CntryBoy777 - The Lazy A** Acres Adventures


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
This past week has been a really wet one here...not everyday, but since Wednesday the ground has been extremely soggy. We got 2.5" of rain on Wed with a break on Thurs....tho still cloudy and overcast....then, on Friday we got 3.6" of more rain. Since the ground was already saturated it had nowhere to go but downhill and it collected in the low spots. It isn't a great pic, but if ya expand it and look to the right around the gardage cans in the garden used for leaves, ya can see the ducks swimming in the alley between the 2 fences.... IMAG2934.jpg IMAG2935.jpg ...this is the same ground after the water subsided....IMAG2940.jpg ....they sure had a jolly good time and it was their first time being able to swim in the pasture. I got a decent pic of Soli with his curled tail feathers and his maturing plummage....IMAG2942.jpg and of course I couldn't leave out his pop and some of the girls either....IMAG2946.jpg ....we have finally gotten some Sunshine, but cold temps have arrived and had to tote water and break ice this morning. On the Gabbie front, we are making really good progress....imo, after 2wks time. She will whine and sit at the top of the stairs when she needs to go out now and knows sit, stay, easy, be nice, wait, and come....tho, she is still a puppy and easily distracted so come, wait, and stay are works in is settle. Thankfully she doesn't have a strong prey drive and isn't attacking any other of the animals....she just sits, watches, and barking or growling at the chickens, ducks, or cats. Her and Callie have been nose to nose, but haven't had any reaction from either except for Callie's hissing. Gabbie is certainly not a lap dog and doesn't care to be on the furniture....would rather be on the floor laying close to feet or legs. We sit on the floor with her and she will lay close by, but not on us. She prefers to lay and sleep in her area and doesn't yelp or whine at other noises being made in other rooms....tho, she can hear an ant fart, so her hearing is just fine....she knows the sound of the treat bag being rustled and will react to that. She really is going to be a great dog a couldn't have picked one any better. Here are a few pics of her, too....IMAG2948.jpg IMAG2963.jpg IMAG2966.jpg ...this last one is her toting her toy box around, tho she hasn't grasped the concept of picking them back up yet...she is ecellent at getting them out....:)

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Gabbie is lovely! She will be a valued addition to your family.

I read your thread even tho I don't reply excessively. It is very sad to hear of the issues between you, your siblings and your father's passing. I have been through similar "close outs" from my late husband kids and it is not fun. Obtaining a copy of the land trust may be a good way to review what is truly in store for you and your living arrangements. Certainly moving is sometimes not fun but being able to sense a schedule would be helpful, to say the least. If your DS wouldn't even tell you the funeral arrangements, be sure she will probably not willfully share any trust info. BUT, she may!
She may -- especially -- if SHE is the benefactor.

Do you know who prepared it? Is it recorded? Is she the executor? Most states have landlord/tenant laws which require certain notices, delivered in specific should at least find about that in preparation. Not knowing is harder. ASK her - see what she says. She can't do any less than she is now. You may be pleasantly surprised.

I am hoping for the best outcome for you and your family!!!

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
That is what I have always loved about the GSD.
They want to be BY you... not on you.
It is a good sign as well. Even tempered GSD's should have that independence and not be needy. Yet the desire to be with or alongside their master.

She is growing nicely, the ear - adorable. :D


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Ya know I try to feed my animals good....not too much, but want them healthy and not hungry. It has taken me 2wks to get a grasp on Gabbie and her has been 20yrs since I've had dealings with a pup. I certainly don't want fat lazy dogs. However, she was always devouring any and everything given to her....I started with the suggestions on the bag, but that went by the wayside rather quickly....I feed her 3 times a day, because smaller amounts on her system means less runs and allows them to adjust to food from nursing. When her activity is factored into that she has to have the calories and protein to burn or there are a whole nother set of issues to deal with, so right now she is close to 3 cups of food a day and still has a waistline. She does get Milkbones for treats, but not very many in a days time. She is developing and progressing beyond expectations and she is very intelligent and smart. I have talks with her and can see immediate changes in her behavior.....she has a real true desire to please and to be a "Good Girl" and seems to have a real knack for being quite the farm dog. Here is a pic of her watching the chickens yesterday....they are under the quail pen and she is not straining to chase towards them, merely watching....IMAG2985.jpg ...she has helped Joyce off lead to herd them off of the neighbors if we can just get her to stop eating chicken poop we'll be doing Great.....:)