Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
It wasn't near as nice today, mostly cloudy, but not terribly cold. Temps got up to 44, and no wind so very bearable. I went up to check on some cows, and bring in the mail for the owners that are away. Had to go to my sons' ; he went out with some friends last night for awhile, for supper as it was one of their birthdays, and thinks he got food poisoning. He hasn't been able to keep anything down. I went and got him some ginger ale and crackers, and some TUMS for the heartburn and sour stomach. He was fine yesterday so I don't think he got a bug like that, that quick. Hope he feels better tomorrow as we have to feed hay to several pastures. Calling for rain on Monday, so really want to get it out tomorrow so we aren't tearing up the fields. I have to test on Monday afternoon.... then nothing else scheduled. It is also calling for warm temps for the rest of the week, and I want to clean out the little truck, get all the meters back in the plastic "totes" that I keep them in and have the truck bed empty for a few days. There are leaves and some junk that needs to be cleaned out from under the tool box on the back. Got several bags to go to the dumpsters, and some recycleables too.

Bought a new shower head that you can take off the bracket, going to put it in one day soon and try it out. And since it is supposed to be so nice, I think I will get the blankets finally washed. They will be able to be out on the line and dry if it is as nice as they say. And they will smell so nice.

Traffic was pretty thick when I went to Walmart for the ginger ale and tums and got a few other odds and ends but there were too many people. Not going to do much for Christmas as far as gifts go for Michael..... got him a couple of Steam Train DVD's and a nice train book. He likes his model trains, but hasn't been doing much with them or the train club he is a member of. There isn't much he needs, and it is hard when we go get what we need when we need it. I am going to some friends' on Christmas. The husband and wife used to milk on a farm I tested, then the farm sold out, they went to another farm. Jimmy would call me nearly everyday when they finally left there and "retired" then he passed away over a year ago. I try to call Patsy every few months, she's not much on phone calling like he was, but still like to keep up with things. They were about 10 yrs older than me. The 3 daughters call me their "other sister"..... usually they have a "chinese christmas" thing, but the son-in-laws' mother is in her late 90's and they are taking care of her full time so it will be a quiet year. My son is probably going over to another friend's for dinner, I've gone in the past, but feel like I would rather go to Patsy's this year. The one sil has had a bout with leukemia, he is a welder. The one grand daughter has developed severe allergies to almost everything and has been in and out of the hospital....she was going to WVA university to be a forensic pathologist but that is put on indefinite hold. She has been in and out of the hospital and it has been a nightmare for them.

So when I think things get tough here, I stop and think that it could be worse. My family in NH is what it is, and I sent a couple of "food gifts" because there sure isn't anything they need. I will talk to my other brother and my sister sometime but we don't make a big deal anymore with everyone being so scattered. Families get so fractured with all the moving away for work and such nowadays. I miss some of the traditions that have fallen by the wayside the past few years. My mom's dementia and parkinsons' has really taken the heart out of the family. And all the "kids " have grown up and gone their separate ways. That's the way it goes.

I hope everyone has a nice Holiday, regardless of how you celebrate it. Wishing for all to have a peaceful, and Blessed day.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Or burn it out or get out the chainsaw and cut it off??
Too many rocks/limestone ledge to even attempt to use the saw close to the ground; and there is too much "litter".... leaves and such in the area, to burn. It is a rented place, so not going to put alot into it. We are doing fencing for some of the rent. One of these days, will drive over it with the big tractor wheel and it will dislodge it enough to get it out.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Monday and cloudy and dreary out. Was 31, up to 41 now, and supposed to get a bit warmer. There is a slight chance of showers, but mostly just cloudy. Looks like the showers might hit @Mini Horses as it stays along the NC/VA border and heads sorta east. NC getting it again. They have had their share in the past couple of years.
No chance of a white Christmas this year but that is okay with me.

Looking like sun tomorrow, but then more clouds than sun the rest of the week.... but it depends who you listen to/look at. Temps are going to be warmer though, 50's and low 60's. Doesn't look like a very good week to do the blankets after all... maybe I will get them done tomorrow as I know the laundromat will be closed on Christmas; we will see.

Going to test a farm early this afternoon then nothing else by the looks of it all week. That's okay too. I want to get the truck bed cleaned out after todays test and put the meters away for a week. Have several bags to drop at the dumpsters on my way today, and then have some recycleables that I will probably take tomorrow if I go in that direction.

Pretty quiet here, I need to go check cows on my way to test so better get things loaded up so I can go.


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Have you considered buying a stump bucket? I don't know how many stumps or rocks you need to move, but if it is a sizeable number you might consider it. I decided to order one (Titan Attachments) which is supposed to arrive today. I'll let you know how it works out.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
The stump bucket sounds interesting for someone that has only 1 piece of equipment and wants it to be versatile. We have a backhoe that was my brothers and it is still useable. Have buckets for all the tractors that have front end arms for attachments. It's just one of those things that I should have been paying more attention to where I was and to how I turned the wheel. I guess that the reason I mentioned it was to let everyone know I do "stupid things" too!!!! And to realize it could have been alot worse and it didn't cost me any money to fix at least.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Well, for a day that started out "eh" it turned into a right nice day. Sun came out, some high clouds, but it warmed up and was nice. My recording thermometer said 70 in the sun when I got home to see it. Of course it has been dropping off fast since the sun went down and is already down to 36 but it is after 10 pm. Maybe got a sprinkle here at my house, I was 40 miles north at the farm, but not enough to make a difference I don't think by the looks of it.

Testing went okay, they are milking more than normal here.... up to 210 from an average of 195. Those extra 15 cows just seem like you are never going to get done. But it is done and the samples will get shipped out although it will be at least Thurs or Fri before they get there and get tested.

Latest weather looks like sun Tues and Wed and temps staying up during the day for the week. I think I am going to make a quick trip tomorrow morning and get the blankets done and do any other laundry I have here to get ahead. I have a couple other extra blankets to use if for some reason they don't get dry. Good excuse to get the heated mattress pad put on the bed too. My knees have been aching and that heat at night really seems to help. I turn it on when I get home from work, and then whenever I go to bed, turn it off. Gets the bed nice and warm and I don't get too warm overnight. Just hadn't gotten it on the mattress yet.

Don't know if we are going to get some panels moved tomorrow and then maybe get the one group of (12?) cows and calves moved home on Thurs or Fri. They need preg check and the calves need weaned. Then have to get the other group of 10-12 out of the other place and they nedd to be checked and calves weaned too. Might wait to get the vet for both groups together. Sure would like to do it while it is so comfortable out.

Guess I am going to go get a shower and get some sleep so I can get up fairly early and go get done so the blankets have all day to dry. Sounds like a plan.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
We all do some dumb things. I was thinking about Latestarter today.....he sure kept me laughing telling on himself and the dumb things he did. :flypig It just doesn't seem right, I should be calling him up, inviting him over for lunch.

Yeah, I was thinking about him the other day. Ever hear anymore from the daughter or son? Did his place ever get sold?


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
No idea. His son and daughter didn't seem to have a clue what they needed to do, but knew that they didn't need any help from anyone. Son already knew everything, wish I was that smart. @Devonviolet and her husband more than did their part, keeping their promise to Joe. All we did was to show up with trailer, chase, catch goats and take them to the auction. DV and husband went every other day to feed and care for the animals, tried to help the kids, but got smacked down for their efforts. As soon as the animals were gone, their responsibilities ended and they gracefully extricated themselves from the whole thing.