Herd Master
Years ago I bought a soft cover book by Ortho called "All About Growing Fruits and Berries" . The book was magazine sized, 8 x 10 or 10 x 12? and has excellent illustrations on pruning fruit trees. I still have it. After I used the book my fruit trees really did well. Some fruits bear on new wood, some on old wood, so it is important to know which do what in order to have a crop. After getting the boo I realized why my apricot never bore - it fruits on 2 year old wood.
I had been pruning it back each year. Duh!
That Ortho book is probably out of print, but if you can find something like that it would be easy for you to prune your own trees. Also, if you cut the tops down, so they don't grow so high they are easier to pick from. My trees were semi-dwarf and produced plenty of fruit for the family, to give away and make tons of jam for my Boutique jam and pickle business. Once you have gotten the shape right, they are fairly easy to keep up with every winter. I bet there are probably some U-Tube videos of how to prune your trees. Jackson & Perkins has videos n pruning roses so maybe some of the mail order nurseries or garden shows have videos up on the net.

That Ortho book is probably out of print, but if you can find something like that it would be easy for you to prune your own trees. Also, if you cut the tops down, so they don't grow so high they are easier to pick from. My trees were semi-dwarf and produced plenty of fruit for the family, to give away and make tons of jam for my Boutique jam and pickle business. Once you have gotten the shape right, they are fairly easy to keep up with every winter. I bet there are probably some U-Tube videos of how to prune your trees. Jackson & Perkins has videos n pruning roses so maybe some of the mail order nurseries or garden shows have videos up on the net.