Canesisters 2023 journal - turning my Disasters into Delights


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
A thought on the peeing - and glad that you are in a good space thinking that it's only been 48 hours. 👍
As for the peeing --- the two of you haven't even had a chance to get a schedule!! I know my dogs definitely have a schedule. :) They know when they can expect to go out, when they'll eat, heck even when to go to bed (if I'm late they will plop down with a "harumph" -- :lol: and kids think they have it bad with parents!


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
She has been in a kennel and able to pee any time day or night on the kennel floor. You will have to work on retraining her to be housebroken. Our mini Dachshund was a rescue, never housebroken, and it took several years to train her to ask to go out. If no one was in the room, house, or did not notice her standing at the door, and did not open the door she would find a discreet spot to relieve herself. If we left the doors open she would go in and out herself. If not, and we did not crate her, we used to find the sticky spot after sniffing like bloodhounds on a trail.

Can you remove all rugs for now? Is the underlying flooring waterproof? The floor looks like varnished chipboard - is the varnish waterproof? :fl Best way to remove pee from large rugs is to put a towel underneath and pour vinegar and water through the pee spot. Doesn't have to be boiling since that may damage the rug. Mop it up. Replace wet towel with dry one. Do it over many times until the pee is gone. You should not be able to smell it anymore. Then use a spot carpet cleaner on it and rinse like above with many rinses. Ff the smell remains she may return to that spot to be. There are some commercial cleaners and deodorizers specifically made to neutralize dog pee stains and odors. Once the spot is dry. you can sprinkle baking soda on it and leave it for a day, then vacuum it off. Baking soda is also good to neutralize and clean pee. In fact, it is the main ingredient in those high price powders billed to sprinkle on your floors to remove odors. When we had carpet and our dogs were always in the house, I used to sprinkle it on the carpets at night before going to bed and then vacuum it the next day. It does help.

Once the yard is dog proof, you can install a doggy door from the utility room or kitchen so she can go in and out to do her business. Being able to go outside to pee at need will help with reestablishing potty training.

If the pee has a very bad smell that vinegar won't erase, it's possible that she has a bladder infection. Our puppy had one and she peed in her crate (something they never do) and had trouble holding her urine until we got medication on our way home.

As to the window repairs, for now just paint the panels to match the surrounding trim. It will not be noticeable and will look like it was planned that way.

This weekend you can work with her full time to practice going out to pee. And also leaving her alone in the yard for a few hours at a time.

In the meantime, if she won't stay in the repaired crate, see if you can lock her in a stall in the barn like Farmerjan says. It won't hurt her and she will be safe during your work hours. In the evening you bring her into the house. She will learn quickly that you come back.


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Yeah! No renovations or repairs needed today! 🎉😁
She is currently chewing a pig ear in the 'Piney woods' garden & looking quite content.
I don't remember who mentioned it.... but I got to thinking about urgency, strong smell... she just might have some sort of UTI brewing.
I called the vet & left a message to see what they can do before her 7/10 checkup.

Edited to add: Birdie is going on a field trip. Just one more thing to complicate the 'getting a routine' thing - BUT if she's got something brewing it's GOT to be settled ASAP.
She's going with me to work tomorrow & will see the Vet at 12:15.
I told my friend at animal control that I was going to set up a f.b. page for her .. #OhBirdie! 🤪
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Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
"Take your dog to work day" aka vet appt during lunch
Paced & panted for an hour but FINALLY decided that I wasn't going to leave her
#OhBirdie! It's been such a stressed first week... But she's doing remarkable, considering
Birdie 6.30.23.jpeg


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
How did the vet appt go?
Slight UTI. Put her on antibiotics.
They were super busy, & had worked me in very quickly - which I'm grateful for. But didn't have time for all the other stuff, that will have to wait for her appt in the 10th. I'm going to have to get something today for ticks though. Have found some seed ticks on her.... and me. 🤢
It's odd, all the cats & dogs I've had here in 20yrs - the barn cats, the friendly strays, plus the rabbits & squirrels.... & I've never had a flea problem... just always ticks.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Slight UTI. Put her on antibiotics.
They were super busy, & had worked me in very quickly - which I'm grateful for. But didn't have time for all the other stuff, that will have to wait for her appt in the 10th. I'm going to have to get something today for ticks though. Have found some seed ticks on her.... and me. 🤢
It's odd, all the cats & dogs I've had here in 20yrs - the barn cats, the friendly strays, plus the rabbits & squirrels.... & I've never had a flea problem... just always ticks.
On top of the UTI -- WTG! Other stuff can wait. Poor girl, a new home where she's doing her best to be good and have a UTI - not easy. I bet she's feeling better already.
We use K9 Advantix II on our dogs -- we don't have a flea problem often - but when they start itching we use that. The label says it also kills ticks.