Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Easter Sunday night. Nice day out sunny and warmer, light breeze. Was not a bad day. Got invited to GF parents house for dinner, last minute but I said okay. Ham was very good, plenty to eat. I did make it a point to thank the father for coming and doing the trees with his machine yesterday, and her mom for the dinner. The 3 kids did an egg hunt, and then they played outside in the nice weather. The little boy is nearly 18 months and never stops. the sister's kids spent more time with me than the gf daughter, so whatever.
DS called me about 4:30 this afternoon.... had a calf he tagged on friday, that was hollering for a cow and no one claiming it. Wanted to know if I had any milk replacer and a bottle. Had to go to the rental for the bottle.... hadn't gotten that moved yet but now it is here at the house. He thought that maybe #10 had it as she licked it then walked off. Said it was trying to suck any cow near it. So, we got her and the calf into the barn, then into the chute, and I could not feel a calf in her, so we kept her in the chute so the calf could get a good nursing. She is a 1st calf heifer... sometimes they aren't too "with it". Of course she is my heifer.... So she was fine with it nursing while in the chute, so I will bring her in, for a couple of days with it til she figures it out. If for some reason, she has not calved and still has one in her, then she will have to raise both. She is half dairy, and has a nice udder so will be able to feed two. I thought I felt a calf, then thought it was just her rumen.... she is fully uddered up and had milk so if she winds up with a new one... then someone else in the field is not mothering up.... and will get sold. I am pretty sure after a little bit that she has already calved. She will go out in the little field/lot with 801 and her calf if she lets it nurse on it's own in a couple days to make sure they are bonded... then go to the nurse cow field.

I got half the stuff on the front porch moved and the island thing from the kitchen out of the house on the porch to go ....somewhere..... did a sink full of dishes, got the laundry together... the coveralls that I want to take to the laundromat in the big machine and the barn clothes and do them all at once, moved a few things in the DR but since I got called for the cow and calf situation, didn't do alot more.

I am going to take the weed eater to some stuff coming up in front of the house along the porch, and chop it down to the ground, then put some of the mulch chips there to stop all the weed growth. Got some weedy stuff, around the maple in front that I want to get cleaned up and mulched too. I did splurge the other day and buy some lily of the valley roots to plant around the tree.... both pink and white. They make a nice "ground cover" and like the shadiness, ande send out runners and spread, so will hopefully do good around the base of the tree. Also bought a few gladiolus bulbs to plant and some Dahlias.... I see that the peonies that I moved last year are coming up in the 2 big tubs I put them in because I was not sure where I wanted them . The irises that I moved and the few double daffodil bulbs I planted are up. The daffodils bloomed and the irises are growing. Got to get them mulched too.... there are already some weeds in that corner. No, flowers are not "important" but I just liked them and it won't take that long to get some of them put in the ground.
Got to see about getting the garden plowed/tilled so it is ready when I can get into it....

So I am going to work on the rest of the stuff in the DR where I want to put some of the boxes.... get a few things moved upstairs into the walk in attic storage, and get it situated for the room full of boxes that I wanted to have in a storage pod thing for easier access.... but can go up there for now. Got to figure out where the fish tanks will go for the summer.... maybe I can get a few set up later this year so they will be there by the time I get the knees done... and I can enjoy them.
Planned to move stuff out of the one freezer today, but things got changed, so that is a priority for me to do tomorrow...
Did take GF mom a couple of chickens out of the freezer since I didn't take any food as a contribution.... not like there aren't more than enough... and might get some more left behinds in the next week or 2.

Got a farm scheduled for Tuesday morning... no set up so not a big deal. They start around 4:45 a.m. so I will have to leave by 3:45.... but it's only 100 cows and they milk fairly fast so won't kill me... I won't get much time to set even between groups so will ache... but will be done and out of there around 7-7:30 .... Dentist appt @ 8 on Wed morning, and PT @ 8:30 on Friday morning.....then another 100 cow farm for Sunday morning @ 5 a.m........

Good week to be working here with the temps being in the upper 60's -low 70's... DS said he wants/needs to get the rest of the litter and all other fertilizer on the fields this week as the grass is growing... Showers again the end of the week/weekend......
Thinking they might be wanting to do the "heavier moving" in another week-10 days. So I want to be getting things here ready for all that....Hence the getting the DR stuff moved and space made, and the LR is basically ready for the couch, desk, corner hutch, coffee table that I want to put the flat screen TV on for now......just need to move over a couple of boxes where the couch will go....all stuff out of the desk and from the computer desk area.... and then the BR where I will put the bed... just a jumble of stuff in here... some clothes to be put away... an extra chair hour or 2 of straightening up....been just sticking stuff in here that I haven't decided where it will go....and not wanting to clutter the LR until I get the desk and all in there and can ORGANIZE....
Plus the freezers will need to be moved....but I want to have at least 2 of them emptied and the stuff combined and organized if they move at least 2, than the rest of the stuff can be moved here and then they can bring the other 2 up. Will need them for the chickens that are still in the freezer at the fairgrounds that need to come here.

Oh and DS said, there are a couple of the fruit trees starting to bloom at the other property... so if I need to go mark them or anything so they can get moved this fall....That's good. I will go mark them so I can plant peaches near peaches here and keep each type fruit somewhat close to it's own kind for better pollination....

Time to go down the hill.... oh and I remembered that I never moved that other rose bush, so I will try to remember to get it in the next couple of days. Thought of it when we were getting the peach trees.

Getting motivated again.... I think it is the nicer weather... And having most everything else paid off, the major boxwoods/mess done, and a little money in the bank has motivated me to want to not be spending another months rent. I want to be in one place, tired of all the moving stuff. Much as I hate the traffic & noise....fences will be a serious consideration this summer/fall..... plus thinking about the wood burning furnace project and costs this summer....


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I have a clear picture of you in YOUR OWN HOME very soon. It is all coming together for you.
Poor little calf, it just wants a Mommy and something to eat.
Nice of you to give the GFs mom the chickens, I know she appreciated it.


Herd Master
May 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hamilton County, north of Indianapolis
Got the surprise of my life..... DS called and said that GF father called and said that he had time to come down and dig the peach trees. Yes it is the worst time of the year for that because they are budded out and even a few flowers opened.... but it was that or not going to get moved. He used the bucket backhoe on the loader and scooped them right out, pretty much roots intact, and DS had brought the dump truck with some dirt to put back in the holes
What an awesome gift!!


Herd Master
May 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hamilton County, north of Indianapolis
No, flowers are not "important" but I just liked them and it won't take that long to get some of them put in the ground.
Flowers are like tropical fish. If you enjoy them, they are worth the little bit of trouble they take. Then you get to look at them and they make you happy. 😊


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Just a quick post. Got up and went to test @ 3:30 a.m...... left there about 7:30.... Stopped at Burger King and got the 2 for $4 croissants because stomach was growling. Went by the feed store to get a couple bags of sweet feed for the picky cow in the barn that I am trying to get to take this calf. Spent some time just talking and catching up with the one girl in there (well, 50 yr old "girl) and then came down. Got the cow in the barn, calf on her, he is not very enthusiastic/aggressive.... manure looks very good, but he doesn't go for her very strongly. She ate some, he nursed some and then acted not interested. I finally turned her out and put him back in the alley side. I am going to give him a vit B shot to try to stimulate his appetite.... She is not showing any sign of mothering.....GRRRRR.

Just made a sandwich, going to get the samples packed. Want to get the clothes off the line too. Washed all the insulated overalls, jeans, heavy sweatshirts, etc... yesterday and got them hung out. Time to put them away....
I will get the samples dropped off then go down the hill and get a load of stuff to bring up. I didn't sleep very well last night so not running on all cylinders... but want to get some stuff done.. I need to spend a little time looking at a pull behind cart/wagon for the lawn tractor... oh yeah, I see it has a flat front tire so have to get that off and get it taken down to the co-op and get it fixed. Might try the air tank first.... but it will have to be fixed if it goes flat again. FUN....

Beautiful weather... chilly 38 or so this morning, sun came out and warmed up nice. Real nice yesterday, a few more high clouds today but mostly sun. Same tomorrow. Have a regualr dentist cleaning tomorrow morning, so might go by Lowes on the way home and see if they have some sort of pull behind dump cart for the lawn mower tractor... to move mulch around and all. Ought to look online this evening, at what is available. But seeing it in person is definitely better than a picture... Also ought to check TSC, and Rural King next time we are down there.
Going to soak the peach trees again today too. Will go by the field there, where the other ones are, and see what is blooming so I can mark them ....make sure what is where so I can transplant them here. There are a few that I thought were dead last fall... will be able to be sure this year if they leaf out....

Time to get some more stuff done here.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Sure don't want to accidentally move the dead ones! lol Summer 2022 you will be canning peaches again.

I am so excited for you that DS, GF, and her family are going to help you finally move out of the rental! It is going to make life so much easier for you to have everything in one place and not have to run back and forth. Maybe you will have some time to actually rest! On the other hand, knowing you you will use that time to take n another project!!!

Flowers may not be as important as food crops, but they certainly brighten the day for us and are wonderful to pick and bring inside. I always feel happier when I have a bouquet on the table. Like a hug from the outdoors. :hugs At our old house I had roses, camellias, Spanish hyacinth, bougainvilla, hibiscus, etc., and would plant zinnias for summer long picking flowers. Having flowers inside was a real pick me up. I am glad that your peonies survived the move. They will be happy in their pots until you decide where in the garden they will go.

What other fruit trees are available to be moved? It would be nice to have a good selection. They also look so beautiful when they flower and again when the fruit ripens - before the overripe stuff falls off and attracts flies. LOL That is when you put feeder pigs into the orchard to eat the fallen fruit and grubs that want to winter over in the soil. Chickens or guineas will do the job too. Since you have chickens, you can let them into the orchard once you have finished picking.

DD1 has a bunch of fruit trees at her new house. She had bumper crops early in the season but lost all the apricots, cherries, and even grapes to squirrels, birds, etc. She is olanning to buy some tree nets for the birds and we will loan our Squirrelinator and Ratinator to prevent depredation from those creatures. She said she doesn't know how to dispose of them though. I told her to let DSIL shoot them. She didn't like the idea. The Ratinators come with a tub to drown them in while still in the cage. DH told her he would bring over a large tank to use to drown the squirrels in the cage. She didn't like the idea of killing them herself, but wants the fruit, so . . . .

I hope to plant plums, apricots, apples (low chill), and nectarines when we move. I don't think lemons, oranges, or figs will survive Texas winters. But I suppose some types of berries will grow and survive. I will have to fence them off very carefully from the hogs. I shouldn't be getting excited again about buying a place in Texas until this escrow finally closes - but can't seem to help it. :weee

Someone smack me upside the head! :smack Thanks!


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
BYW, DS3 bought a black feeder calf. 450 lbs. Short legs, thick body. Fairly calm. The seller is knowledgeable about cattle and sells to a lot of 4-H and FFA kids. He told DS3 to call him if he needed help. Sounds like a good resource. The seller said that if he raises it right it should do well in a Fair. Not sure how long DS3 plans to hold it since he doesn't have much pasture but it is a good opportunity for him to work on it with his 2 boys. They are not in 4-H yet since Covid put all 4-H on hold for the past year. Seller gave it a shot of antibiotics before he left to avoid any stress diseases.

I told him not to take the calf out of the trailer for 3 days, just feed and water it in the trailer to get it used to people being close. Rake out the trailer. Told him to build a small pen for it - 12x12 or 12x 20 at first. His smallest fenced corral is 25 x 100 and I told him that it would not tame down the calf if he had to chase it all over the field! I also told him to put a halter on the calf with a lead rope and leave the lead rope trailing in the pen. That way when the calf steps on the rope he will teach himself to stop with pressure on the halter. This is all stuff that was told and shown to me to do when training a calf. Hope it works. We never had any pasture grown calves - all ours were dairy and raised on bottles so halter trained from birth.

Once the calf learns to come in for grain and hay, the halter can come off. DS3 is super excited about raising his own beef. I didn't have the heart to tell him how much he would spend raising it himself. $$$$$ 🤫 He only has 5 acres and half of that is huge horse corrals, house, barns, Connexes. DS3 can afford the hay, and has a feed mill near him where he can get good quality feed. He will enjoy the experience with his kids. I told him when the family comes up this summer, all the men can go down and spend an hour or so hanging on the corral bars admiring his calf! :gig


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Going to hit the high spots and then go down the hill. Dentist at 8 a.m.

Got samples packed and dropped off for UPS. Going to soak the trees tomorrow again... the buds are opening up and I think that if the fruit does start to form, I will take them off... but I really don't expect them to form, as the trees get established.
There are more peaches there, some pears, and apples that I know of for sure. Do not have any idea of the varieties so a "surprise orchard". I am hoping they are semi-dwarf trees. I did put the 3 here about 10-12 ft apart which is for semi-dwarfs. I have no idea if these 3 of mine are semi or full size trees. They will get pruned a little severely I think. I wish there was someone that was a real "fruit orchardist" here that I could get to do the pruning correctly and teach me. The place I contacted last year, the orchardist did not get back to me and I am so sick of people that just can't be bothered. I offered to pay for the person to come and look at the trees and tell me what I needed to do. So I got a book, and will do some more reading since it will be fall n ow. I am thinking that there might be some apricots... I haven't gone over there to look them over .... maybe tomorrow. I do want to mark the peaches and the pears at least so that I can group them here for better pollination.
Got all the laundry in off the line, folded. Got a couple boxes unpacked. Washed some stuff, put away, and washed the trays from one of the dehydrators. Just kinda doing stuff as they come... The dam#@$ small sinks in the kitchen makes it hard to do some stuff. Moved a few things in the DR. Have to move the "pull out pantry" thing out of the kitchen and out in the shed I guess... so I can get the one "spice cupboard" in here. Thinking I will put one against the one wall in the DR for now too. Have to work on that some more.

DS was going to haul fertilizer right after work today. Hoped to get it all on the fields today and tomorrow so it will be watered in with the upcoming rain due Thursday eve through Saturday. Have a list of a couple things to do right after the dentist in the morning; then the cow/calf, then plan to be here all day. I'd like to get some of the bulbs in the ground before the rain too... the lily of the valleys and some of that type stuff. The gladiolus and dahlias can get done later on. I also gave myself a pot of yellow tulips that I want to get in the ground as soon as the flower petals fall off. Don't know how good they will come back next year, but they were sure a pretty yellow.
Was looking at the area for the garden and will probably put in some stakes so that whenever I find someone, it is marked and ready to get plowed/tilled.

Want to work at the rental tomorrow, too, get the rose bush dug, and have a bunch of stuff to go to the dumpster too. Got the vacuum in the car to take down there. Need to go wash my hair too, smells like iodine from the farm and got splattered a couple time today so want to wash off the "barn".... Have to take clean clothes for going to the dentist.
Time to get going.