Show Sebright
True BYH Addict
Yeh that’s what I was thinking but my girls are just so sick from it. Idk I’m just watching for now.
There is a thread about this.
Tractor Supply chicken feed & egg production?
Has anyone seen anything about T.S. feed causing chickens to stop laying? I don't watch the news at all.. ever, so if this has been a thing, I'm just hearing about it. A friend texted me with a big scary warning. When I asked for more info I got nothing back. I did a google search and
There’s a thread or two on BYC too. Chickens slow down or stop laying around winter solstice, if they didnt already in the weeks leading up to it. New chicken owners get upset and worried. They see a video by Joe Schmo blaming feed manufacturers so they switch feed. Lo and behold, the days start getting longer and what do you know? The new feed starts making the chickens start to lay again.
I say relax and don’t buy into unsubstantiated internet claims.