Herd Master
Two other things baby does not need every life experience swimming class, baby groups ect. Secondly find other mothers with children about the same age(number of kids doesnt matter) in your area can be helpful but also finding those with the similar parenting style is helpful to have someone to talk to. Dont go and try to hang out with another parent you cant stand there are parents that you will like out there find those and you can help them and they can help you figure things out some times they have good ideals that help and sometimes not but having someone sharing similar experience to talk to or vent to can be very helpful and make you realize its normal and your not crazy lol.also look up vaccines decide now what your okay with giving and what youe not and find a doctor that values your input and one who will take you seriously and will respect yalls choice for your child. A phd does not make doctors know everything and you dont need one that decides to tell you your a bad person ect because you choose not to give your child something you dont think is needed. I had one tell me i would kill my child if i didnt have or give them the wooping cough vaccine i found a new doctor. Dont let them bully you into making a decsion and if your having a boy do research on circumsion and yall decide if its right for your child dont let someone else make that choice. Make a birthing plan and write it down so partner can know what,yall agreed would be okay. Also remember that things can happen that change it but it helps when your there to have an idea of if you want them to give shots or not if you want certian things done ect.
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