Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I hope @Mini Horses is more "modernized" than I am... even with just a smart phone... to take some pics. I do now have a digital camera and trying to figure out how to use it.... small like a "kodak one step" simple one.... haven't figured out anything about how to upload pics or anything yet....

Got the car unloaded... then went by the recycling center and dropped off the newspapers and such. Will probably start stacking them here at the new house for future use in the garden or the future wood furnace.... Went down the hill and stopped to visit with a neighbor for a bit... he was out working in the yard... his wife is visiting friends in Ohio so couldn't visit with her... but she is a fanatic about wearing a mask, even when outside, if anyone is there.... and got the shots.... whatever..... He said that he has a guy that helps him some that is not the brightest but likes to weed eat and is always looking for work... so might just get him to do the boxes since that will not require a college degree... and maybe get him to do the weed eating here that I cannot do much due to the knees. then went to the stone house. Packed a few more things in the kitchen.... got another bag full of junk. I forgot and took the car after going to the recycling center.. so just put stuff in it to come back up.
Got those things unloaded in the new house and moved the boxes off the porch into the DR since I did remember to bring the hand cart back up. I will take it back down. Stomach was telling me that it hadn't been fed in "forever".... so I just sat and ate a bit. I am going out to move the 2x6's that I had gotten out of the dumpster with the plywood way back, so that I can utilize the space in the carport batter.... they were against the one side.... and there is a bag of concrete in the shed that is busted a ready mix kind with gravel and all.... that I am going to put in a feed bag and get it moved so that the plywood can go down . Then I will move the other piece of plywood out there and be as ready as possible. Still going to need one piece, I will go buy one tomorrow I guess.
Haven't heard from DS all day again... I am hoping that one or both of the guys call me tomorrow...about moving the boxes and freezers. I am not happy... but like @Mini Horses .... what can you do? These DS's sure aren't reliable.... I have had the freezers cleaned out for 2 weeks waiting for him to get them moved so I can clean out the other 2 and move that stuff....
Let's not go there at this point.

Turned out to be a cool day, partly sunny and clouds all day. Breezy so needed a sweatshirt.

Going to call my parents in NH and then do some more stuff.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Sunny, nice day... pushing upper 60's and next to no wind so really pleasant. 80's the next 3 days... :ep

Got the name of yet another guy... he called me back within an hour... is going to call me back to confirm but said it will be probably Wed or Thursday. He was a deputy sheriff here for 20+ years... knows me..... he said I must not remember him and I said the name was familiar , did he serve me with papers or something.... must have been many years ago as I haven't caused any trouble in years and years.... he laughed.... If I get the bulk of the stuff moved I will be good. He said he moved stuff out of the stone house years ago, knew the house and all.... knows everyone and everything in the county.... at this point I don't care.... knows my son also.... Don't know what he is going to charge and I don't really care at this point. I want it done. I will have to do clean up next week... I will let the landlord know and see what he says..... Not going to happen tomorrow, and I now have to test so that is fine.
The farm that didn't call me back just texted me this morning, then the mom who I used to deal with most all the time, called me a couple hours later.... I told her that tomorrow would be it because they were supposed to come and move the rest of my stuff Wed or Thursday. This is the farm that I had wanted to do last week..... :th:hit:he

I brought a few boxes up this morning.... going back down in a little bit with the truck to see if I can get the rest out of the kitchen....I was in a real funk this morning with no return calls.... now I feel better....

Please let this happen. Tired of DS not doing as he said.... I so wanted to get the freezers moved 2 weeks ago to get the rest of the food moved out of the other ones so I could get going on the back porch stuff....

@Mini Horses fence looks real nice.... we don't have any thing like your nice straight flat land here...... I get wanting to make sure they can't get out on the roads there though.... same thing here. I think I am going to do the 4x4 wire here instead of the standard "field fence" on account of the chickens and predators......really don't think the no climb horse fence is necessary and no goats to climb it either.... but it will keep chickens in at the ground level....

Came in to take a couple pills for the knees, and to hang out some jeans and all on the line. Then got to bag up that broken bag of concrete mix, then head down the hill.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Hung 3 loads of clothes, got lumber/2x6's etc, stuff out of the carport, then had to take care of some farm testing stuff on the phone I wasn't planning on.
Front porch stuff all moved to make getting the mattress and box spring in on the angle to get it in the BR. BR ready except to vacuum the rug. LR and DR ready too and space for the one freezer to go in the utility room. Came in to get a drink and a couple more pain relievers, and heading down the hill.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Posted on @B&B Happy goats journal a bunch stuff that probably should have been on here.... concerning the next couple of days schedule.... answered B&B and then just kept on.... Oh if anyone wants to read it, it is there...
Confirmed that he will be at the stone house at 10 a.m. on Thursday... and if you read it, then the 2 freezers might get moved tomorrow by DS so then they can move the other 2 on Thursday????


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Ridgetop ... didn't you do a copy and transfer or something... could I get the post on @B&B Happy goats copied or transferred to here to keep the timeline making sense???? I am NOT very computer smart....maybe message me and tell me how to do it???? Or can you do it???? Or maybe not, since it is my post not yours ? I am clueless....

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Sat will be fun! It's always nice to meet people you "know" from the forum. Pics? We'll see how that goes..... :lol: :old ,

Yeah, the property here is easier to work fence. Even our elevations are smoother. You'll like the 4x4. Costs less than the no climb and it's really sturdy. The wire at crosses are good, hard to move them. Most things will stay in, or out! Well, during normal walk alongs.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
didn't you do a copy and transfer or something... could I get the post on @B&B Happy goats copied or transferred to here to keep the timeline making sense????
Here is what I do:

1. Pull up a new blank Word document page

2. Go to the post (B & B's in this case) and highlight everything you want to copy.

3. Copy the post by depressing CTRL and C at the same time (you probably already know how to do that) You have to copy the post


5. After you have copied the lines you want to transfer, go to Word and paste them onto the blank Word document

6. Now pull up your post (Farmerjan)

7. Go to the Response box and paste the text into there too. If the test you have copied in is what you wanted to put, just Post.

The reason I like to do it in several steps is that sometimes not all the text appears. By transferring it t a Word document you don't lose any of it while trying to cut and paste back and forth. You have to COPY the text in the Post because you can't just remove it. I have only ever copied and moved text from my own posts when I was transferring some of my Ridgetop stories. And copied and moved text from Word into my posts. It sunds complicated, but s not really as hard as it sounds. Just a PITA to do!

Hope this helps.

Going to try to find B & B Happy Goats page now and read it. For some reason, some posts that I have marked for following don't show up on my computer.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Ridgetop, since i have no idea how to go into "word", I don't guess that will help me. Oh well, maybe I will see if I can do it after this weekend, too much going on this week. But thank you very much for the explicit instructions...
I have several that don't show up on my " watch" for my alerts... but then when I go in the thread and try to do a watch it asks if I want to "unwatch" because it says I am already watching it... I often just go on the "new posts" on the top left here, and go down all the ones that I try to keep up with. Lately I am just not able to do all that I want.
BEAUTIFUL DAY.... Started out at 39, sun warmed it up FAST and into short sleeved shirt already. Sunny, very light breeze. Mid 80's today, same tomorrow, then some clouds. Down to 30-40% chance showers for thursday night and friday.
Just a few minutes as I am going to have to go to work pretty soon. Had a good morning. Went to PT, left there, went to drop off stuff at Goodwill, and no more drop off places so went to the actual Goodwill store and donation center... Dropped off the stuff off. Went by Home Depot because I got a text that "part of my order" was in. I was going to wait for all of it, but this "part" expired on 4/29.... I was right around the corner so said just get it and then I will have to go back. So, went there and they got the "pole saw" as that was in the store.... and then she said, let me get the other part. So I waited and there is the chain saw and the hedge trimmer..... seems they had just come in that morning....YEA.... all in one trip !!!!:celebrate:weee:yesss::yesss::yesss::yesss: So that is great... Then I went by the farmers' and got the samples and the paperwork that I will enter into the computer at the other farm I am going to this afternoon to test. Talked to him a bit, got my 2 gal bucket of milk, and came home.
Got the milk into a couple of glass jars and in the fridge. Took all the "new toys" out, in the storage building and looked at the stuff. Got the charger and the new battery out and put it on charge....didn't realize that these use a "stronger" battery than the smaller tools, so will have to get one more of the stronger batteries so have a backup. Will wait to see if there is any kind of a special sometime.

Backed up to the carport, loaded all the meters and hoses. Had to change all the brackets on the meters to how they hang in this parlor. So everything is in the car except the sample bottles and they are sitting here ready to go out the door. Going to change out of my "clean clothes" and put on my "barn clothes".... because if I get splattered by cow s.... I don't want it on my good clothes. Manure can really stain.... and I have plenty of barn clothes that have some spots and such....

Time to get my rear in gear and get going.