Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
No Fear Bay - What is said between women stays between women. LOL

What about using a portable shop light? Plugs in and you could move it to different areas where you need light in the old house.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
It is after 2 p.m.. The broke down truck has been a problem for the moving guy, and he has not finished the other job yet. I can't get mad as I really do GET the whole broke down thing when you LEAST want and need it. I did strip the bed and all this morning after I got up.... moved the stuff off the little side table.... so I am not sure where I am sleeping tonight. I guess that I can wrangle the mattress and box spring on to my truck to come to the house since there is no bedding, no nothing there to make up the bed.....I am hoping that they can get there before long.
OH WELL,,,,, best laid plans of mice and men.....
Used the vacuum and did basic cleaning of the rugs down there and some of the cobwebs and such. Got alot of just general dirt/dust cleaned up.
I loaded all the bedding plus a couple boxes and such in the car and came up earlier this morning. Then took the truck down. Loaded some stuff to go out in the storage building, and the couple little things left in the bedroom and brought them up here. Brought the vacuum up also. Ran the vacuum up here in the bedroom so that the rug and all where the bed is going is clean to start. Will take it back down to use it down there again. But in the meantime, I am going to take some thing to see if I can ease the knees, and take the 2 big cooler chests with me to start on the freezers to get that stuff moved up here and get them emptied and wiped/washed out clean then they can get moved. Might try to bring the mattress and box spring right back up, because they are calling for some rain/showers later and into tomorrow.

So, I took my 20 + minute sit down break for the knees. Time to head down and see if I can push myself a bit with moving the bed.; got some stuff already to go to the dumpsters too.... I am way too much of a pack rat..... some of this stuff might serve someone, but I am not going to keep on keeping it "in case"......

Cloudy and very warm today, it was almost hot earlier when the sun was out. Hit 87 before noon..... but with the clouds not quite as hot although it is getting more humid. We got a short surprise shower last night... there was a 20% chance of a hit or miss shower and we got it down there. Enough to wet the ground. Heard it on the roof.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I hope the guys can show up today and get the big stuff moved. Can they move the freezers too? You can clean them in their new place, at least they will be moved.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thursday eve. At the new house. I got the mattress wrestled into the back of the ranger and got it up here and in the bedroom. Why in the he// don't they put handles on the ends to have something to pull or turn???? Anyway, it is in here. Didn't get the boxspring, they can do that. I have to make up the bed and there are a couple of extra thick mattress pads that need washing, so won't be as comfortable probably, but I will be spending the night in MY HOUSE.
Plans are to meet them at 10 tomorrow morning......

Once the desk and corner computer hutch get in here then I can move some of the clutter out of this bedroom...
I still have to work on the porch accumulation... did go through a couple boxes and junked some stuff earlier. Was waiting to hear if there was anyway they were going to get there today. So, I will continue to work on that as well as finish the kitchen stuff.

I called DS to see if he was at the barn so I could get him to stop on his way home to help with the mattress; he called back about 15-20 minutes later, but he wasn't at the barn.... said he could call jim and I said no, that I was about done anyway. He asked if I needed anything else and I said not today but would next week to get the freezers moved and I hope to have the kitchen cupboards all ready to move.
No, @Baymule I couldn't get them emptied and contents moved this afternoon. I had to sit with some of the boxes on the back of the truck and go through them. Knees couldn't take it. So maybe tomorrow it will be a little easier.
If they get the big stuff moved into the house and the room full of boxes that I have, moved up stairs into the attic then I will be WAAAYYY ahead. I can work at it steadily next week and know that there is not that much else left and I think that DS is feeling guilty enough that he will help in a much more timely manor.

So, that is where it is at right now. Have to figure out where the sheets and stuff are..... I have a mattress pad, and there are pillows, but I cannot remember where the sheets are....

It got more cloudy this afternoon, so the temp dropped and then the wind picked up so was quite comfortable. The wind is really blowing out there, saying gusts up to 30+mph..... it is still 70* though. So rather comfortable.

I went and got shrimp alfredo at the local pizza place. I will get at least 2 or 3 meals out of it. It is never quite as good with warmup due to the alfredo sauce but good enough.

I understand that my brother is getting a hospital bed for my father so that he can get in and out of bed better.... I have to ask what size bed they have as they have a "captains bed" type with the drawers underneath. That is what I want. If it is a queen, I am going to offer to buy it. I know that a little bit of money will help with the monthly bills, and no one can say that I am wanting to get something for nothing.....

They have had my mother up out of bed and she was at the table eating her dinner this evening. My brother said she is much more alert. Even feeding herself a little.... What a switch from 10 days ago. But, we all know that sometimes there is an "uptick" improvement in many people, before they leave us. For my father's sake, I hope that is not the case right now. Mother's day is coming in 2 weeks, and my father's birthday is May 17th.... I hope she is around for both at least.....
So, I am going to go in and take a shower in just a little bit. After I find the sheets. :idunno:idunno:barnie I am tired and the knees are not happy this evening.... partly due to the testing the other day, then the extra push today. I did not space things out as much as I would like to.
I am going to go do all the mattress pads and blankets done at the laundromat... probably Sunday... got to unload it all out of the car tomorrow so I will have the car empty to go to the poultry swap on Saturday....I checked the oil, and all when I filled it yesterday. It was nearly empty so decided to do the check fluids stuff after I filled it and went to Deb's to feed the horse yesterday and refilled/added water to the water trough. Ready to go.
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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
When we moved in here, we loaded up and moved in one day. Bedlam. My son was between jobs, so he drove the U haul. I had moved a bedroom set here already and had our adjustable beds delivered, no mattresses for our bed. I had a twin size foam daybed mattress that I had been sleeping on while I was up here working on the house. I gave that to BJ to sleep on and I just laid out a blanket for me, son got the bedroom set. I never slept so good.
I hope you find enough bedding to make the bed, but if you don’t, you will still sleep real good, because it is YOUR house.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
A few quick things..... Found the flannel sheets and got them on the bed, added the "egg crate" mattress I had at the rehab last year... they throw them out if you don't take them so I brought it home and it was a big help last night. Biggest problem was getting up out of the bed, because it was so low and my knees don't push up very good. It was fairly warm so not a bad night except for the traffic.
Met them at the house a bit after 10. I was there before hand. Was going down the hill and a friend stopped me and told me there was a huge tree across the road.... so I had to go back and go the other way. Called then texted my son about it; and he texted back and said he was in a meeting.... then he called and said he was on his way there with the bucket truck because it was a big tree and they had to cut some of the limbs to be able to get it to where they could work with it. Not a good day to be in a bucket truck.

So I went around the other way, there is another tree down on a neighbors fence.... called him and left a message, then saw him down the road further so told him about it. Of course it was the new fence he had just put up last year.... So then I got there, met up with the guys and they got started. He wanted to get paid at least part up front, and I get it, and so I said I had to go up to the new house to get the money....
I came up to get the money, , and then as I was leaving to go down, there are 2 horses running in the yard of a house on the other side of the cow pasture....right along the very busy road with nothing stopping them from running out there, drove up there and there is also a donkey with the horses.... so, I managed to get the gate open to the field where we had the cows.... and the 2 horses went in and then the donkey finally came along and went around the corner into the field.... of course the gate only opened into the field not out, so not like it would open wide, to help guide them in. Then I called the guy who helped me move the little truck that day, because he works at the farm down the road and I was pretty sure these horses belonged to the son of the owner....I saw him (horses owner) come to his driveway... I went up and told him that I had gotten them in the catch lot of the cow pasture, so they were contained.... he was getting some halters and some grain to come catch them....
What a day. So, I went back down the hill, with the money, and they were loading stuff.... and they got all the bigger furniture and about half of the boxes in the room.... and he asked if I was interested in a nearly new queen mattress and box spring as I had an extra full size mattress at the house in the room with the boxes, that I told them to leave because DS is taking I said yeah, I was thinking about a new mattress... and he said he had one that was in his storage that his house that he would give me if I wanted as he wanted to get it moved out. So I said sure....

So, they came up, unloaded and put stuff where I wanted it, like the stuff into the carport etc, and carried the boxes up the stairs to the storage. Then he said he would go get the mattress and box spring, and bring it to the house and then come get the rest of the boxes.... I met them down the stone house, and they loaded the rest, I put some things on the truck that were a little more "delicate/breakable" , and they came up to the house and got it all off and into the house. There are some things I will move into the carport that I had them just leave them on the front porch, because I was not sure where I wanted it.

So, done with that part. I was sorting some of the stuff on the back porch and took a whole bunch of just clutter stuff to the dumpster. Alot more to go through, but am making a dent. I should be able to get through it , in some serious 'working at it" next week. Some of it will go upstairs. Alot of this is from my grandmothers and parents houses when they were cleaned out and some of it I want to keep, but alot from my grandmothers' is clutter, pack rat, saved stuff.... and I am a pack rat so I get it. Some has had mice into it so getting tossed. Then get the freezers emptied and get them moved. I will work at it very diligently. Get DS to help move any other "big stuff" , and the fish tanks.....

So, the mattress and box spring is like new... and I put my mattress on top of the 2 so now it is really "high"... but my mattress is fairly new and is a little "plusher" ... my box spring was an old one. I will deal with this, the way it is for now. Took the egg crate off since there is more cushion between top mattress and the floor now.

Unloaded the car and all the mattress pads, blankets, sheets etc that I will go wash on Sunday, so the car is emptier to go to the swap tomorrow. Backed the truck under the carport and will unload the stuff in the back of it, on Sunday too. I will need to make some room here inside. Mostly want to get the LR a little organized with the desk and the corner hutch in there. It is a little crowded.... my couch is bigger than I realized. Might look for a smaller one in the future. I definitely want a recliner chair for when I have the knees done.... 6 months.... Have another chair I want to sell at the yard sale.
Thinking the Yard sale for the end of May.... early June????? Then I can see what I have and maybe even have another one end of summer....?????

It has been SOOOOO WINDY...... really really blowing. Chilling down too. Sounds like it is going to blow down the house..... That is supposed to slow down and be breezy tomorrow but not so strong. Sunny and in the 60's-low 70's... Sunday warmer and then back up near the 80's next week.

So, I also went by and fed the horse and checked things there.... got to go back down to the house and get my clock radio that I had there playing while I was working so I make sure I get up in the morning. Maybe put a few things in the car but am not going to do a whole lot more today. I ache and don't want to make myself worse for tomorrow. Done enough for today.
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Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
If you are selling furniture at the Yard Sale, see if you cn sell the couch. Then you can buy a new recliner and a smaller couch at the same time, have them delivered, and the old sofa will already be gone and you won't have to deal with getting rid of it.

Lots of sales around Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day. Also some Father's Day sales might take place on recliners.

Sounds like you are just about there!!! :weee


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Beautiful day today. BRIGHT sun, breezy, I took off my sweatshirt and put it back on a couple of times as the wind came and went off and on....
Met @Mini Horses at the poultry swap around 8:30.... about 2 + hours from me and about the same for her. It was like meeting an old friend. I sure enjoyed it. We walked around .... well, she walked, I limped....;):D looking at stuff. More crafts, yard sale, plants, than many chickens this year... It gets bigger and there are more people with home crafts and stuff.... Lot of silkie chickens this year... and lots of baby chicks and baby ducks. Some piglets, and some goats.
We spent about 4+ hours, ate some bbq sandwiches and talked some more. Let me tell you, after meeting her, I am more in awe of her putting up that fence by herself.... she's just a little slender thing.... that's heavy wire to "manhandle"... I hope after my knee replacements that I can work as well as she does.... true inspiration as she is just a couple years older than me, and could work rings around alot of people I am sure, after meeting her in person. Wish we were a little closer to be able to get together a few times a year.... maybe if we both retire????:gig:smack But we both agreed that completely retiring, while we are both single, would take away some of the get out and be around people stimulation that we both enjoy and is good for our mental state....
Talked about everything... it was really great. Got some insights on the sheep and goat fencing.
I'm the fat, disheveled hair one. :hide Never thought about my hair, it was up in a hair clip in back and the wind had taken some of it out and made me look like some wild unkempt crazy person !!!!!!
Planning on the fall swap.... 3rd Sat in Sept..... good Lord willing and the creek don't rise....

So came home, and stopped at the mennonite owned nursery, and treated myself to a couple of peonies... I have wanted a yellow one for the last 2 years and they had sold out. This year they had 2 different ones so I got 1 of each of them .... NOT CHEAP.... but I didn't buy any chickens or anything at the swap..... (even though I did just shell out for all the stuff I had the guys move Friday....) and got a 3rd one that is called peppermint patty... a splashed red and white one.... And a few tomato plants to put in the garden that is not plowed/tilled yet. Got the yellow pear ones that are a little salad tomato, and a couple of others.

Then after I got home, was listening to the weather and it is supposed to cloud up tomorrow afternoon in anticipation of the rain that is coming in for Monday. I planned on going and washing all the mattress pads, sheets, blankets and stuff in the morning. So, I decided to go do them this evening early. Got them all washed and then got them hung out when I got home. Wind is much less in the evenings here, so they won't get blown off the line... and they ought to be dry by middle of the day if we get the sun in the morning like they are saying. They were all on the front porch, and I just wanted them out of the way. I have stuff on the porch to bring in, and things to get done here...Want to work on getting the LR put together... the drawers in the desk, and all the stuff in the BR that I have been using as a desk... bills, computer, etc... all in the proper place in the LR. That will give me more room in the bedroom.... neaten things up a bit and I will be able to find things again....(maybe :hide:idunno)

I will go down to the other house in a day or 2.... I told landlord I would be gone for a couple days, so might just try to work here... gone today, testing tomorrow, maybe another farm on Monday????....and if it rains, I do not want to be going to the dump or trying to load the car. Plus I have to go to the ankle dr in NC early Tuesday and will be gone all day because it is 4+ hours down. So then Wednesday I will get back serious with the clean out... It is supposed to dry up on Wed so a good day to do more of that. I can get the freezers turned off and load the freezer chests too and bring stuff up as I come. That will take maybe 2 trips, but again, then I can get the stuff sorted and put in these freezers so that I can find it to be able to start cooking it. I can do that pretty easy as I don't think that there is all that much in the one if I remember correctly. I am going to do serious "culling" of the stuff on the porch.....

I am getting ready to crash.... time to hit the hay....

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
So right -- we had a GREAT VISIT!! The sun was brightest I've seen in a while, really hot, too. Then step from behind the barn or wall and winds got you cold. We really visited more than shopped. 😁 :love I'm thrilled we finally could. No doubt after your new knees we'll race around there next spring! Glad you found those pear tomatoes.....and I love peonies, too!!! Those rolling hills are way more challenging than my flat lands. There must have been 10 acres of parking -- full, too!

You have that old drive-in, yard sale venue. Should be good place to sell stuff. Of course haying will start soon, then fall calves, then new knees!!!!! You will be busy. I may have to drive up and visit a farm testing sometime...would love the experience. And the mennonite businesses up your way, love those.

The rest of ya'll missed out. 🤫