I was GOING to bake cookies! But this whole scours and cud thing kinda took everything outta me! Plus I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want someone puking baking MY cake!
Ok...so I got offline and tried to sleep...couldn't do it. EVERYTIME I got up to add more wood to the fire, BURP; go to teh bathroom, BURP; sit up, BURP. It was REALLY gross. So I'm laying on the couch and I realize...this isn't the flu...it's FOOD POISONING! Yesterday, girls in the office had a going away brunch for one of the ladies in their group. The leftovers were up for grabs. I had a couple breakfast burritos...this is the SECOND time I've had this reaction to them. So at least I know what's causing my 'illness' now. I kept burping...so at this point, I'm figuring I'm better off MAKING myself puke and get this burping bile thing OVER with. Well...I feel better! But whooooweeee...I barfed So hard...it came out of my NOSE! That HURT! OUCH!
Good thing is...I'm not puking anymore...and the burping has reduced GREATLY! Now...if I could just sleep!
Evil came home and has opened her presents. She's playing with them now..quietly...it's amazing! She reminded me we better get her her Papap Gon's pizza though! She had a good day at school...which is always nice to hear.
Marlow...we normally do her homework with her...sometimes with more support than others.
OH...i looked outside in the back yard and my WONDERFUL Gus had gotten a chicken! Danged dog! I think it must've gotten out of the run and she got her. It's going to be a LOOOONG spring!
Glad you figured out what is making you sick. Nice to hear Evil is enjoying her presents and playing quietly with them. My boys got something today that they are bugging me to play with now. Have to watch them with it though so they don't break it.
you know...i had that same thought...no more breakfast burritos!
Oh..speaking of upset tummmies....so yesterday, I got to work and the cpu backup battery at my desk had failed and needed to be replaced. So i told our IT guys and they said they'd come and fix it. Meanwhile...I kept smelling someone farting! It was really bad! I thought it was the new lady on the other side of my cube...I knew it wasn't me....So I tell my carpooling buddy and he laughs at me.
Anywhoo...my new cube neighbor left for the day and I noticed the smell kept getting WORSE. I mean it was BAD! So I tell the IT guys and they come and replace it. Apparently, the guys at the end of our cube rows were going to start blaming each other for the RIPE sulphur smell! It was a good thing I told our IT guys...the backup battery was starting to MELT! One of the guys in my cube row was thinking those breakfast burritos were causing someone to fart!!!
There are only a few people in my area that I get along with...the rest are a little too STUFFY! But boy...we were having fun trying to figure out who was farting! Now I'm all embarassed...thinking my new neighbor might've thought it was ME farting!
Again...no more breakfast burritos. EVER again!
Coco I'm glad you figured out what was making you sick - sometimes barfing is bad, but sometimes it's does help. I'm going out to the cook off tonight and it's all the bbq you can eat and the alcohol you can drink - I hope I'm not barfing in the morning Hopefully, I'm old enough (will be 40 in a month) to tell myself I know better, but we'll see
As for the farting, well, I feel ya. We have crop dusters here and we still can't figure out whose doing it. And I swear it seems like I always end up going into the ladies room after some one has had a blow out and, then, of course, someone comes in after me and thinks its me!!!! I hate that!!!!
We always have vendors bringing in food (breakfast, sandwhiches, candy, etc.) and, so far, I don't think anyone has gotten sick - but when the food is free very seldom does it last very long anyway!!! Speaking of that, I just got an email saying a vendor just brought in breakfast from chik-fil-a, so I'd better go get some quick!!!
Breakfast from chick fil a? I'm THERE! WOW! You guys get the GOOD stuff! I don't know why everyone loves those breakfast burritos...oh well. I realized last night that at my OLD building, I'd had their breakfast burrito and had gotten sick later that day as well. Maybe it's those commercial eggs that get me?!
Speaking of crop dusters...ok...so my BIGGEST pet peeve at work is..we have three stalls. WHY, if you KNOW you're going to be there a little longer and will POSSIBLY be making foul smells...do you choose to sit in teh CENTER stall?! I mean seriously folks! Like I'm NOT going ot know what you're doing with the 5000 curtosy flushes! Why not give people the option to sit in a stall AWAY from you? MORONS! Oh...and the other bathrooms have so much stinking perfume smelly things...it's like walking into a french whorehouse! P-U!!!
So Vickr...did you get plastered last night? Overeating will cause stomach upset! BBQ cook off...man...you texans know how to live!
more like common courtesy...some people just don't think anymore. I mean the whole "which stall to sit in" isn't exactly rocket science. Then again, rocket scientists can be the worst ones!
cook off is tonight. my cell-mate's husband is on a team, so he gets us in free. It's all the bbq (ribs, brisket, chicken, beans, potato salad, etc.) you can eat. Then if you get wristband from other tents you can go in theirs and try out their goodies (some bacon wrapped shrimp, queso, all kinds of stuff - but again alcohol.) If I can remember, I'll try to take some pics tonight and post them tomorrow. It's a freakin' BLAST!!!!! Last year I was single and was 'on the prowl' I had tons of fun going up to guys and asking if I could feel their a*hem "backsides" - you know what's surprising, not a one of them said no!!! Maybe this year I'll try the women and see if any of them will tell me no When we were showing we never got to attend the cook off and after graduating I was so burned out on showing and animals, I didn't want to go back to the rodeo for years. Last year was my first cook off, and let me tell you, I made up for lost time!!! I wonder if I'll do the same this year . . . .
Are we going to have to send a chaperone with you? If it's free BBQ I'd go...if I were closer to TX! Def need photos! And a menu....and if you manage to sneak any food out in your extra pockets...just let us know!