ELeVan ~ Honaker Farm Journal


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Happy Saturday Everyone!!

Last night was a rough nite for our neck of the woods. Weather popped on interrupting programing to say that a severe storm was heading for us and there was "cyclonic" action detected in it. After looking outside and seeing the sky a very ugly, weird, blackish green color...the wind was blowing the trees clear over to touch the ground and we started to get small hail I decided we should seek safety. We don't have a basement so our safe spot is my boys' bedroom closet. I grabbed the boys and my dog and we jammed ourselves in. We could hear the wind and rain howling and the hail beating the roof. It was kind of scary but I was able to keep up with updates on my phone. When we got the news that it should be past us in 15 minutes it was a huge relief :th But boy did those 15 minutes drag on. When it was clear we emerged with everyone safe and no damage...but after all the bad storms we've seen in the US this year I wasn't taking any chances. My boys were so disturbed by the whole thing and the fact that a milder storm was blowing in that they decided it was best for them to sleep in the closet. I decided it was best that they just sleep...however they could get it...so they cuddled up and slept in the closet :rolleyes:


Today turned out to be a beautiful day. Just the right amount of sun without being overly hot even though it was in the low 80s. I just love days like that! To be honest - I could go for 70* all year with low humidity :D I like snow, but not the cold...I like summer but not the overly hot/humid days...so if it were 70* all year round, I'd be very happy :lol:

Today was pretty routine. Feed the calf - walk around the pond. Feed the ducks. Let the chickens out of the coop. Spend time with the goats. Check on the pig. Then to the house for whatever needs done. At noon it's back out for another feeding for the calf - walk around the pond...repeated in the evening.

Our chickens egg production has really fallen off due to the heat...wish there were a way around that but short of air conditioning their coop, I'm not sure what?

Count down to massive chick overload is 10-14 days :D We have 46 chicks on the way. Plus the 8 chicken / 4 duck eggs that Cinnamon is setting on. And guineas will be arriving in July!!

That brings me to the fact that we are STILL working on the big chicken coop. Unfortunately, my DH has been working some odd shifts and I can't do it all myself...especially with the health difficulties I've had lately :( We'll be working on it like mad people next week.

The current little coop with be temporarily used as a broody house for Cinnamon to raise her chicks until the guineas arrive and then they will use it.

I guess it'll have to be next year for my turkeys...there is just too much going on right now and we're falling behind. Ah, well...sometimes you just have to wait for things you really want.

Some exciting news to impart - I noticed that Goldie is starting to build an udder. She's not due until 9/2...so I'm kind of confused with her...she's working on it quite a bit early...
This will be our first kids from Goldie, so I'm not sure what her usual experience is like. I'll keep you updated though.

Turns out that Lilly wasn't pregnant. Bummer! But she would have given birth by now and never filled her udder and is no longer looking pregnant. Guess she was just putting some pounds on :/

Well that's been my day. Hope yours was a good one too.

Livinwright Farm

Goat Fancier
Jan 4, 2011
Reaction score
New Hampshire
That sounds like one good productive day! :) :thumbsup

We need to get our new coop built soon also. It needs to be the same size as the current barn, only one story. Come fall, we will have a total of 40 hens(all a little over a year old), 30 pullets, 2 cockerels, and 1 rooster.
Plus we need to get the buck barn built before fall so the girls can have the existing barn to themselves.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Getting my TURKEYS!! :woot Thanks to dbunni!! We'll be picking them up this week.

That means another pen ;)


Now I need to rant! The people who live behind us decided to terrorize our critters tonight. The entire goat herd, the horses and the ducks were way out in the field close to the property line when the idiots decided to start shooting off guns :rant And as you can guess, they all stampeded...and the **T^*&%*&% idiots started laughing about it! :somad I made it clear that if any of my animals meet harm due to their reckless gunfire (and there are houses just to the other side of the trees that they were firing at) then I would see that charges are brought against them! :duc The goats and the ducks were almost trampled by the horses. Goats headed for the barn and ducks hit the pond. But the horses stayed in the field freaking out :rant Some people are so stupid!


Don't have much to share today...unless you want me to repeat my day yesterday :)


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Spent the first half of the day at the doctor...got some labs done and scheduled some more tests. I'm beginning to feel like one of my critters when we have to guess what's wrong :( Ah, well...gotta believe it'll all work out as it should in the end.


Got home and decided that I had enough energy to work on the quail pen. Worked on the pen most of the evening (until dark) and got everything but the door and roof done :D So, now I just have to put the boards onto the roof and figure out a door. For anyone who builds things all the time you would probably just shake your head to look at me build something ;) I start with a very vague plan...no drawings...and start building whatever I feel like first. I have no problem using power tools or swinging a hammer (broke my thumb once though) and don't use a level but things somehow end up level and working out just fine. :D

eta: I forgot to tell you all about the snakes!! When I went to get a small board from my lumber pile, I moved another board to reveal a clutch of about a dozen snakes!! ACK!! I let out a scream and dropped the boards and ran! One thing, I can't stand is snakes! :p

Tomorrow the plan is a drive up to Northern Ohio to my see my DH's best friend to get a new phone for DH...he's horrible with cell phones and we always buy from his best friend even though it's a 2 1/2 hour drive :rolleyes: Then on the way home we'll swing by dbunni's and pick up those turkeys and then back home. Gonna be another long day away from the farm but hopefully I can finish the quail pen on our return.

Until next time...have a great day on the farm!


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
It's been a very busy Tuesday around here.

Took a trip about 2 hours north to get a new phone for DH and on the way back stopped by dbunni's house to get a couple of TURKEYS!

Let me just say that I was not prepared for the size of 11 wk old turkeys...they are not small (like I thought). Soooo....the box that I brought along to bring the turkeys home would not work and dbunni's daughter did not have a box big enough. What to do? We rearrange the seating in the car and put one of the boys up front and I sat in the back with a turkey under each arm...for an hour long ride home ;) My arms and hands were all cramped up by the time we got home. Upon arrival home the turkeys went into our quarantine pen where they will reside for the next 3 weeks. We are very pleased with them and I have to thank dbunni again! :D

After we got the turkeys settled, I got to work finishing the quail pen. I managed to complete it (except for some finish work) and get the quail into their permanent home. No more havahart trap for a home :lol:

By that time it was 8:30p and I realized that we hadn't had dinner...PIZZA TIME!

Tomorrow's plan to is to work on the big coop as long as we don't get the rain that is being projected.

Hope your day was productive as well!


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
I just love going to the barnyard to visit :D

This morning DH did the morning feeding of the calf and ducks...so I went out a little late to visit everyone.

When I walked through the gate and said, "How are all my babies this morning?" I was instantly surrounded by 7 goats and and all the chickens :) The calf kind of hung back and moo'ed (he scares the goats and didn't want them to run away). I was in need of a dozen hands instead of just 2, as everyone wanted some love at once.

Checked on the bobs (bob white quail) and they are loving their new pen. I'm so glad I pushed to get it done last night for them. I just need to add some sand / DE to their dust pan and find a "basket" that I like for a nest. I also think I want to give them some greenery to play in...any suggestions? It'll have to be potted or fake (don't like fake but you do what you have to).

Gonna bring the turkeys out and put them in an outside dog kennel to enjoy the weather for a little while. Our quarantine pen is in the garage. I am really surprised at how sweet they are!

Dreaming Of Goats

Overrun with beasties
Jul 18, 2010
Reaction score
I am going to LOVE this thread :) I still remember when Daisy kidded to Miss Diva and Kingston I was SOOOOOO excited... remember me? LOL I was chanting her on everyday hahahaha


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Dreaming Of Goats said:
I am going to LOVE this thread :) I still remember when Daisy kidded to Miss Diva and Kingston I was SOOOOOO excited... remember me? LOL I was chanting her on everyday hahahaha
Haven't seen you post in a while :)

Welcome aboard!

Livinwright Farm

Goat Fancier
Jan 4, 2011
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Okay, I have to share this pic with you Emily... I know you raise Pygmies, and therefore have the better idea of if this is a normal udder for 10 months after kidding...
Rear shot of Minnie(the caramel Pygmy doe)

We are curious to know what her udder will look like the day after kidding.
If this is shriveled up... YOWZERS!