Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Those tow behind a lawnmower dump wagons are as handy as a pocket on a shirt. We had one, dunno where I even got it, but it was on our property at our old place. When we were moving stuff, I loaded it up, BJ wanted to leave it because we didn't have a riding lawnmower. But we brought it here to our new place. One day our neighbor Robert came riding up on a John Deere lawn mower and said "WE have a lawnmower!" I said "WE have a trailer to fit that!" We hooked it up and he took it home, he loves it and we use his lawnmower every so often to knock down weeds the sheep don't eat.
I've seen them priced at $90 lately, that's a good price.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I have both riding mower and a cart. So does DD. They are handy for many things. Tote all your "stuff" to where you're working, where maybe a truck won't go, etc. I've even put a couple bales of hay in mine and left it under a shelter for the minis to eat from. Had no round bales. Worked great with couple cinder blocks under.

I've hauled produce from garden...just have to remember to use it!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Ridgetop , if this heifer (#10), seemed even a little interested, I would let her stay with the calf for a few hours at a time but right now where she is, and where it is handy to have the calf, there is no water close, and I cannot carry buckets with these knees. I would have her up at the nurse cow pasture in the barn and lot, but have to haul water; and the owners daughter is there for a week with the kids and they cannot leave things alone... fussing that the cow is not getting enough to eat, she is not happy in there, if she were to kick the calf and they were there, they would be on the phone every 5 minutes.... just too much hassle with them there.
The last 2 days have gone better. She let the calf nurse last night with no problem and calf is getting more aggressive. I am not putting her in the chute and it is working for me. DS doesn't have the same feel for doing it... just not his thing...and no patience to sit and let calf get it figured out on his own. This morning went well and if I put the grain pan in the middle of the little front section pen, where I bring her in, and then let the calf in, she ate. She refuses to come up against the side of the pen to the feed pan to eat..... and the calf is learning to come out of the alley and into the pen with her pretty good.... I think that in another couple days, I will turn her and the calf, into the lot with 801 and her calf. I think she is just unhappy being in the barn and lot there.... and I am thinking now that this was not her calf... DS found another one, that died... in the same field...saw it one day, couldn't catch it to tag,...then it was dead..... and I am thinking that the way she acts that maybe that one was hers, and this one belongs to someone else that didn't claim it.... or maybe the off chance it was a twin..... although good sized.... not all twins are small...Very remote chance she had twins and this was one although they were both in the 70 lb range so very very unlikely she had 2 that size.... but stranger things have happened....
When that group of cows gets done calving and we start moving cattle to summer grazing, we will see who, if anyone is left with no calf.... he has gotten some tagged but some are not, so they are not all matched up, so I cannot be sure who has whom. Anyone with no calf will get palpated to make sure of their status, and if someone does not have a calf in them, them decisions can be made.
I think #10 will take this calf since she is not fighting it. I think if I get her out in the small field with 801, and the calf is smart enough to know to go up and suck her when she is eating, I think she will come up with 801 and eat grain and then they will get it figured out. I think she will be happier out on grass in the small field too.

Got one freezer emptied and food all moved, some out of the other one. Going down to hopefully get another load and the 2nd one emptied. Hope I can get it all in this freezer.... got to get a couple of smaller boxes put together to get the smaller stuff in boxes, so I can find it.
Stopped to eat a sandwich and moved some things in the house to make moving things in, easier. Also deciding where I am going to put some more stuff. Got the stairs almost all cleaned off and stuff to go up into the walk in "attic" room. Put stuff in the car to take to the cleaners the next trip through town.
Need to get the stuff in the bedroom straightened out so that I can have it ready for the bed. Going in to wash another sink full of dishes/ stuff so it can dry while I am busy elsewhere. Then heading back down the hill to get some more out of the freezer.... there was alot of ice and stuff so it is turned off to thaw it and then I can get the stuff out. Or get some other boxes of stuff on the truck.
Calling for some showers this evening/night.... some possibly tomorrow too, but then some real soaking rain on Saturday. It will be welcome, it is very dry "on top" of the ground right now....dusty as all get out, on the dirt roads... and if it does rain... the grass will jump out of the ground....
Reminds me, I HAVE to see about getting that tire on the tractor/mower fixed....

Been looking at the "garden carts" on line and what I looked at, at TSC..... want a 4 wheeled one so it can also be pulled by hand; more versatile, and don't want to try to handle a wheelbarrow with these knees either. Like the "Gorrilla" one... about 225 at TSC for the 12 yd one... they have a different brand that is less, their "store brand" I think... but not sold on the latch to dump like the gorrilla one. Can get the Gorrilla one at Lowe's for 160+ same size... going to look at them at both places. Nothing I especially like at Rural King....Going to check out Home depot and the Kubota place too and see what they have.

Catch you later.
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Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Sounds like the cow and calf are working out. If it wasn't her calf, the fact that she is nursing it works! Maybe give her another chance next year. With her own calf she might be different. Wonder who lost their calf and didn't claim it. You will work it out.

If there are a bunch of interfering people around, it won't do the cow and calf any good. She may get jumpy and you don't need the stress of multiple calls about perfectly natural behavior. Let alone having to haul water.

Looking forward to hearing you are completely moved and taking it easy. :lol: Like you will ever take it easy!!!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Back up to new house for a bit. Got a freezer chest full but still alot of ice not thawed so can't get it all out yet. It started to rain when I was there so didn't try to bring more on the truck because of it getting wet.
Checked radar and we are going to get some more showers off and on for a good part of the night. Tomorrow more clouds but sorta between fronts. Saturday is looking like most rain that evening into Sunday.....

I will go in and unload the freezer chest since I remembered to bring the tape to put a couple of the smaller boxes together..... I will wipe off the packages with a towel to dry the wet... found a few things that I am going to thaw to eat..put in the freezer over the fridge, a couple pieces of cheesecake that may or may not be any good... a few pot pies that I got a few years ago in PA, that I vacuum packed and froze.... so some meals I can make here in the convection oven since the kitchen stove is still awaiting either a trip to PA to the amishman who refurbishes them, or is coming in the house to use as is with the one burner not offering the simmer part....

Going to go in and wash some more stuff in the sink if the last batch is dry. Have to figure out where I am going to pack away the insulated overalls and winter clothing... might need to get another tote or 2 for that stuff. Some other stuff needs to be put away.
Going to make some supper too while I am here and try to get some more moved around in the bedroom to open up the place the bed is going.

I did fix the little table that was on the "other" side of the bed with the wood glue and will wash the lamp. It is an oil lamp that someone converted to electric and I found at a yard sale. Have one for my side of the bed too... they aren't exactly matches but close...

PT in the morning, and I might go by and drop the clothes at the cleaners, so they are out of the car....

Have to go get my cow at the dairy that sold out... she is due next week.... going to the farm where the others are and have to pick up the 6 calves up there so it will work out perfect... Either tomorrow or Saturday. Have a possible sale for the 4 bull calves coming back... got to band/cut them.... the 2 heifers will stay for now.

Testing Sunday , can't remember if it is morning or evening; have to look at the calendar.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I went up and did the cow again this evening. Have a routine with her and the calf is smart enough to come right around the post from the alley, with just a 2 ft space into the gate, to the small pen where I put the cow. Went right over to the cow and she was eating the feed from the flat black fortex feed pan that I put in the middle of the pen. I think I will be able to put her out with the calf this weekend. I think she will be happier out eating some grass too....
Glad I did her before the showers came.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
I think I would take the stove to be repaired now before bringing it to the house. Once it is in place it will be harder to face the prospect of removing it and being without it while it is being repaired. Also if it can't be repaired and you have to get a new one, it will already be out of the house. If it can't be repaired, maybe the Amish man will have some other refurbished ones that you could buy.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
We have similar rain maybe, sorta stuff here. Makes it difficult to plan sometimes. 🙄 Of course, make firm plans needing dry and it WILL rain!

Sounds like the cow/calf will work. Hopeful anyway. The take one, drop and get 6 calves picked up sure makes trip work well. Doesn't always happen.

There's a goat auction here tomorrow and I'm thinking I'll go for the social aspect. I'd like to do something less like work. Not really looking to buy, just visit.😁. We'll see how that goes! Besides....might rain???

Sounds like the freezers are working out for you. They can be problems, often hiding stuff from you. I have only a smallish chest one and been trying to use all I can all winter. Then I can refill it!!! 😁. We just keep at it. That's what they're for.

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