Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yep, hard to deal with anyone that is that smart...... At least you, and especially @Devonviolet and her husband, can rest easy knowing that everything that was done, would have been more than appreciated by @Latestarter. Has DV sold her goats yet? Don't see much posting, wondering how they are doing....


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Yep, hard to deal with anyone that is that smart...... At least you, and especially @Devonviolet and her husband, can rest easy knowing that everything that was done, would have been more than appreciated by @Latestarter. Has DV sold her goats yet? Don't see much posting, wondering how they are doing....
We visited them today. She sold 2 goats to a couple with 5 kids and felt happy that the goats were going to a good home.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Haven't been on this journal for a few days, have answered a few other posts but been trying to get a few things done here.

Had a nice afternoon at my friends on Christmas. Nice to just sit and not have to worry about "having" to go get anything done.
Weather here has started out in the low 30's in the mornings then warming into the 50's and 60's during the day. Mostly sunny and nice out. A couple more days of it although more clouds coming in and then there will be rain and cooling off by Sunday it looks like. Oh well, for every warm day, it is one day closer to warmer weather in the spring.
Things have been moving along. Moved a group of cows home from pasture on Tuesday, weaned off the calves and preg checked. They got the panels set up at another pasture to get the cows and new fall calves in so the calves can be worked and then moved to permanent winter pasture and the bull put in so the cows can get bred back for next fall. Expect that to happen before the rain due on Sunday.

Got to get the chickens done up at my son's and fill feeder here for my few. Clothes out on the line in this nice weather. Got to take some stuff to the recycling center when I am out. I saw yesterday they had added another big dumpster up where the regular ones are, so that people didn't fill them to overflowing and the guys had to clean up all that spills over the sides.

So many here take down their trees right after Christmas and they are done. We always put ours up on Christmas eve, and left it up until Jan. 6th. The 12 days of Christmas thing. But we always used to do alot of visiting during the week between Christmas and New Years. It was a time for people to just spend with friends and family more. Now everyone is in such a rush to get to Christmas, then get it over and get to the next thing. I didn't do a tree, haven't for a few years, but still hate for everything to be in such a headlong rush to get to the next thing.
People where we have the cattle that I have been taking in their mail when they are gone, texted me and her mom, who they just went to see 2 weeks ago, wound up in the hospital, and the uncle that was not doing well has passed away. So they are headed to Ga to see her mom again, then to Al to the funeral. Feel bad for them. They have sure had to make alot of trips south. I think that her mom is going to be coming up to live up here with them before long, as I don't think that the brother does a very good job of checking on the mom and helping out much. She is 92 maybe? Tough when we start to get old !!!!


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Yep, hard to deal with anyone that is that smart...... At least you, and especially @Devonviolet and her husband, can rest easy knowing that everything that was done, would have been more than appreciated by @Latestarter. Has DV sold her goats yet? Don't see much posting, wondering how they are doing....
Yes, I miss Joe too. Every once in a while I wish I could give him a call. I got his LaMancha, April. She is a cross between lamantia and Nubian. She is a big, powerful goat, and my biggest challenge when it comes to doing maintenance. We did copper bolus, and hoof trimming, the other day. She was definitely a challenge to get I promised and and everything done. But I do love that goat, and since she came from Joe, she is a constant reminder of our friendship with him. :flypig


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Devonviolet , glad to see your post here. Hope that you had a nice and peaceful holiday. I imagine that April is a big goat. Are you still going to sell all the goats due to your allergies? Does it bother you to use the goat milk products? Any progress towards getting the gardens expanded for this year?


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Friday, 12/27. Up to 60 already at 1 pm. More cloudy than it has been, some sun showing through, and supposed to get some showers/rain over the weekend. Then sun again for several days but about 10 degrees cooler. Hey it is winter, I will take 50's anytime. Really getting to be a coldaphobic these last few years.
Going to head to the recycle center with some stuff, and stop at the dumpster so that all that "garbage" doesn't fly out the back of the truck on the way even though they have dumpsters there too. Making a bit of a dent in getting the house more "crutches" and ankle surgery friendly.
Not going to move any more cattle this week, so I will have a couple of days to really get some more done here. Water isn't freezing at night so will fill the 3 gal waterer for my chickens, to last a couple of days. Filled all the waterers at my sons yesterday in the nice afternoon so they will not need anything until tomorrow. No testing for the next couple of days so that is nice.
Yep @Mini Horses , it is getting easier and easier to like this not working......

My girlfriend just had her 2nd knee replaced and said that she is having more pain with this one than the last one. But I remember she had quite a bit with the last one. I think she doesn't remember it quite so well since after she got up and going, it was such a relief. Our retired vet friend is having his shoulder done in April.... All us OLD GEEZERS needing new parts..... :old :old:old;):th:hide:hide:hit:hit


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Went to the recycling center. Talked to the guy who mans it for the county. He said that there might not be much more recycling in the future because they can't find anywhere to sell it. So much was going to china and with their cheap labor, they were separating and reusing. Plus they are going to be picking up the dumpsters in the county that are free for people to use, and you will have to take it to these manned centers, even if all they are going to do is collect garbage.... or to the landfill. Which by the way is getting fuller and fuller. So once they pick up the dumpsters that are scattered around the county for the convenience of the residents, what is going to happen is people are going to just start dumping it along the sides of the back roads again. SOOOO stupid. Says it is a matter of manpower to have the guys with the trucks go get the stuff and they have to get out and pick up around the site when the dumpsters are overfilled and spill out. OH GEE let me play a violin for them. That's better than the mess they are going to have to contend with if there are no available dumpsters and the people start just chucking it out along back roads. Which they used to do and we have had some major cleanups in the past to get years of stuff out of ravines and gullies where people have just dumped stuff. Sometimes you wonder if there is any sense. At least people are making the effort to put it in the dumpsters now.

We had better get a handle on all the throwaway stuff that is in plastic in this country. I try to buy stuff that is in paper whenever I can. And buy less. At least all my own canning is in reused canning jars. GLASS is also a bit of a problem, but there are things that it is recycled/reused for. I can remember recycling it in the 1970's..... all the hippie craze and the "back to the land" phase . Used to have to take the little metal ring off the twist off top of the soft drink bottles that were glass because the metal ring would contaminate the load of glass.....


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
That is the same situation we had here years ago. People had burn barrels, when the barrels got full, they dumped them in a low spot as filler. When my kids were little, a new burn barrel meant that they got handed a 22 rifle and they got to shoot holes in the burn barrel so it would drain out the rain water. Talk about some fun! Then some counties had the big roll off dumpsters where people could take their trash for free. Finally enterprising people opened up garbage companies-pick up trucks with side boards and a trailer. Then that morphed into garbage trucks, side loaders where the driver operates controls inside the truck, an arm goes out, grabs the can, dumps it and sets it down. In our area, they use rear loaders, the driver has to get out at every can, get the can, take it to the back of the truck, tip it, then take the can back, get in the truck and drive to the next can.

On our place was 2 layers of trash. One layer was old, from over 60 years ago and contained bits of rusted away metal and broken glass from yesteryear, mostly canning jars and bits of colored glass, ancient car parts, even the twisted back end of an old Studebaker. The 2nd layer was new, from the lazy, nasty slobs who this place got repo'ed from. It contained everything from beer bottles and cans to toilet seats, carpet, shoes, toys, above ground pool parts, anything and everything that a family could consume and throw out.

Cool story, a batch of feeder hogs we had unearthed an old fashioned juice strainer, the glass kind where you twist a half orange over the pointed part and the juice collects in the tray below. It was starting to oxidize and didn't even have a chip on it. I gave it to a neighbor whose house stood on our land when he was a boy, figuring that it belonged to his mother, age 96, who still lives around the corner in the "better" house her husband built 60 years ago. Neighbor lives in a newer brick house built on inherited land from his father. That old glass juicer is now his prized possession.

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