Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
A lot of the threads I like never show up on my alerts. I go to new posts too or else I would miss them.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Home from testing, legs/knees hurt. They brought the 2 freezers up, and then didn't even plug them in. :idunno:idunno On top of that they put the cooler chest in the building, after I said I would put the food in the smaller freezer in the house.... and it was packed with different layers separated by my 2 sweatshirts from the house and an empty feed bag... for what reason I have NO IDEA..... not like I can't see what the food is... and he made it a point to say that they were layered in the freezer chest from bottom shelf to top.... WHAT ???? WHY ???? . :hu:hu:th:thAnd he said he lost the smaller freezer chest off the back of his truck... so didn't take anything home from here.... ie... the ham steaks.... and I cannot figure out why he had it on the truck because I left the big freezer chest down there to put the stuff from the freezer in it, and the small freezer chest here so he could take home what he wanted in ham steaks and bacon.... so why was it on his truck before they came back to the house....:idunno:he
So, I drug the freezer chest from the building, all the way up to the front porch, in the house and down the hall, on an old blanket to not scratch up the floor and then unloaded it into the freezer that I had to plug in . It is not as level as it should be, but I am too tired to deal with that....tomorrow, I will see about getting it leveled better. And deal with the one in the building....
PLUS I asked, in a note that he wrote a reply to me.... to please lock the building.... nope, the lock was hanging on the door but not locked....:th:hit:hit

Tomorrow I will have to see about getting the other freezer going, so that I can start moving the stuff out of the 2 down there so they can get cleaned out. I may just have to have them come back to move the freezers next week... not my DS but the mover guy..... because I don't know how much I will be able to get done tomorrow..... Most stuff is about ready to move in the house... need to clean the desk and all, and I want to at least get some of the vacuuming done since it is pretty dirty in there.... stuff hasn't been moved in 10 years.... and I don't know how fast I will be moving. I will just see how I get along tomorrow.

The yard sale stuff is growing.... and I am going to have someone come in and move me next time.... they are going to pack everything.... do everything.....and I will just leave and disappear.....:hide:hide

It's getting late and I need to go down the hill. I am not in a very good frame of mind.... and the day was not bad, just long......but I for the life of me cannot understand what he was doing, thinking.....probably in a rush to get home to GF again. I am so tired of it.... thought maybe things were getting a little better, but it looks and feels like he doesn't have time again for anything except what he wants.... and whatever the GF wants and says.... have a feeling that this summer is going to be not so good with his catering to her and not getting the stuff done that needs to be done when it needs to be done.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
I will start doing that too.

OK Jan - This will be easier - just highlight the part in B&BHappyGoats' thread that you posted by error. Then copy it holding the ctrl button down and simultaneously pressing the C key. Then go to the "post reply box" in your thread and press the ctrl key and the V key simultaneously. That won't take the post out of B&B's thread, but it will transfer a copy of what you posted from her thread into your own thread which is really all you want to do.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
I did it for you. Here is Farmerjan's post from B & B HappyGoats' journal.

Called DS because he was supposed to maybe go get the dog and I said I would go feed the 2 cows... he said he didn't go...said that it would be great if I fed the cows, but that he would be there in a little bit... and I said I was already there after feeding the horse. The other horse went home on Sunday so just the old mare now. He said he went to the stockyard we were going to on Monday's, because the buyer he works with got him a couple more 550 wt bulls for a good price.
So, I was there, jim came in with the truck and said he found a couple of pieces of 3/4 " plywood that DS had up at his barn that should work....then he went over to do something at the equipment shed; then DS came in he said that he and jim were coming up to the house tomorrow (Tuesday) eve to put down the plywood and move the 2 freezers.... I said well, I got the plywood sheets in there and moved the 2 bags of concrete mix... one is hard as a rock and the other the bag broke so it is in a feed sack; That I would not be there cuz I had to test Tuesday aft....And that I was getting the stuff moved on Thursday.... and he said "I know, I have been promising you and haven't gotten to it.... I was going to pay your rent for the next month because I told GF that I should have gotten it done" ...then asked who was doing it and I told him and he said that I needed to make sure I was here when they did it because he is not a trustworthy person.... and I didn't bother to say, well if you had done what you said I wouldn't have had to find someone else to do it.... :barnie:he:somad:rant. So I will leave a note for landlord, that I will be mostly out but will be doing the cleaning and stuff next week.... will leave him a ck for 1/2 month's rent and DS can pay that. Done asking....
Plus, I will be gone on Saturday to the poultry swap.... and.... have my checkup in NC on next Tuesday.... for the ankle.....So, I will be gone all day a couple of days....

By then it was getting late, so I changed plans, came back here to the house. Had a few things on the stairs to go up into the attic, so got them up there, and put the sample bottles in the racks for tomorrow's herd. Got the cooler chests in the car to take down the hill since I have to leave by 6:45 to be in PT by 7:30..... this way he can put the meat in the freezer in the cooler chest, bring both freezers up and then just put the meat back in the freezer as soon as he plugs it in here tomorrow eve while I am gone. I have the stuff for Goodwill in the car, and will go by with that in the morning after PT so it is out of the car.
I have to go by the other farm that I pick up the couple of samples, after I go to Goodwill, on my way home, and will get a 2 gal bucket of milk for me at the same time I get his samples and info. We run his couple of registered cows through with the herd I am going to test tomorrow... and this way if I get it on the way home from PT and Goodwill, I can get my milk in the fridge & not have to deal with a cooler chest and milk going to test....
Then load meters and hoses after I get back here.
Already made my list so I don't forget to do it all in order.....

Also got confirmation call from guy to be at house at 10 on Thursday morning.... SOOOO..... if DS gets the 2 freezers moved tomorrow, then I have Wed to get the food out of the other 2 and cleaned out/wash/wiped and then maybe they can move them on Thursday ?????? So all the freezers will be here and then I can con DS into helping with whatever all small stuff that is left... like the bigger fish tanks....... since he is feeling guilty, I will play on it.....
That will give me Thursday eve to get the bed made up, and stuff like that.... and Friday to get a little "oriented" before going to the swap on Saturday.... I am not compromising or giving up those plans....

MAYBE it is all going to finally happen?????


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
I can't believe that DS and Jim did not follow the instructions you left.

Oh wait - they are men. Men don't follow instructions. They throw them away then wonder why they have a handful of parts left over! :smack 4 men in this household and if we get a new appliance, electronic item, etc. I have to make a long dive for the instructions before they disappear into that void known in manspeak as " never saw them but we don't need them anyway". No, no, maybe you don't but I do!!!

But at least the freezers are at the new house finally! :)


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I don’t even know what to say. What I’m thinking, can’t be said on a family forum. Gheesh.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Wed, I'm at the new house to get the samples packed and dropped off and the clothes off the line. Had to sit for a minute. Had to call the computer center for testing and straighten out a couple of i d's on a couple of the cows that I did not have the info for last night but was texted to me this morning.
Talked to DS. He explained what he did and why and offered to come help do whatever I needed him to do this evening... His thinking was convoluted but it made sense in a way. The fact that I even understand what he did and why, just tells you that us FEMALES have a whole different thought process.... They didn't plug in the freezers because the older ones you are supposed to let settle a bit so that the freon stuff and all is in the circulator and no air bubbles to cause failure. I remember being told that many times over the years every time we moved a fridge or freezer. Okay, can accept that. He saw the cooler chest at the house and thought I had forgotten to take it down the hill... he was being helpful:idunnoso stopped to get it. It was a smaller one so not a big deal. Don't even know where it came from I have had it a long time.

He left the note he had written on, in the shed figuring that is the first place I would go, so that is why he didn't lock the lock... (like I wouldn't have the combination?????:hu) He separated the stuff in the freezer chest since I had it separated on the shelves.... being thoughtful that I wanted to keep it separate. He thought that since it was in the big freezer that was where I wanted it to stay.... I explained that the other freezer had gotten a frost build up and that stuff was about half thawed when I got it out so I laid it out on the shelves flat to refreeze fast and it didn't need to be separate, but okay. appreciated that he was trying to be considerate....:th:idunno:hu:barnie

Okay.... so I was tired and hurting last night and should have bitten my tongue and waited til I was more with it this morning.
Know what, they are moved. They are plugged in, they are working. And he is being very NICE and offering to help more.... that is the guilt from not getting things done sooner, so I WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT..... told him that I would need help with the couple of kitchen cupboards once the rest of the stuff is out of the house and they are easier to get to. They are awkward and big, but not terribly heavy.... just hard for one person to move by themself. And there are a couple of garbage "cans" that will need to be lifted and put on a truck to go to the dumpsters I will get him to help with.... while he is feeling so helpful.

Landlord told me the other day when I talked to him after he cut down all the roses, that it was a good thing I had moved the trees.... If he had cut them I would be in jail for murder.... because I told him that I would be moving them....STUPID......

So, I am taking the truck down the hill, getting a load for the dumpsters, some to bring up here and starting to sort through all my "hoarding" of stuff on the porch and going to run the vacuum and do some cleaning so it doesn't look so terribly bad.

And of course, allergies are kicking in and my eyes are itchy and my nose is running away with me....:barnie:he:hit


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Glad he is being so nice and thoughtful. You are right, their minds work differently than ours. Sweet that he explained everything and you can see where he is coming from. And wonderful that he is going to help you this evening.

BUT I stand by what I said on men and instructions! :lol:


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Ridgetop you are right on with men and instructions.... 10000000%.

Took samples to get shipped out, got the laundry off the line. Took truck down the hill and made another run (1 mile) to the dumpster with just trash and collected junk. Be glad @Ridgetop that you are going through the conexes now....
Then got some more stuff on the truck, and brought it up. Going to go down now and do some more. I will make one more trip up here this evening, then go down the hill for the night and do whatever I can to get things as ready for tomorrow as I can. Vacuum is down there. Going to start sorting on the porch, but there are no working lights anymore, don't know what is the problem as they are pull chain type, but suspect it is chewed through wires in the ceilings from the squirrels or rats???? Kitchen overhead florescent is blown out and it is a big huge light cover/thing... like 3x3... I'm not climbing up there to get it fixed. So rest of kitchen will wait for day time. as will the closed in back porch. Also lights don't work on the front porch either. But it looks like one of the 2 wires to the hanging bulb is broken, ain't fixing that either. I told him about the leak a few years back... I mentioned that there were lights that didn't work, not worried about it. I will be completely done and out in 2 weeks.

DS is not going to help me this evening, I told him there wasn't much for him until I get the freezers emptied to move the other 2 up here. I was going to try to do that today, but wanted to concentrate in the main part of the house so that they can get to the furniture easily with no garbage/junk in the way to work around. Also for them to get into the spare room, to all the boxes there, that will be going up into the storage attic here.

I needed to take something else for the knees as they are not happy about yesterday's testing and then me on them again today. So, decided to bring some stuff when I was coming. Have to go by and feed the horse so will do that and go down the hill again.
Got too warm today.... 87...... not used to it.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Haha, my husband either acts without thinking or over thinks something. Either way, he does some DUMB things. @Ridgetop you may NOT repeat this within his hearing! LOL His thought process goes off in La-La Land. I understand what your son explained to you farmerjan. That is proof that I have had to learn Man-Broke-Brains, by spoken word, actions or inactions.