Mini Horses
Herd Master
Wow -- this far apart and we use the same shop!! 

Hey - I think I go to the same shoP!Amazing isn’t it?
Neighbor across the road got this picture of a bobcat on the game camera. Yeah broad daylight and maybe 100' from his house.I notice pic is from 2 weeks daylight!!
Actually unless you go to a reputable breeder, don't get any breed of LGD. We have had 5 Pyrs - good with children, strangers, and kept the predators away from our animals, the neighbor's animals, the entire 100+ acres behind us and even further out. Our fences were good but Pyrs can climb like a cat, compress those big fluffy bodies to get through a hole 8" x 10", and if all else fails dig out. I hated the way our Pyrs would roam - I want my dogs to remain inside my fences!Unless you go to a very reputable breeder or find a very experienced dog, avoid anatolians, Kangals, causican shepherds basically anything originating in Turkey or the surrounding countries.