CntryBoy777 - The Lazy A** Acres Adventures

Farmer Connie

True BYH Addict
Jun 21, 2017
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North Central Florida
It was a very eventful day today, it started off really well at about 5:30am....gathered up all the things I could think of that I might need and loaded them in the truck....gave Joyce a kiss and pulled out the drive right at 6 and I was on my way. I always stop at a McDs in Holly Springs for a sausage biscuit when I'm traveling that way and use the pit stop there.....before I pulled out of the drive and back on the road I sent @Mike CHS a text that I was headed his way. Everything went well until about 9am.....View attachment 40479 ..I made it to Savannah, Tn and a girl ran a red light as I was turning left and slammed into the truck.....the cops showed up....the wrecker showed up and loaded the truck and towed the girl's car....I was waiting on the officer to give me some info and when the tow truck drove off the cops jumped in their car and drove off too. I had to Google the wrecker companies info to find out where the truck was towed was about 3 miles away....I was hoofing it....they don't have sidewalks in Savannah....nor do they have level ground....I also had to walk thru a neighborhood with plenty of yard dogs and it is a busy street.....but, I finally made it to the place and got the guy to use the wench on his wrecker to pull the bumper off the tire with steering clearence....then I had to find out why and where the water leak was coming the wreck site we assumed it to be the radiator...ya can see the steam in the pic. I noticed it was one of the hoses coming off the heater core, but in inspecting it, the nipple had broken off the connector and was stuck inside the hose. I asked the wrecker guy where the nearest parts store was and it was right across the same intersection that the wreck happened, so used his hose to put some water in it and made it to the parts store. I bought a brass connector and went to pull the other hose off the broke off, I just connected the hoses together....bypassing the heater core, put in some coolant and water and drove it home.
Given the results of this eventful day, I will have to put a trip to Texas off until Spring at the earliest....the lights are messed up and there isn't enough daylight for me to travel there and back in a day....and it will take several months for me to gather the $$ to get things will also put our expansion plans on hold too for this Spring.....oh, here is the other car....View attachment 40480 ....really sorry about missing out there @Mike CHS , but will make it over there eventually.....:)
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sorry to here about this.. :hugs


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
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East Texas
Saw this earlier but had to leave. @greybeard had some good information regarding your sister's ability to do anything legal. AFAIK if there is no will it goes to Probate Court. That takes time, apparently LOTS of time. I don't know if there are "will like" declarations that can go in a trust that take the place of a will. I would guess the probate judge will be highly dispassionate and likely allocate all assets evenly across the children.
If property had been correctly (and legally) placed in a living trust, it likely won't go thru probate.

How is a living trust different from a will?
Like a living trust, a will is a legal document that instructs how to distribute your possessions after your death. If you have a will when you pass away, your estate goes into “probate,” a legal process where the court supervises the distribution of your estate. It appoints somebody (usually your executor) to collect information about your assets and liabilities, pay your bills, then distribute the remainder of the estate to your beneficiaries according to your wishes. Probate includes a lot of paperwork and can take up to a year.

However, if you set up a living trust while you’re alive, you typically pay a lawyer anywhere from $1,500 to $3,000 to do the paperwork ahead of time and avoid court supervision of the most valuable items you own after you're gone.

“You’ve done all the paperwork so your loved ones don’t have to,” says Lorni Sharrow, an estates and trusts attorney with the Denver law firm Moye White. “It’s a pretty nice thing to do for people.”

Whatever you’ve placed in the trust can be distributed in a matter of weeks after your demise, not months. And as a bonus, a living trust is private, whereas a will is a public document, so everyone knows what and how much you did (or didn't) leave to your least favorite relatives.

There will still be a last will & testament for less valuable items..guns, antiques, vehicles etc, but the property already has a different name on the title--that of the trust.

I all depends how the trust is set up. In a rust, if the assets owner wants his/her grandchildren o get some or all of it, he can set it up as generation skipping and bypass his/her children, and stipulate payout or property ownership only changes when the younguns reach a certain age. If it's $$$$, can also stipulate it is doled out over a long period of time instead of one lump sum like a will would do.

Most people put property into something called an "irrevocable trust" for tax purposes. Whatever is in that type trust is usually not subject to estate taxes.
There are other kinds of trusts tho, and other reasons for setting one up.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
You are right @greybeard, I should have known that information and I had it backwards. Given the current tax laws (until the next version is instituted) most everyone wouldn't have enough of an estate to pay Federal taxes on it. The current federal number for exempt estates is just shy of $5.5M for an individual, $11M for a married couple. Of course states have their own inheritance and estate taxes. If you've got money your heirs REALLY don't want you to die in Nebraska, Iowa, Kentucky or Pennsylvania. States with those taxes

I don't guess Fred was privy to the contents of the trust given his sister's actions. :( And if his sister was named as executor, she will be the one managing the distribution as she sees fit unless the trust is specific in that regard.

I'm glad you had a good visit with your brother Fred and that Gabbie is doing so very well. :hugs


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
So, Gabbie has been here for a whole week now and she is growing and Full of energy....but, our old bodies don't recoup near as much with a 45min nap....:lol:
She is doing actually really well with her training, and her vocabulary is increasing. The past couple of days we have heard her first few growls and barks....mainly at the goats....IMAG2925.jpg ....and at her toys. She has found a favorite outside toy.....IMAG2924.jpg a pincone....they're free and she can tear them up. Something else I noticed today is, she has a cross on her forehead, between her ears.....IMAG2926.jpg ...we took her to the vet yesterday for her checkup and she is weighing 15# @8wks old....she'll be 9 on Monday. The vet said that she is going to be a BIG dog....I told him that I thought in the 90# range and he said at least or bigger.....:)


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
I just have to share this with y'all, cause most will get a big kick from thing that is neat about dealing with pups, is their 1st experiences with different things and watching their reactions. Well, last nite I blew my nose on some toilet paper and emptied the roll....I started to chunk it in the can, but then it crossed my mind of seeing Gabbie trying to figure it wasn't perfectly round, and the floor certainly isn't absolutely rolled a bit and settled, rocking back and forth. She first hid behind my jacket hanging on a chair close by and whimpered a couple of times and then her neck hair went up along with her tail and she began to Bark at it....she ran around the table and went to circle behind it, but when she got there she stepped back a bit and growled and barked some more.....IMAG2927.jpg IMAG2928.jpg IMAG2930.jpg
IMAG2931.jpg IMAG2933.jpg ....with each circle she got closer to it and it took her about 30min to finally conquer the deadly roll.....we praised her for saving us from this deadly intruder, and she carried it proudly in her mouth for about 15-20min and wouldn't let us have it....I think that she saw each end as a mouth and didn't want to get bit....she did grab it from the side and crushed it with her teeth while stomping with her paw....:)