Herd Master
Clearing up the UTI should clear up any accidents in the house.
TV on PBS kids. Maybe that's a bit too much 'excitable' soundsYeah - still on the early side, especially considering how far she has come!
Definitely Kongs stuffed with food should help. You can actually stuff them and freeze them as well. Make sure that you use food that doesn't upset her stomach. Also - if you use peanut butter be sure to check the ingredients because some are artificially sweetened (aspartame - kills dogs).
Calming collars ~can work, CBD ~can work (though CBD in my experience has only helped dogs with pain). If it's just her learning and getting used to things I'm not sure if calming things are the right way to go. I don't have experience with that though. I'm sure you're already leaving a radio on for her, that's an old trick.