Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

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Herd Master
Aug 3, 2008
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mountains of WV
I won't be getting either of those vaccines. I still think that those shots had a lot to do with our friend who took his life last year. He was fine and all of a sudden he was not and that was a couple of months after getting both.

Same thing happened to a buddy of mine who got the vaccine for shingles. It ended his career as a hazmat driver due to increased anxiety, panic attacks and depression. A less likely man for those kind of issues I've never known...this was a man with nerves of steel and absolutely no fear or drama, had been driving various trucks since he was 16 and had been working since he was 12. A farmer, no nonsense and just a quiet, sturdy guy.....and this anxiety and depression was so bad he couldn't function at work, had to take early retirement and it was a good year and a half on anti-depressants before he felt like he wasn't so anxious he couldn't do what he's been doing most of his life. He never went back to driving and now farms full time, but he's still not back to the guy I knew.

All of that had a sudden onset directly after he had that vaccine.


Herd Master
Nov 27, 2009
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Wilmington, NC
My all time favorite is the Walker and joggers and runners who are by themselves going down the road that have mask on. Hahaha dumbies

Maybe not as dumb as you think. There are two reasons for wearing a mask; to protect yourself, and to protect other people in case you might be shedding virus (and there is plenty of evidence that a lot of seemingly healthy people are doing just that). If these people are exercising, they are breathing deeply, so they are exhaling a lot of potentially virus-laden moisture droplets everywhere they go. A mask that will allow enough air flow that they can wear it while exercising is not going to be much use at filtering out something as small as a virus on the way in, but it will do a pretty fair job of catching the moisture droplets they exhale on the way out. Even if they aren't breathing directly on someone, those droplets would otherwise have to land somewhere, and COVID 19 can even get picked up and tracked around on your shoes, y'know? So these masked fitness fans are doing their part to keep from creating an environmental hazard for their neighbors - even if it is a bit of a stretch.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I know someone who got the shingles vaccine 2 years in a row and got shingles both years. Have heard too many horror stories about things like depression, anxiety, like has been described here.
NOPE not taking shingles, not taking pneumonia, not taking flu vaccine. Trying to keep my immune system built up. And if it is not a killed virus vaccine, not happening......


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Beekissed please share the video by Dr Erickson that you put on SS..... to try to show some of these people that we need this exposure for healthy people to get the immune system to respond...... and no I am not wearing a mask if I am not sick as I need to be exposed to this corona virus to build up my immune system since I have a healthy immune system on a daily basis. I get it for those that have compromised systems.....
We have dealt with corona viruses in cattle, yes you can get sick, but for every variant you are exposed to, it helps your system to have immunities to other variants of it.


Herd Master
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
mountains of WV
I think it's a huge stretch. Outdoors the air is removing droplets that are exhaled from the immediate vicinity and dispersing them widely....they don't remain in a puff of cloud and travel around in a cloud to land on surfaces and people. The possibility that a microscopic droplet of water is going to land on another person, your shoes, etc. is so incredibly low as to be almost nonexistent.....conditions and proximity would have to be exactly right for this to happen.

There is simply no environmental hazard to be found unless these fitness buffs are gasping for air 2 ft from one another, which isn't happening. Even then the likelihood that someone with an active Corona infection is out there jogging is nil and the whole "carrier" thing is nonsense....either you are actively infectious with symptoms to show that~light or not~ or you have formed antibodies for it and are not actively infectious.

All in all, the chance of infection under those circumstances~outside exercising and not in close proximity with other people doing the same~is highly unlikely.....highly. So, it's a huge stretch to imagine these measures are necessary.


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
.either you are actively infectious with symptoms to show that~light or not~ or you have formed antibodies for it and are not actively infectious.
People who are not actively infectious YET can certainly shed virus to others.

Are people contagious before they develop symptoms?

There is evidence that the novel coronavirus can be spread before an individual develops symptoms. This poses a problem because people who do not know they are infected may continue to go to work, school, and other public places. People who are sick and have symptoms are more likely to stay home, which means fewer opportunities for the virus to spread from one person to another. When asymptomatic transmission occurs, infection control experts and public health officials may need to take additional measures, such as social distancing, isolating patients, or using quarantines.

Same as it happens in the common cold, the regular flu and even happens.
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Herd Master
Nov 27, 2009
Reaction score
Wilmington, NC
the whole "carrier" thing is nonsense

According to whose set of data? The CDC and the WHO even have 3 classifications of carriers: the "pre-symptomatic" carrier who has been infected, and hasn't developed symptoms yet; the "post-symptomatic" carrier who no longer has symptoms, but is still shedding virus (which is why a lot of places want 2 negative tests after recovery before they will allow the patient to go back to work); and the truly "asymptomatic" carrier, who sheds virus but never does develop symptoms. When wide-scale testing is done, there inevitably are positives that have no symptoms; when antibody tests are done, there are also a significant number who have antibodies but have no recollection of having experienced symptoms. If the asymptomatic carrier is a fallacy, why do all of the medical professionals that weigh in on the subject believe in it? :idunno
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Herd Master
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
mountains of WV
According to whose set of data? The CDC and the WHO even have 3 classifications of carriers: the "pre-symptomatic" carrier who has been infected, and hasn't developed symptoms yet; the "post-symptomatic" carrier who no longer has symptoms, but is still shedding virus (which is why a lot of places want 2 negative tests after recovery before they will allow the patient to go back to work); and the truly "asymptomatic" carrier, who sheds virus but never does develop symptoms. When wide-scale testing is done, there inevitably are positives that have no symptoms; when antibody tests are done, there are also a significant number who have antibodies but have no recollection of having experienced symptoms. If the asymptomatic carrier is a fallacy, why do all of the medical professionals that weigh in on the subject believe in it? :idunno

It's an agenda. If a person could carry an active cold type virus that long, although being asymptomatic or post symptomatic, then there wouldn't be a person alive on this planet. A virus runs its course in any particular body/immune system and then it's gone. One doesn't keep infecting those around them for the rest of their lives with that particular virus unless it's a particular kind of virus that can be passed through blood or body fluids, such as various types of hepatitis, HIV, etc.

If it were truth that we could just carry around all our cold viruses long past the time we were infectious, we'd never be considered infectious vs. noninfectious.....everyone would just be a walking, shedding viral stewpot and everyone would be constantly passing around viruses until we were all dead.

They know that most people have very little knowledge of how disease transmission works in the body, so they can pretty much say anything and most of the populace believes it because it comes from "experts". Tell a lie big enough and long enough and everyone will believe it.

And ALL the medical professionals don't believe in it....only those coached to confirm such nonsense. Many, many medical professionals are speaking out about all this nonsense but no one wants to listen. They'd rather believe all the false drama.
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