Herd Master
You will get a new job! What farmerjan said! I couldn’t say it any better!
LOVE This!! That is so awesome.Well I don't know about pay, or any real details yet.... but I called my friend who's going to be doing our hair & nails during our stay-cation yesterday. She is always trying to get me to let her cut it short. I told her that I was ready to go short because I was about to start job hunting and wanted a new look. 30mins later she texted and asked if I knew how to do spreadsheets. I said yes. Next thing I knew I was on the phone with a gentleman who was looking for an office manager to replace his wife who wants to retire.
I was SOOOoooo unprepared for what turned out to be essentially a phone interview!!! Felt like a fool. But, he was apparently impressed because he said he was really excited and would pass all the info along to the big boss who would call me soon.
It's a 'small family business' that is now in it's 2nd generation of ownership. But he mentioned that part of the job would be communicating with reps from several town, county and corp businesses that they have contracts with ... so maybe not THAT small?
I guess I'll find out more soon.
Gotta contact the processors and see what options I have for an appointment with Blossom & then start to arrange travel for her too.
She was born the week before Thanksgiving, so is only 9months. But with hunting season coming, I've found that it's often MONTHS before I can get a spot. I figure that I'll call & see how their schedule is looking for sometime early spring and then I can start arraigning a ride. The guy who trimmed Eva's hooves gave me his card & said he would do it, but that was some time ago.Wow, is she that old?? I'm thinking yearling at most. But, never know how booked up they'll be
I'm considering a pig...not doing chickens. I have pens & shed for couple pigs. Pig can go to processor for "kill & chill" then I can cut & package. Do have # for a guy who will kill & clean out but, so messy.I like the hang, age, cold store better. Sooo much easier to cut! Then, there's goat.
Sooooo perfectly said, FJ.Mature workers have a better work ethic than 75% (or more) of the younger generation.. 19 years on the job.... and everyone knows that NO JOB is so wonderful that you go to work singing the 7 dwarfs song with glee going off to work everyday.... so you have stability and dedication to a job....
NO JOB is PERFECT.... but, this may be a very positive step for you.