Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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Two other things baby does not need every life experience swimming class, baby groups ect. Secondly find other mothers with children about the same age(number of kids doesnt matter) in your area can be helpful but also finding those with the similar parenting style is helpful to have someone to talk to. Dont go and try to hang out with another parent you cant stand there are parents that you will like out there find those and you can help them and they can help you figure things out some times they have good ideals that help and sometimes not but having someone sharing similar experience to talk to or vent to can be very helpful and make you realize its normal and your not crazy lol.also look up vaccines decide now what your okay with giving and what youe not and find a doctor that values your input and one who will take you seriously and will respect yalls choice for your child. A phd does not make doctors know everything and you dont need one that decides to tell you your a bad person ect because you choose not to give your child something you dont think is needed. I had one tell me i would kill my child if i didnt have or give them the wooping cough vaccine i found a new doctor. Dont let them bully you into making a decsion and if your having a boy do research on circumsion and yall decide if its right for your child dont let someone else make that choice. Make a birthing plan and write it down so partner can know what,yall agreed would be okay. Also remember that things can happen that change it but it helps when your there to have an idea of if you want them to give shots or not if you want certian things done ect.
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True BYH Addict
Nov 20, 2016
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North central Ohio
That's great jesusfreak101 and by you I hope you mean you and your spouse make decisions. Also remember father and mother have two different roles and can handle things differently but have a conversation with each other on what you want.

One question to ask what do u want your kids to be ? How should we raise them to meet that goal?

Alot of people think long and hard to answer these questions. Then try to live threw their kids.

My answer. I want my kids to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I don't want my kids to be a burden to society and to take care of themselves and theirs. I don't care what they do or don't do in life but those two things.


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Two other things baby does not need every life experience swimming class, baby groups ect. Secondly find other mothers with children about the same age(number of kids doesnt matter) in your area can be helpful but also finding those with the similar parenting style is helpful to have someone to talk to. Dont go and try to hang out with another parent you cant stand there are parents that you will like out there find those and you can help them and they can help you figure things out some times they have good ideals that help and sometimes not but having someone sharing similar experience to talk to or vent to can be very helpful and make you realize its normal and your not crazy lol.also look up vaccines decide now what your okay with giving and what youe not and find a doctor that values your input and one who will take you seriously and will respect yalls choice for your child. A phd does not make doctors know everything and you dont need one that decides to tell you your a bad person ect because you choose not to give your child something you dont think is needed. I had one tell me i would kill my child if i didnt have or give them the wooping cough vaccine i found a new doctor. Dont let them bully you into making a decsion and if your having a boy do research on circumsion and yall decide if its right for your child dont let someone else make that choice. Make a birthing plan and write it down so partner can know what,yall agreed would be okay. Also remember that things can happen that change it but it helps when your there to have an idea of if you want them to give shots or not if you want certian things done ect.


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
also look up vaccines decide now what your okay with giving and what youe not and find a doctor that values your input and one who will take you seriously and will respect yalls choice for your child. A phd does not make doctors know everything and you dont need one that decides to tell you your a bad person ect because you choose not to give your child something you dont think is needed. I had one tell me i would kill my child if i didnt have or give them the wooping cough vaccine i found a new doctor. Dont let them bully you into making a decsion
I wanted to double emphasize this.
I didn't know about the 12 in 1 they give kids now. Many say I'm paranoid. I say I watched a 1 year (mine) old back track for a year just to start saying high again.
Also today they don't tell you what is in the vaccine (you know the other things in it) just this is this. It's for kids at this age. I've had problems. (not getting into that)
I've also had tetnis more than once and then found out it has other vaccines. Also found out after you pay for that vaccine the hospital gets about that much money from the Gov. So double dibs. That is not a reason to give you a shot that you don't need.


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
My answer. I want my kids to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I don't want my kids to be a burden to society and to take care of themselves and theirs. I don't care what they do or don't do in life but those two things.
good advive
It doesn't matter what you want the kid to be. It's going to be what it it grows up to be. Pushing in any direction can guide or just make them run the other way. Just try to guide (not push) the best you can.

I could say that to any parent even a decade before I had kids.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
My uncle had whooping cough as a baby/small child.... and they nearly lost him. This was before they had the vaccine I think (he is 85 now; my fathers younger brother). He has had problems and the doctors said back then that he could have some repercussions from having it. So... I am not against whooping cough vaccine..... BUT..... I am against giving the babies so much stuff all together and sooo soon.... we don't even give blackleg (clostridium) to our baby calves because it interfers with the natural immunity that the cow passes in her colostrum......
So you can't tell me giving all this crap all together, and at such a young age, can't cause problems, and that the baby's natural immune system is going to develop like it should because it is fighting against all this foreign stuff that is pumped into it too soon.... they need to just start to develop their immune systems a bit before challenging it with all these vaccines.....


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
Reaction score
In my experience my oldest dd1 was sick multiple times every month. She was the only one to be vaccinated the other three have been sick yes but no where near what she was my youngest dd2 has been sick 3-4 times total maybe less. Also for us we happen to have family memeber my self included are allergic to the vaccines. My kids tend to also follow me on most if my allergies on other medication. So out of precaution we avoid things. Oh and there is a natural vaccination for lack of better of an explanation. It call homepistasis(spekked wrong more then likely) aka green vaccination another nick name.

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
The whooping cough one my doctor told me I'm supposed to get at a certain point in the pregnancy, which then passes the antibodies to the baby before he's born, then he doesn't need that vaccine. I still need to do more research and figure out what we are going to do regarding the various vaccines.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Morning all....hope your plans pan out today, whatever you need to accomplish!

Leaving for work in a few. Glad I got lawn mowed yesterday, feed in, own meals prepped. Ready for heavy work week again. Rains this afternoon..1.5 to 2". So I expect this lovely sunshine to be solid gray on way home this evening. Just hope it stops for chores. 😁 gotta go, another cuppa on the trip to work. :frow