Farmerjan's journal - Weather

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
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North central florida
So happy to read that you are back home and on the mend Jan.....there is nonthing better than being back in your own space and your own bed :hugs lots of movies and enjoy your peace and quiet my friend, you have earned it .


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I just watched a short Youtube video from "our Wyoming Life" and everyone needs to pass it on to every single "town friend". Bloomberg, you have no idea what it takes to be a farmer. It was good, short and to the point that the whole bunch of A$$HOLES like him, and all that think farming is so easy, really don't have a clue. Most on here get it, but if you have a minute. Watch it. Someone needs to take those like Bloomberg, and stuff a hot branding iron up their a$$$es.
Thank you Mike on Our Wyoming Life.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
So I got one, under $100,
No place to rent one? That is what my Dad did though I have no idea how much it cost to rent for a few weeks.

I am going to put the knee crutch together today and see how that works.
We'll just call you "pegleg" :D So glad you are home where it is quiet and the food will be the temp you want it, let the mending begin!


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I just watched a short Youtube video from "our Wyoming Life" and everyone needs to pass it on to every single "town friend". Bloomberg, you have no idea what it takes to be a farmer. It was good, short and to the point that the whole bunch of A$$HOLES like him, and all that think farming is so easy, really don't have a clue. Most on here get it, but if you have a minute. Watch it. Someone needs to take those like Bloomberg, and stuff a hot branding iron up their a$$$es.
Thank you Mike on Our Wyoming Life.
Watched that, did a little Googling:
"Later, he contrasts the nature of that work with that of the “information economy”: “[…] The information economy is fundamentally different because it’s built around replacing people with technology and the skill sets that you have to learn are how to think and analyze, and that is a whole degree level different. You have to have to have a different skill set, you have to have a lot more gray matter.”" source of the text

Yep, clueless. It takes a certain brain "design" to do software. I did it for 34 years and I know a lot of people who say they couldn't do it. By the same token, it takes a certain brain "design" for "artistic" work. I couldn't do it, my brain doesn't do that. And all of the other professions take a certain type of brain "design". A farmer has to be a Jack/Jill of all trades and it takes a certain brain "design" to be able to jump to each new "problem" that comes up and fix it. Can't call the "professional" and wait until they have time to come fix it while you cool your heels. Have to be a business(wo)man, run your business from the paper side and the dirt side.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Might have rented one from a medical supply that is 25 miles away.... then someone to take me, and it isn't covered by medicare. Don't know how long I would have it, at least 3 weeks or more, and that was 2/3 of the cost of the new one. Plus going to get it and take it back. Someone will need this somewhere down the road I am sure. Have already used it in the house, it was in only a couple of "pieces" to put together and went together in about 10 minutes. It will just make it easier since I really don't have to put on the boot just to go to the bathroom with it. They tell you to put the boot on anytime you are "up" but if I don't put the foot on the floor then I won't in the house, for just that.

Yeah, I also googled bloombergs little speech, and his attitude about how he could teach anyone to dig a hole, plant a seed cover it up and add some water and a corn plant comes up..... and all the parts you also mentioned @Bruce about his comments of more "grey matter" and all that. He's an idiot. I'd like to take any and all like him and let them support themselves totally by having nothing and growing their own food and all for a year. Give them the seeds and even some tools..... but let them see how easy it is.

One of the cna's at the rehab, the guy on the 3-11 shift that was very decent to me; we got into some discussions about gardening and all. He was one that thought that they would save all kinds of money and grow all this food and all. His girlfriend/partner and he, have had several gardens and have had all sorts of encounters with bugs and even more with deer eating the plants and such; so that they were doing all this work and getting nothing for it. I explained that a farmer plants 4 seeds to get the product of one..... one for the bugs, one for the varmints, one for God and one for the farmer to harvest. I'm sure I didn't say it right.... but you get the picture. I told this to Vance and he just looked at me and shook his head. I said that no one ever said it would be easy and if it was, everyone that gardened would overproduce and there would be so much food it would be free for all to just go pick and eat. He said that last eve when I said I was going home the next day, that he enjoyed our conversations and that he had learned alot about farming and gardening. I am glad if it gave him even a little more appreciation of farmers and gardeners what they do.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Plus that "first tomato" is really expensive when you have to get all the tools you need. Now he needs a 7' deer fence. Takes quite a long time to recover the startup costs even at the scale of a relatively small garden.

Dad had it easier with renting his scooter since there are places only a few miles from his home. I don't know his cost to rent vs buy.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Finally home, peace and quiet. Yes, having a bathroom attached to the master bedroom is very convenient, too bad yours is on the other end of the house. At least it isn't an outhouse. LOL

When my husband had surgeries, he couldn't call and set his own appointment with PT either. The PT place called him after they got orders from the hospital and set an appointment. The first one was about paperwork and time wasting stuff, after that, they got to working on him. LOL


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Well, home 2 days. I actually miss the tv for watching news and stuff. Oh well.

A couple of things that I can say are an absolute necessity. Having a bathroom adjacent to the bedroom is a necessity. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. If you think that you might need to make a trip, do it then. It takes too much energy and effort with something like this walking boot to put on, and trying maneuver with the knee scooter or crutches.... you can't do it fast if you decide you need to make a trip now. If there was an outhouse, there would be an inside pan under the bed or something!!!!!!!
Going through several doors is a pain. Since they have to be opened and closed due to the exposure to temp differences. Anyone that has something like a hip, knee or ankle or foot done, being in a room that is adjacent to other rooms where the temps are all the same so you don't have to constantly open and close doors behind you is pretty much a necessity too. This house is in 2 "sections" ; the main house is stone and the kitchen is a brick addition. No insulation in the kitchen walls. You cannot leave the door open from the "house" into the kitchen part, or I would be spending a fortune on heat and barely be able to keep it at 65. Did that the first year.
Then you go out the kitchen door, to the "porch", then into the bathroom. So 2 more doors in the space of 5 feet. You don't want to have to go through doors that you have to close and open.
And there are sills between each room here. So a bump to go into each room. Not much fun with the scooter as you have to really give it a push to get it over and you feel it in the knee.
Hardwood floors are preferable, or vinyl or tile or something flat and hard. There is carpet here, at least it is fairly smooth, with no pile depth. But it makes the scooter a little harder to push. Any throw rugs have to be moved so no tripping over them.

It's not too bad being alone except for the meals. No good way to take them from place to place with the crutches or the scooter. Standing to even put stuff in the oven, then getting it out is a PITA. It takes alot more energy than you think to make a meal. Even just heating something up. It would be nice to have someone who can cook.

Having something to drink closeby. Being alone means a trip to the fridge to have anything cold. Yes I keep water in bottles in the bedroom. Had a dorm size fridge in the room in rehab and it was close and handy to get something and just be able to toss it over to the bed or just turn around and put it on the recliner then be able to move it from there to the table next to the bed. I tried to anticipate things, but these are things you don't always think of. A dorm size fridge would have been on my list of have to haves here by myself.

Raised seat for the toilet is a life saver as it makes it easy to get up and down without putting much pressure on the ankle.

In actuality, the wheelchair was great for getting to the bathroom and it has a "zero turn" whereas the knee scooter does not. Scooter is okay but I am not thrilled by it. Chair allows you to put leg up without putting pressure on the other leg. You can turn and sit on the scooter so not the worst thing, but not comfortable for long. The knee out behind means for allowances for getting around too. You forget it sticks out.
Just some hints for anyone (@Baymule) anticipating future surgery.