Canesisters 2023 journal - turning my Disasters into Delights


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Howling from loneliness may be what got her to the shelter in the first place. Use calm television shows of underwater stuff (NOT lions killing gazelles), or try a baby tape of calming sounds. Leave a dirty T-shirt in her bed for her to curl up with.

Since you are far from neighbors, other than the howling upsetting you it won't cause complaints from neighbors. I am not in favor of electric shock collars because the dogs learn quickly that you have no control when the collar is off. And they do learn that quicky. My old Weimaraner was an Am/Can champion, and had a shooting dog title. I also trained him in obedience which he loved. He knew the difference between the thin show lead and collar, the choke chain and 8' leather obedience lead, and his leather field collar. He showed different levels and types of excitement for each one. Granted I trained him and showed consistently, but he definitely knew each one. He also could open doorknobs. Al our doorknobs had been pressed into an oval shape and had tooth marks top and bottom. He also was not allowed on the furniture except the bed. Instead, he would take a throw pillow from the sofa, lay it in the floor, and stretch out with his head on the pillow!

You could try a calming drug, although I am not really in favor of drugs over training. Maybe invest in a voice activated tape player. Record your voice saying "That's enough" or calming things you routinely use with her, so when she howls it triggers the recorder to automatically come on and reassure her in your own voice.
Good stuff, thanks. I didn't even know such a thing as a sound activated recorder existed. Time to go down another Amazon shopping rabbit hole... 🤪

What training can you suggest to help her while I'm gone? Anything that requires remote monitoring is out - my phone is my only internet so when I leave all "tech" leaves with me. That's why she's stuck with antenna TV or a radio in the bedroom. 📺


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Mini photo shoot during our walk




Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Not too much you can do to "help" her. Dogs never understand why you leave them - witness the excitement they show when their human returns after a 5-minute trip somewhere. She will eventually get used to the fact that you go away in the am and return at a certain time in the pm. This will become her new reality, but it doesn't mean she has to like being without you all day.

We humans are our dogs' adored gods. If they could, they would spend every minute of every day with their humans. In the old days, this happened - the dog stayed around the cabin with mom and the kids or accompanied dad to the fields. In town, the storeowner could have his dog with him in the shop. Most of us have seen the family dog act restless and go to the door when the school bus arrives, or dad gets home.

Your sweetie will adjust in time.


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Game camera showed a 3hour window yesterday morning from 7 to 10 with zero activations. I assume she was chewing her nylabone treat... And then again around 1:00 there was another hour where she was asleep on my bed.
Today she got the nylabone, another long lasting chew and a stuffed chew hoof.....

Also - she had her first official vet visit Friday. She's 70lbs! 😳 Got 2nd booster, rabies, fecal & heartworm ck - all good. They prescribed doggie prozac for her anxiety. I was all excited until I read that it might take up to 3 weeks to have an effect???? I can't decide if I should continue with just the CBD, time consuming chews and patience or add the prozac.. I feel like she might be past the worst of it before the pills have any real effect?

I suppose I need to get back to doing more on the farm than just mowing grass & fussing over Birdie 🙄
Starting to wean Blossom, I think, needs to take the top spot on The List.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Game camera showed a 3hour window yesterday morning from 7 to 10 with zero activations. I assume she was chewing her nylabone treat... And then again around 1:00 there was another hour where she was asleep on my bed.
Today she got the nylabone, another long lasting chew and a stuffed chew hoof.....

Also - she had her first official vet visit Friday. She's 70lbs! 😳 Got 2nd booster, rabies, fecal & heartworm ck - all good. They prescribed doggie prozac for her anxiety. I was all excited until I read that it might take up to 3 weeks to have an effect???? I can't decide if I should continue with just the CBD, time consuming chews and patience or add the prozac.. I feel like she might be past the worst of it before the pills have any real effect?

I suppose I need to get back to doing more on the farm than just mowing grass & fussing over Birdie 🙄
Starting to wean Blossom, I think, needs to take the top spot on The List.
I'd say skip the prozac - it won't fix the problem, just mask it and you'll end up having to use it all the time. While it might be immediate, there is nothing better than taking your time - because that in the end is the best route. And she's doing better and better - if she wasn't and was going backward all the time then perhaps a different solution. Your patience and hard work are paying off, just give it time.

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