Dinner rabbits, Journal


Herd Master
Oct 16, 2010
Reaction score
Virginia is for Pasture Farmers!
I guess this didn't post?
2×3ft or so.
Plus the bit smaller floppy sheets.
Got clips and hooks for two of them.

Updated the website with posed pics.
Following buns need new weights & pics.
11, 14, darkie, xoh kit, tipsy, jessi, Lynx, yynx, gigi, widy & baymax.

And got pics for 11, xoh, xoh kit, jessi & baymax. Rest I'm waiting until after they kindle.

Good golly...They're falling apart.
Baymax lost weight, his neighbor, Jasper, is being a horndog and that seems to be a problem.
Jessi will get a break to fatten back up. Idk why she's so...lumpy on top. Lol
Xoh kit will be culled, just hideous all around.
Xoh will kit soon.
Darkie was pulled from her 6wk kits and is quite happy chilling now.

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Herd Master
Oct 16, 2010
Reaction score
Virginia is for Pasture Farmers!
Jan 14

Ugh, screamers...Didn't get Freckles kits pic because of 2 screamers that would not stop. Ended up forgetting and then forgot to mark them to cull later on.
Ended up pulling Gigi out to feed her choc otter kit that was falling behind. Then put it with Quin kits.
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Bred Darkie to Cinder and Rusty to Zippy.

Got the giant rabbit board ready to fill in.
Hmm, some colors don't show up very well. =/

Weaned litters.

Jan 17.

Sicker than a dying dog this week. Ugh. That's what I get for going out in public.
No kits, good thing because it's so cold day n night, too.
Aqua feels empty.
Widy pulled fur, I added more hay.
Cocoa got a nest and pulled fur. Also got more hay.
Hope kits survive when they're born.

Jan 18

I knew the Widy litter would fail, but was not happy to find one of Quin's kits out of the nest, frozen rock solid! 😭
Widy always needs to be posed and held to breed. Since the cold killed them, I'll give her another chance. She didn't dig a hole for the fur and kits, instead, she ate half of the hay, flattened the rest of it and scattered fur all over it. Didn't help that there was only 4 kits and I'm too sick to make it out there early in the morning, too.
More snow is coming, but temps will finally come back above freezing next week.

Jan 19

Cocoa, first timer, had her kits!
Probably right before I got there to feed. Added more fur and checked to make sure they're warm before leaving. Still warm. Sire Cinder.


Jan 21

Finally got the culls done. But when I got to the lilac doe, I couldn't do it. Ugh.
I'm so tired of ice. No water in house, everything is frozen solid. Fck. Had to use pond water. Which one pump I had to detach until things thaw out.
And all the rex are living in the nests...🫠
Been adding lots of fur to all nests, as its been below freezing day and night. Does eat the fur?? And I add more.
I have 3 axe/sledge hammers. None to be found. Weed remover to the rescue. 🤦🏽‍♀️



Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Feel for you with the ice,,, we had alot too but at least the waterers are bigger.. and most are frost proof so not too much trouble except with the baby calves... I just carried up water for them when I went to feed bottles. They melted in 48 hours since it has gotten so warm so fast here...
That cold had to be rough with the rabbits... I cannot imagine any having babies and them managing to live, in that cold.


Herd Master
Oct 16, 2010
Reaction score
Virginia is for Pasture Farmers!
Jan 22

Unnamed Zero doe had her kits!

And Lynx had her kits, but is a nest sitter. Almost lost the kits from her stupidity.
Rebuilt her nest. Added more fur. Gave her a box nest to sit in instead.


Rex are NOT cold hardy!! Anyone who claims they are is 100% lying. Blatantly obvious that all of the rex, buck or doe, are not happy. Frozen, sat in stiff loafs in corners, pissed off. If kits are out of nests, they're living on top of mom/each other, always dog piled to stay warm.
While all of the regular furred rabbits are laid out on their sides, snoring and happy as clams!

Another unwanted surprise, most moms are over protective. 🤦🏽‍♀️🙄 But this doe is curious without the aggression. Hope that stays...

Ella doesn't look like I marked anywhere as bred. Didn't really feel bred.

Still no running water.

Man, he loves falling apart...But at least he's still growing.
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The big group will be leaving soon!
I will cull that lilac...Gotta stay tough!
No luck selling the 2 rex, looks like I'll keep them for one round of kits.

Jan 24

Weighed some growouts & moved 4 to cull cage. Culling 6 tomorrow.

11 had 4, crushed them. Ffs!

Unnamed doe's kits decided to start a yelling match. So, for awhile, I just watched 2 day olds fighting, cursing and flailing With each other for no reason. Mom shoved her head under the feeder and pretended to dissappear! Hah.
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I'll have 5 empty holes soon and kits moved to other moms until weaning.
managed to keep freckles clean, until yesterday. She laid in pee/poo and is now red. Ugh, wtf.

Had to move that big group out. They all need a bit of a sponge bath.....

Cage got scrubbed, the hair!!! Then bleached and scrubbed again.
Last, reworked water and raised feeder. Then Jessi kits got weaned and moved in!

They'll move with the left over Tanya kits in the big 5ft cage outside tomorrow. Other grow outs will move in with them when ready.



Herd Master
Oct 16, 2010
Reaction score
Virginia is for Pasture Farmers!
Feel for you with the ice,,, we had alot too but at least the waterers are bigger.. and most are frost proof so not too much trouble except with the baby calves... I just carried up water for them when I went to feed bottles. They melted in 48 hours since it has gotten so warm so fast here...
That cold had to be rough with the rabbits... I cannot imagine any having babies and them managing to live, in that cold.

2 first timers did excellent.
1 pro got dang lucky, as she sat in the nest. Uncovered kits, but her bum kept them warm.
1 pro killed hers.
1 first timer killed hers.
So, 🤦🏽‍♀️