Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Not a good day. My brother texted me and my dad passed away this morning. Don't know any details but will be going north again for a funeral, within the next few days. Don't know how much I will be on here.

Probably will not be here for the Poultry Swap next Saturday so if anyone was thinking about trying to come to meet up, I apologize. Have already talked to @Mini Horses. Expect we will be gone for several days.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thank you to everyone for their kind thoughts and condolences. It is a tough time. Just found out that the services are not until next week.... this Wed would be too soon in my brother's estimation to allow some of the family to get there... no other "openings" til next week... Not happy with this , but it is not my call... we will leave either Sunday or very early monday to go up as private family night is Monday eve... services on Tuesday at 10 a.m.. We will be gone at least 3 or 4 days.
In the meantime, I will schedule the 2 farms that want to get tested this week, that I had told no.... one farmer is having carpal tunnel surgery Friday... and the other had planned on this week when we talked several weeks ago and they were planning corn chopping... he has a vet check and hoof trimmer next week... I had told him no for this week thinking we were going to be gone like wed through the weekend... So tomorrow I will get them both scheduled and done. I tested today since it was scheduled and there was no sense in sitting around doing nothing...they are friends and I have been testing them for 30 yrs that I have been a tester....
I raked hay first for 2 1/2 hours in one field.... Will rake the sorghum that is cut... he got part of the field cut Sunday morning.... tedded it out today... calling for showers wed eve/thursday... up to 40% chance now... so didn't cut more due to thinking we would not be here to get it up.... now not sure what to do... it will be DS call....
Was supposed to go to Poultry swap on Sat... then I talked to @Mini Horses yesterday and cancelled because I was sure we would be up north.... not sure if I want to go or not at this point....probably won't be very good company anyway.... my son's dog got badly injured Sunday morning and I had to put it down for him; and that was about an hour before I got the text from my brother about my father so it was a really bad day all the way around....
So, I will be on and off here; as I try to manage to get through the next week or 2 .....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Samples packed and dropped off from yesterday's herd. Got one scheduled for tomorrow and one for a 2x test Thurs/Friday.... will have to get the samples dropped off fri aft so they go out.
DS stopped to unhook the tedder on the tractor, and hook up the rake instead, as it is hard for me to do with these knees. We talked about going up and it seems that he is leaning towards Sat, or Sunday morning. I can go anytime. Just as well that I am not going to the poultry swap.
Got the sorghum-sudan that he had cut early Sunday that he tedded out, raked and it is ready to bale. Wish that the field had gotten all mowed. Oh well, maybe if we get some rain/showers on Wed/thursday... he will mow it before we go and it will be dry and ready to rake when we get back. Only had 8 rows mowed so didn't take much time to rake. If we get some rain, it will grow again... might get a 3rd cutting if we don't get an early frost. ...

Talked to a patient care person about the upcoming surgery. Sending me a video class to watch about the surgery, tips to a better "experience"... nice person but she couldn't answer many of my questions. And not my patient advocate.....why do they need all these people? Why not assign one person to you for everything you need to know and do.
So far everything is still a go. Will get a test when I go in for the surgery.... no shut downs at this hospital... but then it specializes in replacements so doesn't take in all the emergency patients and all....

Will have to talk to brother when I am up there about future of doing things at parents house. I will be rather limited for awhile after the replacements... but even my DS feels that I will wind up being one to help with alot of this since the brother does not get along with the other brother and my sister and he have been on outs again... family dynamics... I will be glad in a way when this is all over as there will be alot less interaction.... and problems.... once it gets settled.

Going out to get the clothes off the line. Did the horse already.... let DEB know about my new plans and will probably talk to her on Saturday. I think she will try to stay at the farm and work from home for next week so she can take care of her also. Not sure what the plans are for this mare for the winter... She is going to have to make arrangements for after the end of October.....I will not be taking care of her after the replacements....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Friday eve. Tested the jersey farm that is 125 miles away on Wed and then did the 225 cow herd that I have to go to 2x, Thurs eve and this morning. Got the samples from the farm wed sent out yesterday and got the 225 cow herd sent out today. That herd is a pain. He is all worried who he will need to call after my surgery if I don't come back to work... and wanting to test in Nov and I had already told him that I would not be testing in Nov....he's being downright obnoxious about it... yet he puts me off testing all the time... We tested in July then it was too hot in August, so it had to work around his schedule with chopping.... which I did even though I would have rather not had to go......he wants things when he wants it, when it suits him... I said well, we can test again in Oct before my surgery then he can wait til the first of December... and he said well who should I call if you can't do it... and I said, well, things worked out just fine after the ankle so I see no reason to worry about it until we see how this surgery just hit me wrong. I was not in the mood for it today. Everyone else has been absolutely great about it... and VERY willing to work it out however... I am just not in the mood for him... I took the jump drive back and picked up my meters and all so they are not sitting there getting dirtier from the cats walking all over them and all where they stick them when they take them out. They can't take the hose and wash them off last thing when washing the parlor so everything off the floors get splattered on them.... I get so aggravated.

I went to snyder's... nurse cow pasture... where I have been trying to get in the 2 bull calves to get worked (steered) and finally today got them both in. Got both their mothers in too... the one has been impossible to get in...also got in one heifer that is pretty nutty that I am going to sell.... that had not gotten tagged yet... and 4 BIG heifers that should have been calving... then got put back in there with the bull to get (re)bred... One is alot further along pregnant, 2 are probably in the 2-3 month range I think and one I am pretty sure is totally open. She will make a good beef for him to kill in Nov.... So got the bull calves worked and will leave them there with the other calves that we weaned... the "keep heifer calves", from out of the group that we sold a couple weeks ago; while we are gone. He is wanting to ship a few more head in the next couple weeks.... so I will have to get in the other couple of calves that need to get sold that are there... but they have been worked and tagged except for one more heifer calf of mine that was not done. There are several ready to wean anyway... when we get back I will get them all in so that we can sell those few that need to be weaned.
The one cow that is so hard to get in will not be coming back to snyders.... she was part of the reason the calf wouldn't come in and I am tired of dealing with her. With 9 head total out of there... I hope that I will be able to get the others in it will take the strain off the water running slow from the spring. Had to listen to DS about the one heifer that is a little nutty... I really get a little tired of his constant put down of the ones that are not as quiet, that are mine... yet he seldom ever carries on like this when his are like this... It was his stupid cow and bull calf that I have been having so much trouble trying to get in. Just because my nutty heifer jumped over the pallet and busted it up .... yet there are things there at that barn that DS has been saying for a year that he needs to fix.... and it never gets done. I will get a new pallet for that spot... it helps to bridge a gap between the water trough and the gate that gets swung there to meet the trailer when we load... and I took the last good pallet to fix the fence that Jim did all half-a$$ed and the board got broken again.....which DS said he would bring a board up there and fix it right.....yeah, NOT........not like it was a $100 gate or anything.... She's getting sold... wasn't planning on weaning her this week but she is not going back... then I don't have to listen to him. She is not one I was going to keep anyway.... got 3 that I want to keep...probably. There are a couple there that are his... 2 are not real good ones... and 2 more steers up there that are mine that can go....But I hope to be able to get them in easier now with fewer there, so not as much pushing and shoving and the calves don't have that stupid cow and her calf to hang around with and not want to come in.

Made arrangements with the guy that works at the co-op to stop and get my truck early in the week and take it to work and get the lights working... no brake lights or right signal or backup light... he said it might only be a bulb and/or fuse, but at least I will not be waiting for another month for DS to take a notion to do it. This way it will be done for when I get back. I did not want to leave it set there for 5 days at the co=op.... JR said he would just stop and get it and drive it to work.... it's like 3 big deal. He//, DS has to be on the phone when we are trying to sort cows anymore, instead of getting the job done. I am getting so I HATE these cell phones...people can't stay off them and my DS is one of the worst....

He has decided we are going up tomorrow, Saturday and now wants to leave around 7 a.m.... I found this out at about 6 this evening when I was leaving the barn after doing the calves. Good thing I asked. He is so wrapped up in the GF and all, that he thinks he tells me things then gets mad when I tell him that no he did not discuss it with me.... guess the only good thing is this will probably be the last trip up there together for the foreseeable future. If my POA brother decides he wants some help with cleaning out parents house or whatever... I will most likely be going up by myself .....
The one saving grace about that is this brother has absolutely NOTHING to do with GF and refuses to acknowledge her, because of her screwing around on DS with her ex ....when he broke his hip and was staying at her house.... so she won't be going up as she is not welcome.....


Went and got my hair washed and trimmed today and of course she took off way more than I wanted. Need to find someone different.... Did get my eyebrows and all done so at least I will look decent.... It felt good to get my hair washed and scalp massaged though....

Just ate a baked potato.... and have to go in and get the rest of the stuff ready to go. I had taken some things out the other day... but really thought I would have tomorrow to finish getting ready. My knees hurt so much from testing last night and again this morning.... 4-5 hours each time... then the cattle penning and working... I just want to lay down and not move. But, I am going to get some more clothes packed since we are going to be there for a few days.... and get the few dishes done up in the sink... and go to bed.

Going to be a tough trip....