Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Which will allow for more of the "herd" immunity. There is always an asymptomatic carrier in the mix. You are not going to totally eradicate these viruses or you would never have any other flu viruses to mutate from year to year. People that fall in the general group of being high risk do need quarantine.... healthy people do not or they will eventually fall into higher risk because they will have less ability to develop their own immune system. This thing was very fast moving and virulent, but if we had had a decent HONEST warning, we would not be where we were when it got started here.
There are asymptomatic carriers of the "regular flu", of normal "colds" and other things.

I for one am willing to stop the lockdowns now and to try to get back to some sort of a semblance of a normal life. If you are still of the high risk group, stay home and stay in. But you are also risking some of your own hard won individual immunity to any challenges that you face. There will never be a 100% guaranteed cure to this. It is a virus that will mutate and change. There will eventually be a vaccine and it will take care of this variety; as the flu vaccine takes care of a couple of the most prevalent strains.... but it will never be 100% effective to every variety that will mutate year to year.


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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This how thing never made since from a the time they told the healthy to stay home. Our bodies need germs to stay healthy we covered in them. I am not for shut done at all. Yes, if your high rush by all means if you feel you need to stay home by all means if your sick stay home. That being said anyone can be a carrier so it of germ x z or z and could hurt person g who has a compromised immunity by not knowing they are sick. I have four kids, one we don't vaccinate one because of how our bodies function vaccine don't work forever. Two times to were the germs we (majority) vaccinate for or cause by sanitation, cooking and food storage along with the enviroment around us so if we taken care of the majority of causes of certian illness the likely hood we would catch said illness then that reason goes out the window. Second in order for your body to respond(basied off of medical journals i read over the years) to said virus it has to come in contact with it, the way a dead vaccine works it takes the skeltion if you will of the virus and adds heavy metals such as aluminium (which we don't even want in our water at the same level much less directly into our blood stream) for your body to respond to it so it aknowledges that something is out of place and goes to work and 10% (is 20% for some vaccinations) of the population does not respond to. So baised off that knowledge in order for our bodies to fight this virus we have to come in contact with it. Just like with any other thing. Two speaking as a mother of four until symptoms show with anything such as stomach bug you don't know your sick so the fear of this has be insane to me. Now baised off what we seeing with the real numbers the thought that a large part of the popluation is going to die its just not there. Also the majority of people who get said virus stay home and don't know they have it, and if they got tested its only a fraction of that needs to be hospitalized and even a fraction of that, that die from something else because their already sickly bodies can't take it sad as that is its just that. I am not saying people shouldn't be aware or we shouldn't aknowledge the virus as something new but that fact is if the economy (one of our bigger concerns) does not open back up the amount of deaths and abuse and poverty as a result and the things that also go along with that addiction, depression suicide ect. The list goes on will be greater then the fear of covid-19. I know alot of family members who have compromised immune systems, both my parents, their parents, my mother in law, my husband grandparents, my nephew, another nephew, my youngest who 4 months, these people have to be more aware and careful but bubble living is unhealthy and will cause more issues. My youngest goes to church with us, she goes to stores, parks everywhere i don't live in fear that something will happen that i have no control over. Then same can be said for some one who doesnt know they have cancer that walks into the front lines of a war what happen which is the cause maybe they die from the cancer maybe they die from the war maybe they will die on the way home or in their beds asleep at 102 years old. We aren't promised the days minutes or second we get to live. At what point should we stop living ask a cancer patient(atleast the ones i know) say let's open up life needs to go on. We need to live the bird and the gold cage dies just like the bird in the wild the difference is the quality of life they lived. I don't want to see people die (my biblical view point) but we live in a fallen world and the time is short for everyone we will all die its just a matter of when it's our turn. I want to take my kids the church i want to talk to the cashier that had a hard day to shed then light i can to brighten it i want to shake hands or hug the police officer who responds at 2am to a domestic dispute the same man or woman who respond to a call that a child makes by accident just because that's their calling and that line that job is one of the hardest they need that moment of encouragement same for the military the list goes on we all need each other this alone your one your own kind of life style that being forced is not health for anyone its make this world that much darker and that much more harmful. We all need that hope the light (Jesus) we need to share our gifts with each other and not have the fear of losing keep us from playing. Okay long winded and that it for me for now.


Herd Master
Aug 3, 2008
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mountains of WV
Here's a cool way to install 5G at schools....send everyone home from school due to a "deadly" virus~and ban the public from being out and about outdoors~ and you can pretty much do whatever you want at the schools.



Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
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Zebulon, NC
There is no data at this point to support a continued "lock down" We have data now. We need to look at that and stop being guided by "models" that have proven themselves to be wrong.



Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
Here's a cool way to install 5G at schools....send everyone home from school due to a "deadly" virus~and ban the public from being out and about outdoors~ and you can pretty much do whatever you want at the schools.
Soooo, the theory is that they've shut down practically the whole world to put 5G in the schools? :th


Herd Master
Aug 3, 2008
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mountains of WV
Yep...if only that were the only reason they shut down the whole world...but it isn't. It's one of the reasons, but the others are just as sinister and long reaching for mankind. It's a web of deceit so interwoven that it's hard to pull on one strand and not twang against another.

What it comes down to is that folks who stand back and view the big picture can see the web, those who are involved in their small view world can't even see the individual strands until they are caught in them and fully trapped.


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry - not buying the conspiracy theories. I guess a lot of us have different ways of looking at things. Yep - in my small view world I'm quite happy. I don't go looking for trouble. If it happens I'll deal with it the best way I know how.

I can't see the 'whole world' agreeing to shut down their countries so they can launch all these sinister plans. The whole world hasn't agreed on anything for a very long time, lol.

The sky might actually be falling but I'm going to wait until it hits me in the head before I panic. Who knows, maybe there's a giant spider out there in that theoretical web just waiting to trap me. :D =D
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