Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I think I would take the stove to be repaired now before bringing it to the house. Once it is in place it will be harder to face the prospect of removing it and being without it while it is being repaired. Also if it can't be repaired and you have to get a new one, it will already be out of the house. If it can't be repaired, maybe the Amish man will have some other refurbished ones that you could buy.
My thoughts exactly @Ridgetop . Going to talk to the friend and get the man's name and number... make a trip to PA on my own. Tired of people promising and then not doing what they say.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
PT this morning, and I ache. Oh well. Rained last night a couple times, some thunder and lightning.
Did the cow on the way home and she was standing there near the gate waiting... I think it finally is working. Will let her out this weekend with the calf. Don't want them to go out for the first time in the pouring rain.... and Sat night is supposed to be some serious rain.

In the process of cleaning out the freezer, I found 4 pkgs of RIB EYE STEAKS !!!!! WOW..... and some of the pkgs of the chipped beef that I thought I had used up. Can't wait to have a stove to cook on..... to eat some GOOD FOOD...Going to try to get the rest cleaned out this afternoon. Can't do it at night as there is no electric out in the porch. The 2 lights don't work; changed the bulbs and can't find any breakers that were tripped.... so I just said the hell with it. The plugs work for the freezers so don't know what it is and don't care anymore. Got to get DS to get some of the ham steaks that are in there... he didn't have enough room when I got the stuff back from the processing last year and he still hasn't gotten the stuff. I need it gone so I can get the rest of the stuff in this freezer.

Went by the hardware store to see about getting something to put the old knobs on the little metal square that goes through the door for the latch/lock. They aren't set screws because there are no threads inside so have been trying to figure out what to use. But they didn't have any good solutions. Going to research it online. Hoped that maybe someone would have a good idea. So I'm looking.... NOT going to change out the lock as it works and the doors are old and not tearing up the wood.

So, I'm going to make something for lunch, and then go down the hill. It is cloudy and a few sprinkles so will bring some stuff up in the car this afternoon. If I can get the rest of the stuff in the freezer loose from the ice build up, I will put it in the other freezer for now and then move it over the weekend. Going to go in and see what I can take out of this one here to cook in the broiler/convection oven.

Got home here and found a package of the boxes I ship the samples in.... but it was not a normal shipment. Opened it up and it is samples that should have gone to the lab and they did not put a shipping label on and the old shipping label from the lab to me was showing through and they came to me. So I called the lab and they will get reshipped to the lab from here.... Always something.....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Friday eve. Had a total of .3 inch rain last night and into today... then it partially cleared out this afternoon. Did a little in the house and then had to help a farmer with some stuff on the computer so day got disrupted. Went and did the cow and she was fine with the calf. Thinking she can go out and hopefully he will be aggressive enough to go on her on his own. She is eating her grain so we'll see. She needs to be out of the barn lot and he needs to be out in the sunshine.

Supposed to be some possible thunder storms tonight and tomorrow night again...Radar looks like @Mini Horses is getting quite a bit more than we got....and will into the early morning hours.

I've got a little more to move around in the bedroom here and can bring up the bed. Might try to do that on my own since there is no bed frame.... we'll see.

Talked to DS for a few minutes to tell him that they need to get most of the ham steaks out of my freezer so I can have the room. He had to cut the call short, said he would call me back and of course didn't. Tired of being on the bottom of the consideration list sometimes.

Looks like I will go get the cow from the farm and take her to the other farm and get my 6 calves back, on Monday. She is due to calve soon so better she is on the farm to calve and go right into the milking herd. Was going to do it tomorrow, but the farmer that has the cow is gone all day and he is not sure which, if any of the "boys" will be home... they are early 20's... but several work other jobs... so I said that Monday will work for me. I will check with the farm I am taking her to to make sure it will work to pick up the calves. She has always been on a dairy so not like I would attempt to make her a nurse cow with these knees to hamper me.

Got a mouse the other day. totally unexpected to find it in the trap. That makes 10 or 11 ... sure hope they are moving/moved outside for the summer.

Going to eat a little something and head down the hill; pack a few boxes so I can load 'em in the car in the morning.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Lucked out. The storms came through but, as moving NE they went east faster than north, so the BAD portion slid by me. :celebrate So got some rain and watched the lightening in the distance. That area had huge hail, plus monsoon rains. The following heavy section went just north of me, for the most part. Trust me, I'm not complaining. Got rains but, not bad....just enough. 25 miles from me was hammered!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Mini Horses -- heard that there were areas that got some bad hail and torrential rain. Glad it was not you . We got a little more last night but it looks like we will get a fair amount late this aft/eve and through the night. It was thick as pea soup FOGGY out there this morning.. Actually some sun out there now and back in the 60's-low 70's. But clouds come and go as the front moves closer.

Talked to DS this morning and he is going to see when he can get some help together. I told him that I have a little more to get out of the one freezer and then 2 will be emptied to move, then I will have to move the stuff out of the others up here to the already moved ones, so that they can get moved. Plan to have at least one completely empty so that I can put the beef in it and garden stuff too. Plus get the chickens out of the one at the fairgrounds....He is supposed to get some(most) of the ham steaks out of this freezer so I can move the last few things and then clean those 2 freezers... just need a good washing down inside them.

I have been moving some things around here, about ready for the furniture to get moved in... want it all done ahead of time and not at the last minute... then I can work on the other stuff there that needs to get moved. Got the stuff in the kitchen moved from the wall where the spice cupboard is going, and think I am going to put one of the other cupboards in the DR . Got the rolling rack pantry thing that was in the kitchen moved out on the front porch to go out in the storage building... got some stuff on the truck to go to the dumpsters.
Need to get the plywood in the storage building to put the other freezers on when they come up. Still plan to put the smaller one in the utility room here also.

Still need to finish in the BR but the LR is all ready for the couch, desk, corner cabinet, and "coffee table" that I am going to put the TV on..... I will have an entertainment center and matching cabinet that I will be selling, too small for the TV. Not expensive, the presswood kind but still in very good shape... good for a kids room kind of thing.... will get the bedroom finished in the next day or 2 so it is also ready for the bed.... the bureaus and everything else I have already moved here myself. Got the stuff on the stairs sorted and some stuff to go up the stairs to the attic room.
DS asked what I was going to do about the stove. Seems the friend that goes to PA is now on crutches.... I am going to talk to him and get the info for the stove guy. Deb said that she would take a trip with me if I wanted, to PA...maybe she is wanting to "do " something..... thinking she is feeling lonely??.... maybe I will take her up on it and we could take her truck if I can get DS to help load it..... need to talk to glen and get the name and talk to the guy in PA and see if he can take a look at it and then fix the burner....if not then find one to put in here...

@Mike CHS ....Have considered the idea of a camp type stove or a hot plate type burner thing to use for "stove top" cooking to go along with the counter top convection oven I already am using. Thinking it is smarter to not put the stove inside then have to take it out again....

Had to change the cow moving/calf pickup to Tuesday. Farmer where the cow is going and calves are coming from, has a funeral Monday.... the girl that milks, her grandmother passed away and they will be tied up a good portion of Monday with that and normal farm work/milking. So, I get it, and left a message for the other farm where the cow is. I have PT on Tuesday so it will have to be around noontime before I can go get the cow.... that will get me up to the farm not much before milking so ought to work out for everyone. My cow will go in the "close up" pen where the ones getting ready to calve will be; and I can get the calves and get out of their way and they can go to milking and doing normal chores.
Hoping that the bull calves will be sold.... neighbor to the stone house is looking for some jersey or jersey cross calves to raise for beef. He will have to take all 4 as I am not going to split them unless there is one that doesn't match... I will take them to the sale and sell as a group of 4. Probably going to keep the 2 heifers as they should make decent cows .... or beef, or something. But sell the bulls now while prices are still decent... especially on the smaller stuff.

Well, I ate some lunch and took some more pills to try to stay ahead of the knees hurting worse... so going to do some more here. DS said he might need a ride back to get a tractor so I am kind of hanging around here. Will take the car down the hill this evening as I have to test Sunday morning, and now have to test another herd Sun eve/Mon morning. He wanted Mon eve/Tues morning, but I am not changing PT... and thought I was going to be moving the cows Monday... This is my big 240 cow 2 time herd here close... but I hate the set up and all. I have to change all the brackets on the meters again since I used them at the herd where my cows are and they required the meter brackets in a different position. Might go out and change them now while it is not raining out..... then just have to load them tomorrow. Don't need the meters for the morning herd.
Oh, and the car is supposed to go in for the brakes/oil change/ lube job on Monday.... :thNever rains but it pours... I can get someone from the farm to maybe run me home from testing Sunday eve or even Monday morning and then I can get the truck. The co-op is right up the road a mile from the farm and I am only 3 1/2 miles from there.... Would like to do it Sunday eve if I could.... then it will be there when they open Monday morning... ought to be someone that can just run me up the road & drop off the car and take me to the house.

Going out to do the meters while the sun is out.... Break/lunch time is over....

Plans/schedule changes everytime I turn around.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Heading out and down the hill. Got the brackets changed and went on and put the meters in the car and the hoses so ready for tomorrow afternoon. Sample bottles in the trays for both herds, morning herd bottles in car ready to go.
Farmer said that someone could run me to drop off the car and bring me to the house Sunday evening... so will make sure everything I need is in the car for testing, set up meters and hoses at the farm, all the sample bottles, and then drop off the car on the way home and come get the truck and then have it to drive on Monday morning. Glad it will be there for them on Monday morning.

DS moved the cow and calf out to the small field with the nurse cow and fostered calf. Said he fed them this evening and pushed the calf over to the cow and it went right on her while she was eating. He will get the "new routine" figured out in a day or 2. He is used to coming around the corner to go in with her, not having her available all the time. Just have to make sure he gets on her while she is eating for the next couple times til he figures out he can suck her whenever he wants. I am sure they will like having a buddy to run around with now too.
Then he stopped here and looked at the storage shed to see what needs to be done to "shore up" the floor and I showed him where I want the freezers in there. He said that the plywood I pulled out of the dumpster awhile ago is real good 3/4 inch stuff, might have to get another sheet so there is enough but that it would work.

I have decided that the stove will not come into the house until it is checked out. I will figure out something else for "stove top" cooking.... I will see about getting the name and all from the friend and then go from there.
Washed another sink full of stuff to dry.

LR is completely ready for the furniture; Kitchen ready for the spice cupboard; DR ready for the other cupboard; Utility room ready for the freezer on the other wall.... stairs to the upstairs have some stuff to go up but the rest is moved. Only have to do the BR, getting the couple of chairs and the little chest I have had the computer on moved... computer will be able to go in the LR once the corner hutch is in there... Hadn't gone in Walmart for the other plastic totes to put the winter clothes/overalls and such into so got that to do and that will clear out some of the BR piles....
I am going to be hard pressed to fit everything in here..... and don't know where the fish tanks will go. There are several.... 55 gallons, a couple 30 gallons.... aren't worth much to sell and don't want to anyway....
Plus the stuff that I want to yard sale......thinking on where to store that for a month or 2..... maybe a storage unit for the fish tanks and all the extras....have to go see what they are costing.... can't find a "pod" or storage thing to have here for a few months...

Starting to rain, I hope the calf will be okay out in it... I probably would not have moved them outside til tomorrow but DS did it, so hope they will find a dry spot out there. Looks like a fair amount coming in tonight, on the radar.
At least I don't have to be in the barn until 5 tomorrow morning....

Will stop to get a 2 gal bucket of milk on the way home too.... almost out.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Our camp stove is the two burner Camp Chef that we add an accessory plate over the burner to do our canning. They are economical and do great in the summer with canning outside to keep from heating the house up. We got ours several years ago for under $100 but it looks like they are around %119 now.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
There are some camping models around $100 that unfold to have legs under them. Check Camping World on line. You can probably order from Amazon too - possibly from Prime so no shipping costs. They hook to small propane bottles or you can also connect them to the larger 5 gallon BBQ size cannisters.

Glad the calf is doing well on the cow. He will probably be ok as long as it isn't sleeting. Like our friend said about their horses being out in the rain without shelter "They are all wearing leather". If she is accepting him now, she will keep letting him nurse.

Sounds like you are all ready to move the rest of the large stuff over. It will be a real relief for you to have everything moved out of the rental.