Herd Master
Yeah things are kind of “messy” putting it nicely. The temps up there this weekend are supposed to be high 40s to mid/high 60s so not too bad could be worse.@SageHill : I was reading an article from CBS news about Tulare and how the extinct lake has returned. And flooding - oh my gosh! And how warm its going to be in the Sierra's this weekend. Ouch ouch ouch.
Of course if gruesome and previous crimes had worked on things besides trains to nowhere we’d be in a lot better shape (though that’s water under the bridge - pun intended).
CA is or used to be a huge ag state, now ag is “forgotten”. There are huge billboards along the freeways reminding people ag needs water, people need ag for food.
Sad very sad. (Oops caught myself climbing on that old soapbox).