Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Got the truck unloaded into the carport. Sorted through some clothes here that were folded, put a few into drawers. got an box into the LR that will go in the desk stuff. Got some socks and stuff to take down the hill so I have them to put on in the mornings.
Put away the sample bottles and shipping boxes on the front porch since I will not be using them Monday. I need to soak the tulip bulbs I planted as along the edge of the porch there is an overhang and the gutter does not allow for the water to get close to the foundation. Want to get them soaked so that they might come back up next year.

Got a few boxes here that need to go down the hill for the rest of the baking dishes and such to come up here.

Found a set of "kitchen step ladder" that fits against the cabinet like I had been talking about awhile back. The part against the cabinet is straight so it snugs up against the cabinet. Pretty easy to open and I think they will work real good. a short step then a wider 2nd step so that there is not a big step up all at once. My knees and all can maneuver them pretty easily. Finally..... about $35 I think... it would nearly cost that in wood to make with the way lumber prices are... and much lighter and foldable to stand up in a closet or someplace out of the way.

Not as cool out this evening as it was this time last night. We didn't get any real frost or freezing due to the wind the past few nights.

Saw a bunch of canning jars in different sizes in WM the other day, but still no lids.... I look everytime I am in there.

Have a hankering for something sweet.... don't need it.... maybe just have a glass of chocolate milk then go down the hill.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Sounds like you are getting there fast.

We tossed a lot of wood when we cleaned the Yelm property. Including some almost complete sheets of plywood but they were thin and warped. There were some others that were 1/2" to 1" not full sheets but about half sheets. I put those in the bunkhouse and will bring them back with me along with a beautiful mahogany exterior door that is in the old barn. If it is not moldy on the bottom edge - but it is in the dry half f the old barn so should be ok. DH has decided to look through all the wood that is stored in the old barn. A lot of it is old hardwood flooring, and moldings. We really don't need any of that type of stuff, but will look through what is there to see if there is anything usable for us.

My brother and his wife are building a house and he said that 2 x 4 studs went from $7.00 to $12.00 EACH almost overnight. Our real estate agent said that he knows several builders that are no longer doing presales on new housing tracts. One said that by the time he finished the houses he was building the cost over run was $40,000 on each house!

SOOOO GLAD you have a date for the knee surgery! Once you have recovered you will be so happy yu did this.

Glad to hear about the calves. Nice that the weather has calmed down for them. During that crazy snowstorm in Texas my friend Erick (the one with the Anatolians) lost a lot of goat kids. They kid outside and the kids froze to death as soon as they hit the ground apparently. The mothers did nt even have time to clean them off.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Poor little baby kids. I’m so glad my sheep are spoiled and love their barn. Open on 3 sides, ol it’s built for heat, not cold, but I didn’t lose any lambs.

Jan you ought to be getting to the end of this moving adventure. Call in some help and git ‘er done. It’s time to leave this landlord far behind.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Brought up some of the smaller pieces of furniture this morning while it was still dry. Cloudy and cool, but looking to have rain here by 2-3 this afternoon. Truck is unloaded into carport. Had to get something to eat, and then heading back down the hill. Going to take the car since I doubt I will get much more loaded before it rain moves in. I can load some of the kitchen stuff, baking dishes pans, etc, in the back of the car. Then work on some cleaning, vacuuming, my LEAST FAVORITE thing in the world to do....
Still got to get the one room of boxes that has books and all, that is going up in the upstairs attic storage, moved. But they are all boxed and ready to go. I have a "tin" collection that numbers in the hundreds.... Like small tin houses, tins that were put out for certain anniversaries, they are mostly all in that room in boxes, to be moved. Would like to have one room with all my tin collection and my books on shelves.... I have read nearly every book I have boxed, many several times....enough for a small library.... I HATE to see a book thrown away and have salvaged many over the years from piles at the dumpster and at auctions/sales where they bring $1 -2 a box full.... Seems a crime to throw away a book....
Rain is supposed to clear off by tomorrow morning .... supposed to be in the 80's by mid week....:ep:hu..... way too warm for this time of year still.... 60's and 70's would be more realistic... But it will be good for cleaning up stuff outside... and getting the fish tanks and all out of the storage building there.

So, ate, and guess I will head down the hill again. So nice that it is only about 3-4 miles....


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
I have read nearly every book I have boxed, many several times....enough for a small library.... I HATE to see a book thrown away and have salvaged many over the years from piles at the dumpster and at auctions/sales where they bring $1 -2 a box full.... Seems a crime to throw away a book....
Me too! I have old books that were my uncles' and mother's. I have boxes and boxes of books that are stored because I love rereading my favorite authors, and never get rod of any books. Luckily I now have a Kindle, but it gets expensive to replace my books on it. And not all the titles are available. I would love to design and build bookcases that would go in front of each and slide across over each other so that I could access the ones behind the front bookcases. Then I would be able to get to all the books. Or even build bookcases that could mount on wheels and barn door hardware. They would slide across doorways to save space and still give me book storage. 🤔 Dreaming! If you could figure out how to do that, the tin box collection would be perfect for going on barn doors since they would weigh a lot less than books! Another idea for the tin box collection is to mount narrow shelves around the top of the rooms and display them that way. Once you have new knees you will be able to get them down for special occasions.

I wish we could come and give you a hand (and a truck) to help you move. So many of us would love to be able to do that but live so far away! Do you have friends in the area that would be able to help you do it on one particular day? - you could have a big "Moving Party".



Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I would love to host a moving party and have everyone here. However... I know that the distance is just out of the question...It will be all over soon. Have a lead on a guy that is looking for some side work... doing most anything.... he is supposed to get back with me. Talked to them at Lowes and they contract out their appliance deliveries, and they are going to give my name to the guy that does their contract deliveries, and see if he would be interested in some side work after he is off from Lowe's... we'll see. Ought to have something in line the first of the week I hope.
Got all the stuff on the stairs up into the storage attic.... just about got the bedroom stuff rearranged for the bed.
Took the set of car ramps that were left in my shed (by none other than jim); and I had asked DS several times to please take back to doug's; down there earlier; and fed the 2 "nurse" cows. It was starting to sprinkle and I thought DS went to get the dog in PA. Texted him to let him know they were fed, and he said he was checking for babies, and I said I thought you went to PA and he said no, that he was going to go on Monday.... I guess after work? But he said thank you for feeding the cows. I didn't bother to tell him I took the ramps back.... swept out the storage building so the plywood can go down on the floor. I will go buy a sheet of plywood, if I have to, and use my skill saw to cut it in half if necessary.

It started to rain pretty steady.... not hard, but definitely the soaking kind. We can use it, so I am not upset with this kind of rain. Should continue most of the night and then clearing off tomorrow with some wind... and getting warmer.

I just ate a big bowl of soup for this chilly damp evening, and am going to go down the hill now. Thought I would go earlier, but got puttering here with things that I wanted to do before I bring up more stuff. Got a pile of newspapers here to go to recycling too.

The farmer that manages the one farm and has his cows there, texted me and he gave his notice.... about time in my opinion.... 1st of June he is out of there.... We'll see if he sticks to his guns....I think that the owner will probably quit testing at that point... won't hurt my feelings.... I think owner will have trouble finding someone to come in and do all he expects to be done.... I know even if I was healthy, I wouldn't do all that work for no more compensation and NEVER getting any time off....

So, hope the rain continues for the night...


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
I will go buy a sheet of plywood, if I have to, and use my skill saw to cut it in half if necessary.
WOW! You have come a long way from being afraid of power tools! Congratulations!

Glad to hear that the worst herd to test might be leaving Dodge. It looks like partial retirement might be heading your way! With the haying, raising cattle, your poultry, and the house you have a lot on your back - not really partial retirement at all! LOL


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Sunday morning. I got up and got stuff loaded in the car... a few boxes for here, some stuff to go to goodwill some stuff for the recycling center. Stopped at the grist mill I used to work at, talked to the "new" owner (they bought it a couple of years ago) and dropped off bubble wrap and paper that was used as packing stuff... he has used it in the past for when he ships things out... glad to not throw it in the dumpsters. I save too much stuff..... If I had the outside furnace I would just burn paper stuff...
Got up here and am eating some "brunch" and will unload what needs to come out of the car here. Recycling cntr opens at 1 here, so will swing by with that stuff and then come back by and get the truck to go back down the hill. Work on some more.

Had about .45 inches of a nice soft easy rain yesterday afternoon and night. Could have had more with the nice gentle way it was falling but will gladly take it. Supposed to be partly sun/partly cloudy most of today.... breezy and then the warming trend starts. Sunny and warming into the 80's Tues and Wed.... TOO warm for this time of year.... but you take what you get. Rain again Thurs and Fri then clearing off... hope to be decent for Saturday..
Meet and Greet with @Mini Horses at the Poultry swap at Gilmanor Poultry Spring Swap. Anyone in the "listening area" is welcome to come and we will have the 1st Bi-Annual BYH get together.....
Really looking forward to Saturday.

Gonna take some stuff to try to blunt these aching knees so I can get some things accomplished today....

Nothing else much going on. Have to move some of the boxes on the porch so that the mattress and box spring can come in the door at an angle to go right in the bedroom..... forgot when I was stacking them there for the time being because of the stairs that prevent moving the furniture as easily through the door to make the turn.... They could come into the DR ..... hand truck is at the stone house so might bring it back up and just move them inside.

It was sunnier out earlier, after early early clouds.... but not calling for any more rain so I will just take the truck down the hill. Plan to utilize the warmer weather since I usually don't ache quite as much, and get this stuff done.