Herd Master
OUCH !!!I’m on a phone line now. It’s a line that if I call out, it’s 50 cents a call
OUCH !!!I’m on a phone line now. It’s a line that if I call out, it’s 50 cents a call
Inky delivered twin doelings, both black.
Thank goodness that Lilly is not showing problems on the stitched side. That's a pretty good day considering you were afraid of losing her kids from the injury and "fixing it"....Inky delivered twin doelings, both black.
Dark out, they're black -- no pics.
Everyone up and nursed. Does both cleaned out. I cleaned it up. Moms fed & more hay/water. Milked out 3 pints colostrum for vet. Huge, full udders. Both are milkers. And -- Lilly shows no issues on stitched side. You can really see the Boer noses on these boys . The girl has lot of spots as she dries. Good start. Everything went smooth.