Got a ton of pedigrees printed & filled out today.
Then named 7 of 9 kits.
Raven, Teal, Cobalt, Malty, Haze, Fog & Vapor.
$574 in the red. 30 in bun sales, 4 in dog food.
Currently $540 in the red.
Picking up this sf doe soon. 7.42 at 12wk I believe. Hoping to get good buns from her. Will have to decide who to get rid of to make room.
Darkie is failing to have kits that grow, so will list her.
Nana has a nice blue buck growing well and a litter in the nest to watch.
Gigi's previous litter sucked, hoping for better this time. But will cull if not.
Have a buck n doe from Cocoa that I'm watching. If they suck, they'll both go.