Canesisters 2023 journal - turning my Disasters into Delights


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
When I was telling the shelter that I was concerned about my occasional long hours, she laughed and said that EVERYONE works & the dogs adjust.
I have to laugh about people that are afraid to get a dog because they can't be home with it 24/7. I always worked and my dogs were home alone with no problem. They adjust. The ones that don't adjust are the ones that are with you 24/7. Those dogs go bonkers when left alone or separated. As long as your dogs are in with you at night when you come home, they will be happy. (I am not talking about LGDs here of course, since they prefer being outside with their sheep/goats. They will come in but only for a while. Some refuse to set foot inside.)

So happy to hear she is doing well. Sounds like she will be perfectly content on your bed when you are not home! My old Weimaraner, Rogue, would obediently go to sleep on the carpet by the side of the bed. During the night he would creep silently onto the bed to sleep with DH and I - often in the middle. Many times, I woke up to the sight of his head on my pillow, sleeping on his back, with his flews flopping around as he snored. In the morning when we woke, Rogue would leap delightedly off the bed and seize the first object he could find to bring to DH. Usually, his heavy work boot which would land in DH's face as he opened his eyes. He learned to cover his face with his arms when waking. LOL

Repair the crate and gradually get her used to being in it with the door open, then while you are sitting there watching TV with the door closed. Is the crate large enough? She would need a 400. I like training dogs to a crate for emergencies. Angel can dismantle a crate, kennel, etc. Angel hates to be confined in a cage, but never leaves the fenced perimeter. She is used to running the 6 acres protecting sheep. If all the dogs were crated side by side, she would probably relax and be ok.

BTW, WHERE WAS THE HAM? If she is a counter surfer - easy fix is to keep all food in fridge, cold oven, microwave unless you are in the house with her. One of our Weimies was like that. We lived for years putting all edibles behind closed doors of some kind. Once I chased a half-grown puppy down and retrieved the chicken I was planning to cook for supper. Washed it off really well and cooked it anyway. The punctures were not noticeable. Figured the high temperature would kill any germs from dog saliva. Anyway, isn't dog saliva supposed to be antibacterial or antiseptic or something? I am sure I read that if you were injured without first aid supplies you could have your dog lick the cut. (Don't do it yourself because human saliva is full of bacteria.)


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
She shared the bed politely last night. Only kicking & pushing a few times. 🤣

@Ridgetop I honestly can't remember if the ham was on the counter or the floor. :hide It was in one of those reusable shopping bags & had been moved back & forth for weeks while I procrastinated cleaning it & getting it into reasonable single-serve packaging. I can take that off my to-do list.. thanks Birdie 😊


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Oh geeze!
Any suggestions on how to fix THIS???!!!!!!

I filled the spaces with cardboard for now. But that won't slow her down tomorrow. "Marble" sill & metal frames.. those deep sides are wood though.... ? The windows are only about 24" of the floor. She didn't even have to stretch to stick her head out....

And how to clean stinky pee out of a room size braided rug??

Poured Mr Clean through into a towel & then steamed the heck out of it with the steam mop....
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Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Ok.... what I had handy was 1/2" trash board (used as walkways in the muddy barn cleanup)
So, I managed to cut them a TEE-EENSY bit too big - which is what I was actually trying to do - and had to hammer/wedge them into place. Then put 1 screw 'toe-nailed' in the top so they should be hard-ER to flip down. Scared to put more... splits so easy....

What do ya think????
Maybe put a row of chairs in front .... just in case???

