Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
Tornado touched down 2.7miles from house. People and animals are okay. Some tree damage and the lid to creed feeder my FIL gave went flying somewhere. Hopefully I can find it in daylight.

RadarScope if you have a tablet, is worth it's weight in gold for places that have random twisters and rogue storms especially summer ones. It's what tornado chasers like Reed Timmer use and has saved my arse more than once out here. Not free, but it's like insurance for preventing problems.
Last summer lightening started hitting bad, winds started ripping around midnight, went and grabbed the tablet and this is what I seen. Sure saved my vehicles from damage and was able to batten the hatches in time.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Well, liver does have some "flavor" issues😋 but healthy.

So got more tractor time today...yah!! Some cuts and area clean ups -- where I'd removed 80' of fence, now trimmed up to handle new piece 👍. Cut along some fence lines, the garden cleaned up & cut close (ready to till!)....that sort of stuff we rarely have time for. Of course 😞 supposed to rain tonight into morning. Just almost dry enough, now more wet. 🙄🤐

Did cut over 50% of the field so wet I was stuck, other day.... Some good grass, so opened it to the 4 mini mares. That'll get them off of the hay now. Thurs I'm hoping to replace that short fence stretch and let goats into another area each day. Yeah, less hay again!🤞

Work tomorrow 🤷 raining. Work Friday. Then off a few more days when I plan to TILL the garden!! 😁🙏🤞👍 Should be fine if we only get the .3-.6 they predict.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Raining here, light & steady. Supposed to stop before noon. THEN 5-6ish a strong storm front to arrive. So big winds & all that crap coming thru. 😕. Not wanting any of it. Right now, I'm home tomorrow -- that could change 😳 -- but it'll be a clean up day from the sound of it. Sure don't need the rain!!!!

Having my morning fix. Yeah, might need the whole pot ... Not in the mood for the weather stuff & how much havock the evening front might bring.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Yesterday I took Obi to the vet for <cough> and old dog check up. Since he turned 9 last month I've been meaning to get a baseline on him. Last week the vet's office called to remind/check that I would be there for my appointment - thing was I didn't have an appointment - gal said 'oh darn I must've made a mistake', and I said that's ok, I was meaning to make an old dog check for Obi and I could call back - she said nah, let's make it since we're already on the phone, so I did.
Obi did great on the overall hands on check up. I even had video of him working to show Dr Gary - he loved the vids and had never seen that type of herding. So he called last night with the bloodwork and fecal results -- he said he's never seen that perfect a blood workup on a dog Obi's age 🥰 . Fecal negative. All is good 👍 - I of course I extended an invite to come watch the dogs work - he said he might and even bring some grandkids. Fingers crossed he'll make it out here. It's an hour or more drive so there's that.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Coffee is ready! I got 15 Cornish Cross on ice yesterday. Filled up the ice cooler, dragged out another one, washed it, cloroxed it, nice and clean. Went to Apple Springs and got ice. Came home intending to butcher 5 more before chores and church. The ewes and lambs were up close, grazing near the hoop shelter and pen. Since putting ewes and 17 new lambs up in the evening is sorta like herding deer with brain damage, I thought I’d go ahead and bring them hay and feed them, to get them penned for the night.

Some of them get suspicious, figure out that feed might show up soon, run to the pen, see empty pans and run back out again yelling. Some start towards the pen, this wakes up their sleeping babies, babies want to eat, ewe stops. Some babies are left in the field by their Greedy Gut Momma and cry pitiously. Momma runs back out crying for babies that she can’t find. I put feed in the pans, there is an attack of starving piranhas, tiny babies running to find Mom, trying to suck on Not Mom and Not Mom butts them away. Meanwhile Good Moms are still nursing their babies out in the field, yelling SAVE SOME FOR ME!

I go pick up 2 babies, leaving one to follow Good Mom. I carry them low so Good Mom can follow, other lamb follows. Suddenly Good Mom runs back to find her babies. I set babies down and they cry. Good Mom comes running with lamb racing to keep up. I pick up lambs, carrying low, rinse, repeat, until we get to night pen. There’s 2 cow panels in my slap together pen and lambs have figured out that Greedy Mom is on the other side and they congregate together for mass assault and entry through the cow panels. A couple more trips to the field to retrieve Good Moms and lambs, and all are up for the night. I feed again, put out more grass hay and when feed is gone, alfalfa goes in the pans.

This is my life now…….

Needless to say, I didn’t get any more chickens slaughtered but I got chores done, a shower and was clean and on time for church.

My goal today is to slaughter 10 more and start processing inside. Outside I get them dead, plucked and gutted as fast as I can. Inside I go over them with a fine tooth comb, clean them extremely well, cut and package.

I used the chicken plucker yesterday. It broke wings on some, broke a leg but got them mostly clean of feathers. It’s a Yatdbird from TSC. I only clean one at a time but they are big birds. Sigh…. Back at it today. I have 22 left.


Herd Master
Jun 28, 2017
Reaction score
Good morning all. Trouble with my internet. I can’t like, love etc any posts. Ads pop up and block everything, or site disappears altogether. Busy day getting ready to go nowhere and do nothing on Monday. With potential cloud cover we may not have many additional people around. I’m not planning to look at the sun. It’s just not worth risking the iffy vision I still have and who knows about the quality of the safety glasses? I also noticed the thumbnail on google news giving the Wrong Advice about safety glasses, declaring the totality zone safe for naked eye viewing. Looks like it’s gone today thank goodness.

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