Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
My due date is Oct 6, we are starting to freak out a little. I don't think we are really prepared yet, and we don't even have any other kids and fewer animals than you.
Not to worry.... you are never ready...they just come....

It all works out in the end, and they sure are precious.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Good advice Al!!!

You really don't need the 5 star house/nursery. Heck Dad was born on the kitchen table! You can bet there was no fancy baby stuff in that farm house.

Kid needs a place to sleep, not much more. Won't be crawling for months. You don't need to procrastinate but you still have plenty of time. Just keep plugging along.

We had a crib and a changing table. Oh and one of those spring chair things. And of course the car seat. They won't let you leave the hospital without one anyway. Oh yeah, the in-laws gave us a bouncy chair thing. Don't want to hold the baby every hour it is awake!! Plywood floor with a 3.5'x3.5' grate over the gravity furnace on the first floor. DD1 learned to crawl and walk on that floor. Baseboard hot water heat and hardwood floor came after that but before DD2.

Don't over think/over sweat this :D


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Our babies all slept with us.... so we didn't even need a crib.

We TRIED to have the first sleep in a crib... but he wouldn't...

In hindsight, he has sensory integration issues and ADHD issues.... he had to be held 24/7. Happiest baby in the world, as long as you held him.

But that first kid broke us. :lol: so after that they all slept with us....

Eldest couldn't sleep alone until he was maybe 7. He slept with us until the next kid, then he slept right next to us in a crib.

When kid 3 came, kid 2 was old enough to sleep with kid 1, and that worked well.

When kid 4 came, kid 1 slept alone, kid 2 slept with kid 3, and we slept with kid 4.

What was funny was when kid 5 was ready to be kicked out of our bed, I tried to have kid 4 sleep with him for a bit... to transition, as we had with all of the other kids. Kid 4 said nope, kid 1 said sure! So kid 1 and 5 were in the same bed for a bit.

Then finally they all were in their own beds.

Eh...time marches on.


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Howdy all. I didn't want to read the last 15 pages to keep up. I read back a page. Jesusfreak listen to your body and stay hydrated always when hot or in the AC.
On the kid note son 1 spent 1 night in the hospital, one night in the bassanet in our room. The next day I got another window unit (his birthday was yesterday a little warm 4 years ago) and he has slept in his room since. He will NOT take a nap with me in our bed. Son 2 spent the 1st night/morning with us and that was it.


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Good morning.
Coffee is on, putting in the canned cinnamon rolls.
Mowed at the farm yesterday. DH fixed the hay mower and prepped the equipment. We unloaded a wagon and DH wants to mow part of the hay this afternoon. Discovered about 40 bales we already had stacked is covered in mold....:oops:o_O it was put up dry...maybe the humidity??? Sucks... not much to do but keep moving forward. Hope we can make enough, fields look decent, lots of weeds yet but it's growing again, no more drought weather. And pray that no more molds...

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Hot and humid here....hey, It's summer and pretty normal. This weekend is rest and do have to work. Prep for coming work week. This next 2 weeks are heavy, heavy hrs for work. Then a slack one. I'm thinking :th Plus, hmmm it will make an extra tractor payment! :lol: I'm looking at last 4 of those. :yesss: Celebrate!

Made chicken and dumplings yesterday. Yum. Between that and other freezer ready meals....only heat and eat all week. Good girl. Don't feel like cooking after a 12 hr day.

Need to get moving. Have to mow yard later. Otherwise I'll have to weedeat a path to the barns! Yah rain! But the pastures are great!!! :celebrate Save on feed bill month!


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
Reaction score
I will say this kids are a awesome blessing. Your never ready for. Even with five i am nervous about how to handle it but i learned to ignore that feeling because honestly its not helpful. Kids you figure out on the way you fail in some areas and firgure out what works for your child no child is the same and they all have difference. I have a few who would only go to sleep if they were held or rocked, one that would only sleep if he was held and one that even as a newborn wanted her space she would snuggle for a bit then cry because she was tired and wanted to go into her own bed. Certian ones only like certian toys, certian ones were allergic to diaper, different soaps you honestly will do just fine. Remeber to breath and its okay to not be the prefect mom or dad all the time. People will offer advice take what you think will work for you and the way you want to parent leave what doesnt. Its not about them (some will make it that way) its about whats best for your child and your family. Also even if you have no one to watch baby take time for your partner children capture mommys eye and attention so well we can get absorbed by being needed and forget that our partner need our time as well. Make special dinner watch a movie you watched before take a bath ect just make sure you take for each other. Another thing is baby and you dont need everything ever created for babies. Trash bags work just as well for dirty diapers as diaper pails the most expensie toys and carseats arent need just the ones that work. Enjoy every moment before long baby will be a toddler and the a kid and before you know it they grown. Enjoy the ride, cry when you need to, take a it all in stride life happens and you dont need to stress over everything. So what if the dishes arent done so what if laundry not done. Not all the house work will get done and thats fine. Take steps now to make life easy. If your going to breast feed (some people can and some cant that is not failure if baby fed your succeed) your going to need snacks. Premade meals whether homemade or frozen are life saviors along with premade snacks. Oh and you cant spoil a baby by holding it either i held all mine and non of the olders are spoiled brats. Thats bull and baby will end up sleeping through the night when they are ready to. Co sleep can help those who dont like being alone. And bed next to your bed is also very helpful and having diapers and extra clothes sheets right there as well diapers sometimes leak or while changing baby leaks or you breast leak normal things happen and its better for sleep tired parents to have things close so baby and you can both get sleep.
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