ELeVan ~ Honaker Farm Journal


The Farm Zookeeper
Mar 12, 2011
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Roll farms said:
This last b-day, a friend took me to my fav. mexican joint....and mentioned my b-day.

They put a HUGE sombrero on my head, serenaded me in Spanish...and brought out a sopapilla (sp.) w/ whipped cream and smeared it all.over.my.face (and the honey got in my hair.)

I'm still plotting my revenge for HER birthday.....heh he he.

Here's hoping your good day turns into a great weekend. :D


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
B and I have been discussing life and death, pet and meat...how to separate the 2. Why are we discussing this? Because he wants to refer to the turkey in the fridge and freezer as Tom and Henny. :/ So this is what I came up with to tell him: "When an animal with a name goes to the processor, their name goes to heaven with their soul and then we are only left with meat." His response was: "So, now they're just Turkey? And T-Bone will be just meat?" Yep. Guess, I passed this test.

Even though we named T-Bone a food name and Tom and Henny were gender descriptions this discussion was important because one of the roosters who went in the freezer had a pet name.

Dreaming Of Goats

Overrun with beasties
Jul 18, 2010
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elevan said:
B and I have been discussing life and death, pet and meat...how to separate the 2. Why are we discussing this? Because he wants to refer to the turkey in the fridge and freezer as Tom and Henny. :/ So this is what I came up with to tell him: "When an animal with a name goes to the processor, their name goes to heaven with their soul and then we are only left with meat." His response was: "So, now they're just Turkey? And T-Bone will be just meat?" Yep. Guess, I passed this test.

Even though we named T-Bone a food name and Tom and Henny were gender descriptions this discussion was important because one of the roosters who went in the freezer had a pet name.
Awww... Good description though!:)


The Farm Zookeeper
Mar 12, 2011
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elevan said:
B and I have been discussing life and death, pet and meat...how to separate the 2. Why are we discussing this? Because he wants to refer to the turkey in the fridge and freezer as Tom and Henny. :/ So this is what I came up with to tell him: "When an animal with a name goes to the processor, their name goes to heaven with their soul and then we are only left with meat." His response was: "So, now they're just Turkey? And T-Bone will be just meat?" Yep. Guess, I passed this test.

Even though we named T-Bone a food name and Tom and Henny were gender descriptions this discussion was important because one of the roosters who went in the freezer had a pet name.
So your saying if I ever see him not to mention that he ate the family pet, lol.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
77Herford said:
elevan said:
B and I have been discussing life and death, pet and meat...how to separate the 2. Why are we discussing this? Because he wants to refer to the turkey in the fridge and freezer as Tom and Henny. :/ So this is what I came up with to tell him: "When an animal with a name goes to the processor, their name goes to heaven with their soul and then we are only left with meat." His response was: "So, now they're just Turkey? And T-Bone will be just meat?" Yep. Guess, I passed this test.

Even though we named T-Bone a food name and Tom and Henny were gender descriptions this discussion was important because one of the roosters who went in the freezer had a pet name.
So your saying if I ever see him not to mention that he ate the family pet, lol.
He's not upset by it by any means. In fact he's ready to go out and add more of them to the freezer :rolleyes: It was the referring to what's in the fridge by it's name thing that we had to deal with. You see it appears that B's teacher is a vegetarian and B has enough trouble in school...so I'm trying to help him understand that while certain things are perfectly acceptable not every person is ok with it and that we should be sensitive of others feelings when they don't believe as we do or eat as we do.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Just got home a little while ago from Tractor Supply. Picked up a 100' roll of woven fencing and some t-posts. I've got to get a pen built around the old chicken coop that is being converted to house a breeding pair of goats for the winter. But as soon as we got home it started raining...so it'll wait for tomorrow to get unloaded and built.

Stupid dog behind us lost interest after the horse almost kicked it in the head this morning. But it was kind of funny (looking back) that I had 3 guardian animals and I didn't even know it (the llama, the calf and the shetland/ mini x horse).

Boingo, my Basenji isn't feeling well. Poor guy has a subnormal temperature and is cold. It's not too low but I've got him in a sweater and under a blanket and he's now comfy. Poor guy.

I'm pondering what's for dinner tonight and also considering making some oreo truffles.


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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Good idea.

You make oreo truffles, and I make coffee. We will meet somewhere in the middle, eat truffles, drink coffee and giggle.

Yup. You like hazelnut in your coffee or would you rather have it plain?

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
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Dardanelle, Arkansas
What are Oreo Truffles?

Hope your dog makes it.

How is B doing with his Vegetarian Teacher?

For that matter, how is she doing? I thought about that for a while. After the turkey part of your discussion, I realized she may be having a time dealing with the whole Thanksgiving thing. While it's not OK to impose her issues on the kids, I wonder if she has some trauma issues around the whole meat as food thing.

I have a really good friend who is Vegan (for ethical reasons) and she is the sweetest young lady. She never imposes her values on me.

But since she's having health issues around her Vegan diet, her doctor said she HAD to start drinking milk and eating cheese and eggs. SO I taught her about goat dairy farming and introduced her to the concept that goat dairy farmers are very humane with their animals and she started to accept that it was not the big Moral issue that she had been thinking it was. She met my goats, saw that they were nursing their kids and giving me milk. I let her milk my goats and introduced her to my one goat who refused to feed her babies and had to be milked so her kids could be fed. She also met my neighbors who collected eggs and saw that they didn't "rob" their chickens of eggs and raise them in cages. She started drinking goats milk and eating eggs. She is now lacto/ovo vegetarian. I make cheese for her from vegetable rennet. She will probably never, ever eat meat. But that's OK. She also would never go someplace and scold another human being for selling meat goats either. AND if an animal was suffering she wouldn't hesitate to see that it was euthanized.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
RTG - HATE Coffee, LOVE Tea

Queen Mum - Oreo truffles are a simple candy...take a bag of Oreos and crush them in the food processor, then add 8 oz of cream cheese, then roll into balls, then coat in white chocolate. Freeze for 15 minutes then move to the fridge. Absolutely yummy!

Vegetarian teacher...I would think that being surrounding by meat eaters that you should develop a thick skin. I completely get educating others to your way of thought but imposition of your view point upon impressionable children burns me up.

B has been doing slightly better. While he hasn't gotten a green card yet, he is staying in the yellow / orange category which is just warnings (no lost privileges). He's only in school this week on Monday and Tuesday and has been told that if he's green both days then he can go to CiCi's Pizza next weekend...they have Mac & Cheese Pizza, his fave.

Golly, as I'm typing this B is looking through my Valley Vet catalog. And is campaigning for his own cow and billy goat. His plan is to have the cow have babies and the billy goat will be the dad and they will have pigs as babies. :lol: The imagination of a 5 year old! :p


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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geesh Elevan.

gonna dream about oreo truffles tonight.

Love coffee hate tea (if its hot)

B is right. The mac-cheese pizza ROCKS!

I like his farm plan. He is unique. We would get along well.