Herd Master
I need ALL the coffee. Taking live online class for AutoCAD Plant 3D and the instructor is moving at a crippled, arthritic snail's pace.
I love Anatolians. I had two that were the best. I had two that were awful. One so unpredictable I had him euthanized. The other (Sophie) has problems because of neglect and abuse and breeding. Regarding breeding, Anatolians have been compromised by Turkish and other breeders crossing LGDs with fighting dogs. Fighting dogs in Turkey is illegal and lucrative. So is shipping large tan dogs all over the world labeled LGD. Detailed info was on the Kangal Breeders of America website but is gone. Unless you go to a very reputable breeder or find a very experienced dog, avoid anatolians, Kangals, causican shepherds basically anything originating in Turkey or the surrounding countries. I know I sound harsh but - experience.Yeah, puppy out of question! Not many trained in my area. Looking, for sure. Hard to find a tru LGD in my area. Especially two! Don't want a pyr. What some say are toli are mixed....lotta pit around! Not wanting that. A work in progress.
Adopt sites have what they "say" toli but you are looking at the pit, boxer, herders in the pics.Maybe 1 in 10 are really toli. Talk about a crap shoot...of that 10% many are too old & house pets.
Sent pic to DD who lives at back end of farm. She says something was under her growls. Her dog growls. I'll go tonight and check that out. Maybe a fox, or feral cat. I'll carry more than my spotlight! No opening for any size to get thru, we sealed it pretty good...but
Hope the instructor takes some Advil and a shot of whiskey, and speeds up!I need ALL the coffee. Taking live online class for AutoCAD Plant 3D and the instructor is moving at a crippled, arthritic snail's pace.
Ummmm - bobcat??? With a LONG tail? nahhh - something else Mountain lion??View attachment 96295neighbor just sent this bobcat pic from one of his game cams. He's walking toward my front pasture of goats!!. Went out and didn't see anything...but!! That's the size of maybe a boxer dog with shorter legs.... He's asking of any losses and offers a hunt for it if so.