Herd Master
Lol its okay i havent ever had currys or indian style and i dont like gravy dh does and on kid does so once in awhile i make it for them but no thanks here.
Your kids are better than DD2! The only thing you mentioned that she would eat is the mashed potatoes. I would have seconds on all of it!!If you like good food come over please my kids are picky monsters. Herbed chicken(they ate one under protest), green beans with bacon(all liked), squash and zuchini sauted with onions and bacon( one liked, mash potatoes(three liked) and homemade french bread(three liked) ...
If you like good food come over please my kids are picky monsters. Herbed chicken(they ate one under protest), green beans with bacon(all liked), squash and zuchini sauted with onions and bacon( one liked, mash potatoes(three liked) and homemade french bread(three liked) ...
Especially when you plan it out...then a deadline to get it done! Same as your farms. Then one of our chains stores has been remodeling all their stores. A team goes in for a 4-5 day event, 10 hr hope everyone shows up!when things don't go as planned and then it throws not only that day into a tailspin, but screws up with the next schedule and piles it on when you don't want it to... Like my farmers cancelling
I think that more and more often.I'm a year or 2 behind you, but I too am thinking retirement might be a good thing.
It is frustrating. Especially when you have your OWN LIFE to handle. Like you, the overall economy concerns me. Not like we're in the desired age group anymore for some jobs..and this economy worries me so I don't want to pull the plug yet.... however, when you deal with crap like cancelled farms, and your cancelled jobs... it makes you think ....DONE.....
My due date is Oct 6, we are starting to freak out a little. I don't think we are really prepared yet, and we don't even have any other kids and fewer animals than you.Yes i am due oct 17th