Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Jun 21, 2015
Reaction score
Made it back from Thanksgiving Saturday, was a busy, quick trip to see my parents.
Was 13 this morning when I started my car, 10 when I finished at the gym. Winter in Wyoming is... well winter in Wyoming. Got the snow tires on, and ready for whatever is coming. Y'all have a wonderful week.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
I hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving. I forgot some of my meds and have been in a mild flare where fatigue is somewhat overwhelming. Fen has been difficult at times and demanding always.
Cody came home after spending the night in town from returning the girls. We’d had a great time peeling an entire bushel basket of apples and making applesauce. The rest of the time they were hunting with their dad. He told me he wants to learn canning. I think his eyes are almost open.Fen barked at him in his own home.

I told Fen I can’t take him for a long walk because my back hurts after standing and talking with my stepdaughter and 4 of her munchkins who are such sweet kids yesterday.
When I told Fen he had to wait for Randy (I already went down the stairs to let him pee…and pee and pee) he climbed under the bed and began moaning non stop

I don’t blame him as I know Randy will first take a shower, have his own breakfast and watch black & white westerns first, because he’s a man, and in my experience, that’s what men do. We could be on fire and his routine would remain the same. 🫤
It’s our last day so I will organize Cody’s pantry while he drives to Tehachapi to see his 2 brothers that are complete &!@/(&’s that I refuse to spend my time with.

Meanwhile, I need a stiff coffee!!


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
I got some "winter diesel" treatment for my tractor a few days ago....haven't opened yet. It's not something that is generally a problem here with our normal weather. But, this yr -- who knows -- strange weather and all. Guess I better read up on it 🤔
It's nice to have a bottle on hand, or several if you also have diesel trucks like me. Throwing a little in half a tractor tank may last a while depending on much you run the tractor. Plus, it's good for all diesel injectors cold or not and it's a LOT easier than trying to put some diesel 911 in the fuel filter (and priming pump if it has one) then running your battery down trying to get it all the way to the injectors.


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
At least he stayed calm and didn't make matters worse.
That boy of mine... is always so calm.

Seriously, amazes me.

Most of the kids are really good with skidding and such.

I am NOT.

I have been up here 23 years now... but before that, the warm parts of Texas.... so this ice .... just, can't get full used to it. So me.... I use really good tires and drive super slow.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Throwing a little in half a tractor tank may last a while depending on much you run the tractor. Plus, it's good for all diesel injectors cold or not and it'
😊 Thanks! I don't run it a lot in cold weather and it's the only diesel anything I have. Heck, I didn't even know diesel had "gel" issues 🥴 everything gets checked for antifreeze 🤣👍👍 now, diesel. Should it be added to a spare can of diesel? I try to keep some in winter, in case roads get bad & I can't go buy more. I do park it under shelter in winter.


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
😊 Thanks! I don't run it a lot in cold weather and it's the only diesel anything I have. Heck, I didn't even know diesel had "gel" issues 🥴 everything gets checked for antifreeze 🤣👍👍 now, diesel. Should it be added to a spare can of diesel? I try to keep some in winter, in case roads get bad & I can't go buy more. I do park it under shelter in winter.
Just so many ounces per gallon, the time you run it before the cold spell. (Or just run it long enough to get it in and through the lines) I think one of my additives is 3 ounces per 10 gallons, which is half a tank in a lot of tractors. You can just add some in the Tank before adding the spare can of diesel. If it has a stabilizing agent like some of the gas treatments it wouldn't hurt to put it in the spare can.
You almost have to (or strongly suggested by some) use a Lucas stabilizer or something in gas that is going to set over 2 months, if it is going to be used in a small engine. And they are trying to mandate ANOTHER 5% corn liqour to the gas.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Dang, it's 28 outside. Winds all day, making the 40s feel like 30s -- gets worse as they say lower 20s tonight! 😳. It's not even Dec yet and we're getting Jan weather! I keep checking to see if I'm awake or dreaming!! Carhartts and long johns, flannel lined jeans -- it's all here and unboxed but, hating the early cold. Mainly, dreading the possibility of a colder than normal winter!!😱🥶. Please, NO!!!

This is becoming my morning bitch session and tired of it🥴🤣🤷. Winter wimp, I am. Better get a refill ☕ put on all the clothes and waddle on out there. Yeah, several layers are a nuisance for moving -- get used to it! Three more months of it seems so daunting, even tho it repeats every year. Why does it seem like a new happening each winter? 🤔 It must be a new form of dementia 😂

I have work jobs to do, since I just flat out stayed home most of last week. Didn't want to work. Now they're waiting for me -- worked a store yesterday, more there to do but not until Thur. 2 stores today, another all day early tomorrow. What wears on you is going into these stores with no assigned reps and seeing a huge stack of jobs, undone. Yep, either they can't hire enough people or the new hires quit. So, we long-termers get sent in to "catch them up". We third party companies do a huge amount of the stock & reset work in retail stores. The retailers can't hire dependable either. It's a real problem -- no one wants to work!!! Internet, from home only, has spoiled society.

I need to get off this internet time user-upper🤣🤣🤣🥰