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- #31
Ridin' The Range
No Worries about the off topic Thank you all for your input. I own a herding cross GP bitch that is a joy to have around. She is as large as one of my female GP. She is the dominant female on the place. AS far as when a coyote is around she goes to the porch and barks and howls. The GP run toward the edge of the fence that they are barking except jess he immediately starts jogging circles around the lot and marking everything. Traps are going to be set and the Coyotes were Reintroduced in KY about 12 years ago. They are not overpopulated but described as thriving. I understand the SSS method of handling issues however I always try to do the legal thing first. As grandpa used to say when we would do something off color Heath even a fish wouldn't get in trouble if it just kept its mouth shut.