Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Well, I never got back on here to tell you about yesterday... I have had a headache and of course knees ached from yesterday.
Started sunny, got some clouds and a 3 sec sprinkle then cleared off.... mostly sunny all afternoon. 63 to 85. Comfortable.

Packed the samples and got them dropped off and went and got feed to go and feed the cows tomorrow. Stopped and did the horse. Quiet day.
So DS texted me and said he was going to get off work early and wanted to leave by 2...instead of 3.... because he wanted to go through Waynesboro... This was at 1:30.... I was getting things ready but that was pushing it. So I rushed and luckily had gotten the subway sandwiches I usually get for us to eat in the evenings.... 6-7 p.m. you start to get pretty hungry.... Threw some water and some of my ice tea that I pour into pint bottles so I can take them with me, in the cooler. Got the bundles of boxes and all and dropped off the samples to go out and was at the farm to meet him before 2.
He had taken a friend's trailer with him to GF house on Monday, because her father decided to help get the area smoothed out to put the carport building; that we picked up on the last trip to his dr appt down near Blacksburg; at the last minute Monday morning.... Here we go again, he jumps when someone else wants something done.... Well there was an old school bus there on the property; the grandfather used it to store hay in years ago.... that GF wanted out of there and was going to give it to someone to just come get. DS said NO WAY, he would get it. So, her father helped with his backhoe machine after getting some of the dirt and all spread out for the building... and they got it loaded on the trailer. The bus was like 24 ft long... and the longest flatbed trailer DS has is 20ft, so that is why he borrowed the friends' trailer...
So the push was he wanted to take it to the scrap yard on the way and get it off the trailer.... DS has been cleaning up and taking several trailer loads to the scrap yard regularly...
SCRAP METAL is $10.00/100 lbs.... which is pretty high... that's $100 for every 1,000 lbs... and he has been taking trailers with 3-4-5,000 lbs... and like my small truck that had been sitting, it weighed over 3,000 lbs...
So we went by the scrap yard and the bus was all steel....pre 1964... and weighed well over 8,000 lbs... so he made some money. It was huge, and heavy because even with the gooseneck, so much of the bus was on the back part of the it was not as balanced as it could have been but we went slow and got there with no problems... you could feel the "push" of all that weight going down the hills on the way there...
Got to the farm about 10 til 4 so that was good. Started milking at 4:30 on time... and we were done about 9... I got the computer work done and we were on our way home... One of the tires on the trailer had the tread start to separate... and it made alot of noise... DS will replace the tire for the friend. They trade stuff back and forth all the time, and since he said he made good money on the bus, it was definitely worth replacing the tire for him. It could have been going bad already, or the weight could have caused it to start to come apart... but doesn't matter.

So that was my interesting afternoon. Other than I mentioned the stove again... said that if he couldn't get to it I would get the guy from the co-op to do it... that I really wanted to use the stove.... DS said that he wanted to talk to one of the guys at work who has installed them before....

Then this morning he called to see if I had anything going on Friday, because he needs me to haul a load of calves for the one landlord where we rent... he runs a few steers on his own there on a separate piece of property..... so now I am supposed to haul them since DS can't get off work. His boss's mom passed away Monday afternoon... she took a turn for the worse, which is why DS couldn't test Tuesday morning as originally planned after it had been scheduled.... and for his sake I am glad that his boss was with his mom when she passed on. Her health had really deteriorated in the last 6 months....

Whatever..... everytime I think that things might be a little better, he seems to find something he needs me to do... but I can't get him to do a simple thing like the flex line ... yes, he did the water pump on the truck for me... but I think it was as much to make sure that the GF could drive that other truck to do things for him... he talks one way and then does the opposite......and then he got after me to get the calves in at the nurse cow pasture so he can get the couple banded and then sold.... but he sends GF in to do feeding when she is not doing the routine I have been establishing, to get them in.....So, he wants them in on Friday if possible.....after I haul the steers for the other guy.....

I think this is what gave me the headache today...
Tomorrow I will call the co-op and see if they can come get it hooked up before the weekend. I have waited long enough.
There is the cattleman's meeting tomorrow evening... and DS said he was considering putting in an insect growth regulator to cut down on the is called Altosid... and I am not against it... but last year I had the feed company put DE in the mineral I bought and paid for...and it did cut down on the flies at the one pasture where I used it regularly....... and then he said he heard about using garlic in the mineral... which I had told him about last year... and that he heard from so and so that the flies did not like to bite the animals because it came out though their pores.... I guess I must talk in code and he doesn't hear or understand me.... It comes from someone else better than from me... and I was pushing it last year... and this year I just gave up because I talk to myself....

But GF is going to this meeting, so she can hear about this stuff....

So enough... I am in a bit#@y mood. I have also had a person contact me from another forum about the covid situation... scared out of their mind over some of the things they have seen... wanting information that they caught wind of that is not on the "mainstream media".... and it makes me want to scream.....

Tomorrow has got to be better....
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Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I find it amusing, since I have similar situation here with DS. Always time to help another but, I'm sucking hind tit! Took me 6 damned months to get a shingle replaced. Never even touched the dormer I need work on. Guess I'll be on that roof before long.

Need a barn repair and he has my ladder and trailer "somewhere". Lots of other issues. It's frustrating. :he:barnie:smack:somad:tongue:he


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yeah, @Mini Horses ; that is exactly how I feel. The shoemakers kids are the last to get shoes...they want you to "jump" for them, but then they drag out what you need done.... and the "borrowing" things that seem to never get returned until you hound them. I thought she was getting through to him, but he only jumps for her....and any other friends....and he kow tows to her like I have never seen. Yes, his attitude and temper is improved with working the cattle.... but sometimes it is like a slap in the face because I am not worthy of his being decent to, unless she dictates it.
Past frustrating...:somad:somad:somad:rant:rant:rant:barnie:barnie:barnie:he:he:he:he:smack:smack:smack.

Cloudy and some sprinkles/showers. It thundered last night and I went out and closed the truck windows just in time, as we got a shower right then. Then had some more off and on, heard it. Didn't sleep good either. Looked at radar and it looks like we will get another wave of showers coming through... and looks like @Mini Horses is going to have some serious storms develop later this afternoon. Hopefully we will be done with it by mid afternoon. The ground can use it and then supposed to be clear for about a week?

Washed my hair this morning as I just didn't feel up to it last night. Probably will go in and wash another box full of mixing bowls, baking dishes and whatever. Don't know how much my knees can take today. The dampness makes them ache. Wonder if that will bother them once the joint is replaced. Ankle doesn't seem to ache much more in the damp that I really notice. I was very careful last year in the cold, and this year the knee replacements will be fairly new.. Guess we will see.

Going up to the nurse cow field to do grain and see who/how many I can get in.... as a dress rehearsal for tomorrow.

Got an order from Lehman's with the rubber rings for the bail top old style canning jars. They are not as wide or as thick as the old ones. Not very thrilled with them but going to keep them because who knows. Also tried a new company's regular size canning lids and not impressed with them either. The "rubber" ring on the lid was supposed to be thicker, but it is not as wide so you will have to place them just so on the jar, I think... maybe I am wrong.

Was looking for something to use to pull around like at the flea markets and the poultry swap....and found a wagon that has a mesh floor... like they have at the nursery's and such. Has removable sides and all. Have priced them several times and they run like 110-140 and really didn't want to spend that. Figure that I would be able to use it in the garden and when I don't want the big one that I pull behind the mower/tractor..... so we will see. I made an offer on one on ebay, shipping included.... will see if they accept it and then go from there.

So, hair is drying, time to go out and check the rain gauge and do something productive.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thursday eve. We got all of .1 inch rain last night and this morning... sure thought we got more. It moved off east and north and by noon we were pretty much sunny. 63 up to 79... and cooling off this evening. Going to be a good sleeping night.

Made a trip to the dumpster with stuff I had put on the truck yesterday. Stopped by the garage but owner was off on a call and the one guy there said that he understood they were going to go ahead with getting parts etc ordered for the car(outback) and the forester.... So we are in the process there.

Went to snyder's (nurse cow pasture) and fed some and got some of the calves in again... called the cows up and had put feed in the outside feeders too... a bunch of the bigger calves came up first, so I am hoping that maybe I will be able to get them to come in the pen with the first few cows that come up tomorrow.

Came home, got changed and went to the meeting... DS called to remind me... I was on my way out the door to get in the truck. Had a nice meal....beef shish kabobs on a long skewer and baked beans and drink and chips and ice cream sandwich for desert. The talk was on pinkeye... and sadly did not learn anything new.... the vet said that he didn't believe that the garlic in the mineral helped... and studies from several herds showed no improvement in "fewer" cases of pinkeye with vaccination, or not.... Of course they will not discuss things like DE in the feed and he said there would be next to no benefit if we added a feed through growth inhibitor if there were cattle next to ours that did not get the same... So basically said that Altosid and Clarify are not any benefit... I don't agree... Next year I will get the mineral mix I want with the DE in it again... and the max Vitamin A allowed as I think it won't add all that much more to the cost and it sure can't hurt. Build up the immune response with the extra Vit A..... He said that the focus has been on Vaccination for the past 30 years and they need to do more studies on different strategies....
Does that sound familiar.... like vaccination is the only thing that is going to save the situation.... God forbid you look at alternatives......

Just came home a bit ago. The calves are at the barn, from the guy we rent from, so DS is going to call me in the morning about 8 or so... after he gets things all set up and going at work... and said he can probably get away for 20 min to come to the barn to help load the calves. I told him to make it suit his work schedule. He is 5 min from the barn where they are doing this road work... Get them loaded and I will take them to town and then come home and see who I can get in at the pasture.... and then see what is what.
Put some clothes in the washer to soak... they can get run through and hung whenever. Supposed to be nice weather for the next 5-7 days. I am assuming he is going to cut some hay too....
Had a farmer text me about testing, they want to do it early next week. I will text them back tomorrow when I look at the calendar... but I think I can do it most any day.

Local hospitals here have shut down "elective surgeries" due to covid hospitalization increases.... at the same time, had a friend's wife who is a nurse, say it is BS at the one hospital she works at... no problems there except they are short staffed in general... and 3 more nurses quit due to vaccine mandates.... AND NO ONE IS TALKING about possible early treatment......:mad::barnie:barnie:barnie:somad:somad:somad:rant:rant:rant:rant:he:he:he because they cannot say the word ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine or increased Vitamin intake as a preventative and early treatment...

So, I am going to go to bed early and see if I can sleep better tonight... Got a list of things to do here at the house too....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Friday evening. Not the worst of days, but not the best planned either. Got up and got dressed so I would be ready for DS to call around 8-8:30. It was 9 and he was tied up at work, they had some problems. Said it would be better for me to go at noon, and then I could stay and watch them go through. Not exactly what I planned on. I went up to the barn at noon. He called and said he would be there in 20 minutes or so.... that maybe I could get them in the alley to load... So, I just went on and got them in the alley after them running around the pen 4 times... stupid didn't see the open gate to the alley.... but if I didn't want them to go up it.... that would have been the first place they would have gone.... got them loaded and could not get the trailer door shut... couldn't lift it the little bit to get it to fit.... he got there and I was sitting there waiting for him to shut it.... then left for town. Got unloaded and all.... went and got some lunch and ate... then sat through the sale. They did okay.... there were 8, 5 in one group, 2 and a single. The single had had pinkeye in both eyes so had spots and he didn't do real good, but about what DS said... 1.22 and DS said minimum of 1.25.... I let him go at 1.22. The pair brought 1.61 and the pen of 5 brought 1.59..... about the average of all the ones there so that was good. They aren't ours, but we sold them in our farm name because last year the guy got alot less than they should have brought. Sometimes it pays to have a "name and reputation" ....
But with all that I didn't get home until about 7. I backed the trailer up to the usual spot and then took my truck and went by and did the horse. Everything there is fine.
Did NOT get to the pasture to get the calves in and have no idea where DS is or even if he cut any hay since he is not answering my texts.... I am not going to worry about it until tomorrow.

It was a nice cool 53 this morning, sunny and comfortable all day... supposed to get warmer and back into the 90's by Monday... then some possible rain on Tues eve or Wed.....

Set up a farm for Monday afternoon, they wanted to try to do it the first of the week so I said fine. Got 2 others to call. I know one is still chopping corn so they won't want to but he said to call around the 12th or so.... the other is a toss up... will have to just call and see what they are doing as far as chopping corn or whatever.... then 2 others for the end of the month I guess... one might just wait til early Oct then not test again til early Dec....

I'm quitting for the night. Think I will watch a movie on the computer. Going to have to get those calves in tomorrow....Oh, and I forgot to do the clothes so they will get done tomorrow....

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Loading and hauling and DSs!! :oops:

Had hoped my DS would be a help to sort goats but he hobbled out on a crutch, sciatic nerve pain. Have 10 in paddock to load. Hope all still in there in AM. Some hollering going on but, quieted, so? 2 more I'd like to add if I can grab them in morning. If not, always next month. Have a couple late born to go then anyway...named hay $. ;)

Truck & trailer set at loading lane...toss grain and move out of the way....shut doors.

You know auctions...ya get what ya get. They gotta go. I need a social day anyhow. :old


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Saturday morning... another cool 53 this morning... sun coming up over the trees across the road from me.

Yeah, DS's are always a big lot of help when you could best use it....NOT.....Oh well....Hope the auction goes good, and prices are good. They sold a single wether goat yesterday... nice looking, good flesh... brought right about 200 and weighed like 85 lbs? There are few goats or sheeep sold at this market anymore so not a good place to judge prices, but still I thought it wasn't a bad price considering. The best market for them is on Saturday, about an hour north of here. They sell alot of small animals, have a good number of buyers for them, and also being a Saturday, they have a huge number of "weekend farmers" that come there too.

Today is the sad 20th remembrance of the 9-11 attack on our soil, and our families and our way of life. I hope all will have a moment of silent prayer for all that lost their lives that day, and the heroic efforts of so many to try to help.

Not alot on the agenda today, clothes to get out on the line, calves to get in at the nurse cow pasture. Maybe DS will clue me in on what he is cutting/where. I see he didn't do any yesterday, the tractor and discbine is still across the road where he cut the sorghum last. Supposedly there is next to no chance of rain for at least a week now.... Sure hope it doesn't come next Saturday....

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I hope next sat is good weather, too! 😁 well, just no rain works...

That was a good goat price, especially for a wether. Here a lot depends on meat buyers and many of those accumulate and hold on a "feed up" lot for a load to sell. We do have several who buy for their farm and keep decent size herds, breed, kid out, etc. Most of these today are bucklings, uncut -- that's how many want them, unaltered -- so need to go! Couple grown does just to cut back....will sell a few more next month when I take last of young bucklings. Nothing wrong with them but want to thin out for meat goat room. I like my milkers :)

It is my desire to cut back work hours next year, increase farm time and efforts. Two yrs late but Covid got in the way. Determined to see my garden and farm work. :old Not yet ready to totally quit job but, closer. I'm spoiled, not rich. :lol:. I think we both feel unsure about quitting our jobs, there are some good things about them. Personally I see a few more years a does keep me out with people and life beyond a goat, chicken or pig. 😎🤗

Gotta go check coops, do chores and get ready to laod up about 10-10:30. Only ten miles out. Want to off load 11-11:30 and may have others in line there. Sale starts at 1. They have "yard sale" things first, then birds and rabbits, then livestock. Be done about 5. Fun day.
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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Sat eve and decided to post and then hunker down with a movie.

Ds called to get me to come get him at a field he was mowing. He never moved the round bales there, so was mowing and then when he got close, mowed around a few, then wanted the truck to move them and then was going to finish mowing. But he needed me to come get him so he could go to funeral for his boss's mom. Never mentioned it to me when it was going to be, so I couldn't get ready on that short a notice. He brought his clothes and went and changed and went. He said he would talk to me later when I brought him back to the truck. Later this afternoon, he hauled round bales here to the field across from me where we keep them along the woods... and never heard another word out of him. I texted him to find out how much he had cut and all so I can plan to not test on days that I might be pushed to get it raked or tedded... but haven't heard anything back. Plus he brought the tractor and mower back across the road late this afternoon.... which makes no sense if he is going to do more sq bales. Not going to keep trying to second guess.

Went and got the buckets filled with grain to go to snyder's (nurse cow pasture) tomorrow.
Used the weed eater here, and ran it til the battery went dead.
Put some of the minwax stain on the cabinet so it can dry and I can get the rest of the shelves in .
Hung the clothes out earlier and there was a nice breeze. Will bring them in tomorrow since I did not get them before the dew started to settle.
Came across a bunch of heavy quilted shirts and a jacket and some other stuff that I will have to wash in a big machine at the laundromat.... might go do that in the morning so they can hang and dry. I have 3 pr of sneakers that I have been wanting to wash, so this is a good time to do them with other heavier stuff. They will tumble around in the machine better. There is no hay to rake so it would be good to get them done... especially since they will dry good. I have some sheets and stuff that can get done too, so might be worth the trip. Do 2 big machines worth and they will hang and dry and more stuff to sort and pack. Got a couple of plastic storage totes emptied out .... for future yard sale stuff. I would have liked to do it this fall, but I just can't get to it with working on stuff so slowly. I need to get things in the house better organized for when I do come home from the replacements... so I can get around and not have all the boxes everywhere to trip over. The dining room will still have alot of boxes, but want them all together and not in the kitchen and DR and BR and hallway and front porch.... getting done a little at a time....

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