ELeVan ~ Honaker Farm Journal


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
I do make pickles...mostly dilled zucchini pickles...I'm sure that would work for them.

I about died when I tasted the thai bird chilis that I grew myself this summer...so hot!...and habaneros are hotter than that...


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
I made Vietnamese Pho (it's a soup) with them (Thai Bird Chilis) for DH twice. First time I just chopped the whole chili...it was a hot Pho! The second time I removed the ribs and seeds from them and he said while it was spicy, it didn't burn a hole through him like the first one. :D

I love to make homemade cornbread. I think I'll use the cayenne peppers in it though. Hmmm....black beans and cornbread sound good :) I LOVE black beans!


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
What's being done on the farm today? Nothing...well...nothing outside with the critters anyway. Why?

Last night we noticed a leak around the shower and took the wall panel off to have a look. The entire faucet / shower mechanism needed replaced...and a big surprise for us was that there are NO shut off valves for the tub/shower! So off to Lowes to get parts.

No shut off valves in the tub/shower meant that the entire house's water supply needed to be shut down to fix this one problem. We are installing shut offs too.

This morning at 8:00am my brother comes to fix the shower. First problem was that one of the shut off valves that we bought was bad...water spewing out the side of it! Then a pipe that we hadn't even touched burst loose. It became one problem after another.

By afternoon I was getting pretty upset...hadn't had a shower...couldn't run water anywhere in the house...and the problems seemed to keep coming.

Finally about 4:30, he says, "I think we're good the main water has been on for 15 minutes and no leaks. Go take your shower and I'll sit in the hall and make sure there are no leaks."

Well...I was in the shower maybe 2 full minutes when he starts yelling at me - "HURRY UP A DIFFERENT PIPE BURST AND I'M HOLDING IT TOGETHER SO YOU CAN FINISH, BUT YOU GOTTA HURRY!!!!"

UGH :he

So they are off to Lowes to get some more supplies and we don't have water...again.

I'm a little peeved to say the least. I wanted to make some pickled green beans for my grandma this afternoon...didn't get done. I wanted to go to the fair this evening...not looking good for it. If DH can't get a shower for work tonight, my peeved barometer will only go up.

Think of me while you're turning on your faucet and hope I don't hunt down a contractor and shoot them (the house is only 6 years old).


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Decided to do some "work" since nothing else was getting done. The guineas have been trained to "home" the best I know how. Tomorrow they will be a full flock and allowed to roam freely together. BUT...I decided to take the precaution of wing clipping them tonight. So when I open the coop tomorrow I can only hope that they will go out and come back at the end of the day....cause I really don't want to do a guinea roundup tomorrow night.

I also found a stash of eggs (we have a few hens I haven't seen eggs from in 3 days) in the exact spot I've told DH to check over and over. Guess when you want something done right you gotta do it yourself :rolleyes: He was all "where did you find those?"..."Well Dear, in the spot I've told you to look for the past 3 days!" humpf!


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Went to the county fair this morning to watch the goat show. It was kind of comical...one kid had a goat that was much bigger than he was pulling him all over the place, a pygmy was doing back flips (literally) because she didn't want to walk on lead and many classes only had one entry in them.

My boys started getting antsy sitting still for so long and by that time it was right around lunch time...time to hunt up some fair grub :D Corn dogs, fried pickles and a fried milky way candy bar for dessert - YUMMY!

While walking off that fried bounty we were cutting through the building that houses the photo exhibits and watched in horror (couldn't stop it) as an elderly, seriously overweight lady in a motorized scooter drove out the entrance that doesn't have a ramp...her scooter flipped tossing her to the ground! We ran over to help set her and her scooter right and to make sure she was ok. She was fine but her scooter took a little bit of fiddling with to get moving again. She was more embarrassed than anything I think. The drop was about 3 inches but from her position in the scooter looking out the doorway you couldn't tell that there was a drop. We stopped by the fair office and informed them of the incident and suggested that they put up a sign warning others as there were many in scooters there today.

Got home a little while ago and checked on all the critters to find the guineas still in the coop. We had to capture them 1 by 1 and put them outside...now they're in the barn :rolleyes: Filled up waterers and then came inside to put the canning stuff in the dishwasher.

I'm hoping to get some pickled green beans done this evening...I promised my grandma some, so I better get to it :) Might head back to the fair later...Motor Cross Racing is at 9p tonight...we'll see.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
OMG fried pickles are AWESOME!!! Have you ever tried them? Or don't you like pickles? I thought it would be gross until I tried them a few years ago...they are scrumdiddlyumptious!!