Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Had thunder and lightning storms last night and rain. This morning it is sunny and very breezy. Chilly compared to yesterday, at least a 20 degree drop. Supposed to get down below freezing the next 2 nights again. Absolutely crazy weather for "winter time". The climbing rose by the window is actually showing some green leaves starting to come out. I haven't looked at the peach trees yet. Not good.

My son said that the cows are going through hay like crazy. Sold about 20 feeders, last week, got another 50 to go in the next couple of weeks. Won't have much hay left over this year since we kept all these calves after weaning. Silage will barely last. Don't think that we are going to do things this way next year. But who knows. Since they have just opened up the US to allow importation of live beef from South America Brazil, , which has been closed for the past several years, it will hurt our prices and we might just keep decreasing our cattle numbers. This up and down weather hurts weight gain, and more chances for pneumonia and respiratory problems.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
One thing this doublewide has going for it is a nice big bathroom adjacent to the master bedroom. It has a stand up shower and a big garden tub. We also have adjustable beds and those are really nice. When I brought BJ home after having heart surgery, I brought the head of the bed up, sat him down, put his feet on the bed and he used the remote to lower his back to a comfortable level.
BJ is a pretty good nurse and the very few times I have been sick enough to stay in bed, he waited on me.

I wish you had someone there to help you. It's tough to be by yourself when you are recovering from surgery. At least you will be better prepared for your knee surgery. Maybe a microwave along with the dorm refrigerator? I hope you can move before your next surgery. A bathroom actually part of the house would be nice.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
News is about the most I watch on my (lke yours) OLD, dying TV. But, if bed rest is needed, the noise of it is often welcome. Mine is only 20 y/o, so I have built in DVD & CD ability. It was top of the line when bought. LOL Sure the efforts are a PIA -- especially when you are used to buzzing along quickly without issue -- but, you will adapt in a few days. Grudgingly but, adapt. So if you can sit on the scooter, take that to the kitchen, sit and open the oven, etc.., then stand. Maybe?

I'm thinking a lot of premade, MW meals would have been good planning. I like my coffee hot but, water I prefer at just cooler than room temp -- unless outside in 90 temps! Then cold water.

You probably have another week of "awh crap" and then you will be doing better. But it is good to hear what things are NOT thought about before an op of this nature. Nothing like experience! At least your son had 2 women waiting on him. RFLOL

We are having that same CRAZY weather here. Wake up and it's 50 -- high temp for the day. WTH? It's 35 going to bed and 28 at next morning get up! At least you have all that hay you are feeding (not to say it was free or no work!!), I have to go get mine -- and yes, these goats are eating way, way more than usual. Hurting me with cost. I get mine from a source that has trailer loads brought in from PA & NY, so she watches out for my supply LOL. A trailer load is coming today, in fact & I will go there late afternoon. I can get & store a week or 2 at a time (only 7 miles from me). She will hold back from others if running low. Yeah, friends are good!! LOL

Won't be long before you are outside walking and telling us how good the new ankle is functioning!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I did some premade meals, and have some other frozen stuff that can come out and go in convection oven. But transferring from oven to even the table is difficult. Heated water for instant cocoa, no problem, filled cup, mixed, then realized that there was no way I could take it with me to the bedroom.... GRRRRR. It's stuff like that. Yeah, I am on week 2 so allowed 50 lbs pressure on ankle, and I am sure that I have done that much. But you still have to carry stuff. I do have a small, plastic, 1 gal bucket with handle that has become handy with the crutches. At least for bottled things with tight lids. Have put milk in a pint canning jar and can screw the lid on so no spillage. Nights have been in the 28-32 degree range, so can leave stuff right outside the door into the porch to stay cold; the entry door is close to the bedroom, and the porch runs the length of the house, so don't have to go all the way through the house to the fridge for everything.
Got the knee crutch together and am trying it out. Definitely is great for the hands free; a little awkward yet but hope that I will get it mastered. They say to learn on it in a long hallway so that you get a rhythm of walking normally so you don't favor that leg because you are not putting weight on the foot but actually walking using the thigh muscles like you would do any other time. Don't have the "hallway" or any stretch of flat distance to try to figure it out. But you can use your hands for other stuff if you have good balance on it. I am going to try it in the food making process, with the crutches nearby, in case I feel like I am losing my balance. The knee is up and behind you exactly like on the scooter, so the sensations are the same that way. It does away with the scooter being in the way. Just the placing of the "pegleg" to get mastered. It is a pain to put on, strapping it to the thigh and knee, and not easy to sit. It has to come off to sit down.... but I think that I will be able to utilize it once I get the balancing.

Cold windy here today. Had some rain last night. Barely hit 40 after 30 last night. Supposed to be a little colder tonight. Been able to go out and feed the cats using another 2 gal bucket with the crutches and will be going out to do the chickens. Water is going to be the trick with them. They had a full water fountain and it hasn't been cold enough to really freeze it just a skim of ice. They are out in the sun so it hasn't been a problem for them yet. Feed is right next to their house so I can do that. We will see if I get a water bath trying to carry water in the bucket with the crutches. Don't want to do the knee crutch with them right off until I get the balance right, as the ground is not "flat". Not like the floors in the house.

Michael left for NH this morning with the friend that is going up to see his dad. He will be home Monday eve he said. Got the sister of the former gf, that has been helping him, doing his chickens at his house the next couple of days and the other friend going to feed some grain in the barn. He filled all the feeders/bunks with silage and fed double hay to all the fields the past 2 days so they will be okay til he gets back. Plus rocky can feed if he needs to. I sure can't do much there to help. He will really have alot of feeding to do when he gets back to get them all caught up and back on a schedule so he can feed some places one day and other places the next day. Oh well.

Been sitting at the desk for a bit so am going to go and put the foot/ankle up for a bit then go outside to do the cats and chickens.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I am hoping that at the next dr appt that they will be able to remove all the stitches, and that I will be in the walking boot with no crutches so yeah, some of this is really kind of overkill. I was preparing for the fusion of the "sub" joint, below the replacement, and the no weight bearing for 8 weeks when I got all these things in order to comply with that.

Did the chickens and cats today. Water is not easy, but I managed it with the crutches. I am really more proficient with them than anything. Hate the walker and haven't used it since I was moved to the private room and could use the wheelchair for trips to the adjacent bathroom. I feel too constricted with the walker and since there are 2 wheels on it, I am always afraid that it will move whereas the crutches I can readjust their position very quickly. I can't agree with the assessment that the walker is more stable. Maybe if it was one that didn't have wheels on the front. Doesn't matter, I don't plan on using it anymore.
The knee scooter has made my shin very tender. It is bruised looking and I think it is irritation from being on the "padded" knee/leg rest. There isn't much padding there and it is rather "hard". I am getting a piece of foam to put on it. For now I am using a pillow to soften the pressure overall and it definitely helps.
Even if they still have me on the crutches some, I am getting around much better with them. Except for the carrying.....
The knee crutch is putting the same pressure on the shin/leg/knee as the scooter. Need that foam for it too.

Started out cold this morning. 28 and up to 39 and sunny but the wind is blowing and so very chilly out there. Still, pretty normal temps for March. Had rain again last night, cloudy early that has cleared off. Not much snow all this winter but that one we had a few weeks ago. Nice that the days are getting longer.

Maple Festival coming up here in Highland County, Va the next 2 weekends. Hope my son is agreeable to taking me with the crutches. Just would like to get out a bit. Maybe the knee scooter would be workable for that to do some of the different craft booths and such at the high school gym and get a good breakfast of pancakes too.


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
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western Arkansas
Miss @farmerjan,

Just caught back up. As I mentioned on my journal, BYH had not notified of any posting on your journal, so I had not read anything since Feb 20. But now I am caught up. I am so happy for you!

Reading about your knee crutch made me think of the below. I hope you enjoy it.

Senile Texas Aggie