Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Idaho panhandle 48th parallel
Miss @farmerjan,

Just caught back up. As I mentioned on my journal, BYH had not notified of any posting on your journal, so I had not read anything since Feb 20. But now I am caught up. I am so happy for you!

Reading about your knee crutch made me think of the below. I hope you enjoy it.

Senile Texas Aggie

We used to watch all the old Pink Panther movies. Sometimes our family conversations are riddled with quotes and references.
We crack ourselves up. But we are also easily amused.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Been trying to take it easy for the past couple days. Today it started out at 40* up to 70* . Cloudy and rainy this morning then partial clearing this afternoon. May be a few more showers this eve then windy they say. I finally decided that "washing" just wasn't enough. So I got a bag for the ankle, taped it up tight, put the flat "shower seat" on the tub and took a shower sitting. It was heaven. Used all the hot water just soaking it all up after getting soaped and rinsed. The ankle stayed perfectly dry so that was a big plus . The flat "board" that goes across the top of the tub worked perfectly for my claw foot tub. Didn't get any water on the floor or outside the curtains so no mess to cleanup. The seat/board has 4 small legs that stick down and can be adjusted to hold it tight against the inside of the tub so it sits perfectly on top and doesn't move. I am VERY TICKLED that I got it. It is also at a good height off the floor with the tub being taller than most regular tubs. Even after I get the okay to get the foot wet, I will probably use it until I am walking well on the ankle since it gives me a place to sit for a minute if the leg get tired. My "good leg" gets tired from holding the majority of my weight when up on the crutches and even on the scooter.

I also got a cover and extra foam piece today for the scooter and it makes a big difference with the walking boot as there is alot of hard plastic there that has no give. I am hoping that this will help the soreness in the shin. Cover is washable too.

I was going to attempt washing my hair and just didn't see how I could do it holding the shower thing in one hand and all that. So, I am going down to our local salon tomorrow and getting "pampered" a bit, and getting it washed. Talked to the one girl today and come to find out she had her hip replaced about 8-9 weeks ago and said she knows exactly how I feel. That makes me feel even better. Was going to get my girlfriend up the road to take me but she can't tomorrow, so I will drive down there myself. It is about 6-8 miles and pretty much all back roads too, so I don't feel like it will be a problem.

Tomorrow night I am going to the dinner our new cattle assn is having. Michael is coming to get me. Then I think I will be staying at his house as we are going to go test the big 500+ cow herd Thursday morning. I am going to take all the stuff I need to get the samples packed as soon as we get done, so we can drop them off on the way home. The state grader is coming to look at and grade the calves at the barn that we are going to put in the sale on the 23rd with this assoc. . That will also tell us what we have that don't make grade, maybe too short or not enough muscling or whatever, and then we can get them sold at our local sale. With this whole coronavirus thing and the stock market dropping, the feeder cattle prices have also dropped about $2-10 per 100 lbs so that is going to hurt. We may hold some a little longer if we have the feed, just to see if the market comes back up. It shouldn't be affecting us this much, but the 4 big packing companies are controlling the prices and they dropped what they will allow for their beef purchases, and it comes back on the little guy. You won't see the prices come down any in the stores though. If there is any way anyone can buy from a local farmer, please support them. These 4 big packers are now in control of nearly 85% of the beef that is sold in the US. They are trying to take it the way of the poultry and hog industry where it will all be controlled by them from start to finish. This is really getting scary for the average person in this country that just doesn't get it with their food supply. JBS is one of the most crooked ones, and they have outright admitted to bribery and extortion in Brazil, yet they now have a major foothold in the US also.
Just got a short fast hard shower and the sky is dark, not just from it being night time, so we might get another one. Time to eat something and go put this ankle back up for the night.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Michael and Geneva will be doing all the sample taking at the farm on Thursday. I cannot even imagine trying to do it. I will be waiting until after the appt on the 12th to see if I can walk without the crutches before anyone else even gets a possible thought of testing.
I am working alot slower at everything. I get tired pretty easy still.


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
Reaction score
Michael and Geneva will be doing all the sample taking at the farm on Thursday. I cannot even imagine trying to do it. I will be waiting until after the appt on the 12th to see if I can walk without the crutches before anyone else even gets a possible thought of testing.
I am working alot slower at everything. I get tired pretty easy still.
Understandable!! Geez lady you just had major ankle surgery, not a tooth pulled! :lol: