really a "girl") didn't even go out to the machine to make sure everything was fine on return. I took her brother, the maintenance guy, out to show him the mattress cover that was coming apart since it is hidden when the slide is in and show him the repaired seatbelt.Hope you made a complaint about the problems with the RV.
It is somewhat possible the people who watched the animals while we were gone had an "oops" Easter Egger cockerel. It is also somewhat possible it got in a Havahart trap.
View attachment 100971
And it is somewhat possible he came to my house
DD1 has named all the female Easter Eggers after Greek gods. So it would seem appropriate that he should be as well. One appropriate possibility is Eros, god of love. On the other hand Zeus had children with many women, also very appropriate.