Herd Master
There was a time when I could sex a kit at a week old, but my eyes aren't that good any more. Besides, I worry that it might hurt them, so now I wait until they are at least 3 weeks old. Because what you are looking at is very tiny, you have to be very aware of details. The little buck has a "doughnut" the opening is a dot, and it stands up equally all way 'round. The doe has a V, the opening is a slit, and the part furthest from the anus stands highest, tapering down to level with the skin at the back. The buck's "parts" are placed a teensy bit further away from the anus than the doe's, but since we're talking millimeters here, it takes practice to see it. Bucks can have a split penis (a DQ) that can look like a doe's vulva, so some of the other details are worth noting. But remember, rabbit people joke about rabbits changing sexes for a reason!
Just a side note on sexing really young kits - if you've handled them much, you know that they frequently wind up peeing when you are holding them (that's why I call 'em squirts at this age!). If the pee just sort of dribbles down the bunny's tail, it's probably a doe. If it shoots you in the eye, it's probably a buck!
Just a side note on sexing really young kits - if you've handled them much, you know that they frequently wind up peeing when you are holding them (that's why I call 'em squirts at this age!). If the pee just sort of dribbles down the bunny's tail, it's probably a doe. If it shoots you in the eye, it's probably a buck!