Sorry to vent so much last night. That is what happens when i hurt more than the normal aching!!!!!!
Got everything as ready as it is going to be. Did the dishes in the sink even.... Oh, got to go out and check the freezers and put down the handle on the outside water spicket... I was using the hose the other day. Even got the meters unloaded last evening, into the storage bin thing I keep them in out of the sun when I am not using them. Guess I am as ready as I am going to be . Going to be a long tough few days.
Thanks to everyone for their concerns and thoughts.
We got home late this afternoon. It was a rough trip and there are going to be some very bad times yet once the stupid lawyer gets back to my brother which he has not had the decency to do so yet. So, no one knows much of anything.... will, executor, NOTHING. Brought some things home POA brother said I should take because my father had made the statement only a few days before when they were cleaning out the sewing room... and he did take all the pictures off the walls and give to the respective families that they belonged to... and I took the rest as some were of my mom's family that my POA brother was going to just toss out. He is talking a dumpster outside the craft room, (which is a separate room from the sewing room), and just throwing everything out that is in there.... I have asked, nearly begged, him to let me know what is what with the legalities, and I will come up and start going through things as there are alot of pictures and such that were piled on the sewing table mixed in with stuff... When my Mom started to fail things just got piled in there... it is a real mess and there is more than most hoarders have..... he is talking the house getting sold which is okay with me... unless it gets left to someone.. but won't know until the lawyer returns his calls.... the thoughts were that he would call back and maybe if there was a reading of the will etc... that it could be done while we were all up there.... but he did not return the calls...
My DS has their dog as the home they thought they had for him fell through... I will not take him. He is a white American Eskimo... we used to call them American Spitz.... he is a sweet dog but has not had much attention since he was gotten for my mom and she went into decline not a year after they had him. They had had 2 before him so had them for many years... I cannot deal with a dog right now and do not want a dog with all that white long hair that sheds all over everything...He is following my son around as he is lost.... he had a small utility room for a "kennel", went out on a long cable so that he would not run off and get on the road..... and was taken care of mostly by the caregivers because my father had the stroke when he was barely a year old and my mom was totally unable to care for him. He is not mean, but is more like a 6 month old untrained puppy in a 4yr old dog's body. Loves kids and loves attention.... I think my DS is hoping he could find a good home for him with kids so he could play and have a better life. He was not neglected except for time and attention. He just has had his whole life uprooted. He rode well in the truck coming down, but it was not something that had been planned on. I would not take an animal now with the upcoming knee replacements anyway.
Brought home some things that my father had already told me he wanted me to have on the phone the week before while he and my brother were cleaning out the sewing room.... my mom had a ton of stuff and it seemed that my brother had convinced him that they needed to start sorting out some stuff so that they could get to the beds in there for people to be able to stay when they came to visit... As many older people.... myself included.... they were collectors....savers..... LOTS of STUFF......
Trying to stay on the positive side of the POA brother... don't know what will happen next with the lawyer and what is what with the will, probate... everything.... hoping that when things get figured out that maybe POA brother will get the one piece of property that has been in the family for years, and then this house will get sold; and maybe I will be able to go through and work with whomever to sort out things in this house and not just throw so much of the "stuff" away like POA brother is talking.....there are items that are worth some money and some sentimental things..... but this brother has no sense of "holding on" to sentimental things....maybe my fathers will, will have been made for someone other than this brother to sort through things.
The not knowing anything is what is tough right now....
I am going to close for now, have things to do in the morning.....want a hot shower and a night in my own bed...
They did get the lights fixed on my truck... I have to go see them in the morning and get some feed too as DS and his GF got the 3 "old cows" and their 3 calves, in at their pasture, and they are going to town tomorrow and there is a big steer calf at the nurse cow pasture I am going to try to get in the catch pen, at the nurse cow pasture, in the morning... he has a couple other calves he is going to send too....The old cows and their calves are mine, and there is one heifer calf we took there last week that is mine to go, and he has a few head of calves to go... a couple he had treated for pinkeye and had to wait for their eyes to clear up and one bull calf we had banded that we can send now that he is a steer and we can cut off the sack since it is shriveling up.... some odd stuff at the barn.... Take a load while prices are still pretty decent... Then we will have more later on in the late fall/winter when we start bringing the other cow/calf pairs home from summer pastures......but need to get these out of the barn that don't need to be there....
I'm sorry you are going through all this Jan. The lawyer can't even call back? Such a sad excuse for a "professional". And POA brother just wants out as fast as possible. If he wants to toss everything in a dumpster why not let the rest of the family sort through for "treasures", either emotional or of $ value??
Lawyers are notorious for lag time. Unless you use them on a regular basis...most don't...and reading a will is not a money maker. I suspect a few calls before any reply/results. I agree with letting others sift thru the tossing, first.
There should have been some rains in your area Wed and Thurs....decent amounts. We got close to 1.75 here, just yesterday. It was off and on all day. Gone now and appears good weather everywhere for a several day stretch. Maybe make hay?
You are all entitled to a copy of the Will. The lawyer needs to send everyone a copy asap. Don't depend on word of mouth to know what is in it. Probate law in each has a time limit in which you are provided with a copy of the Will, probate is opened, and the Will filed. Unless everything is in a Trust in which case some stats do not require probate. However, the Trustee must supply a copy of the trust to all inheritors and disinherited family members). The Trustee should notify everyone how it is to be administered and wound up after the death of the Trustor.
If you can't spare the time to stay at your dad's house again to go through things, I suggest renting a small storage unit in YOUR area, and just moving everything into it for now. Then you can bring home those items you know you want right now, and go through the rest later. If you bring all the boxes to your location and store them there, you can go have DS bring boxes home for you to go through them when recovering from the knee surgery at your home after you get out of rehab. You'll have to pay storage on a unit, but at least you can empty the house fast if "POA" decides to empty the house and put it on the market without giving you adequate time to go through everything while it is still in the house.
Hey to everyone. The situation with the house and everything is all waiting on the lawyer.... can't do a thing until then. Brother has left the house today and gone home to his place in upper NY on Lake Ontario... he's been gone from there since my father got hurt in the roll over mower accident.... over a month. House is locked and the neighbors that used to help will watch it.... the one guy lives right next door, and he is a nice guy. I think that brother will follow things to the letter... he just doesn't want to deal with cleaning out the house... I am hoping that once the lawyer gets his act in gear, we will at least know something. But I don't think that this POA brother is going to do anything "bad", but will do it "BY THE BOOK" because he is such a stickler for some things......he just doesn't want to take the time to sort things out in a precise manner... no patience with "little stuff".... I am not going to worry about it right now because i cannot do anything about it.....
We had 3.4 inches rain on the last few days we were gone and just before we got home... mostly on Wed I guess. It was moving north as we came home, driving through it on Thursday. Really soaked things, and there were a bunch of trees down on Wed eve as the sheriff's dept. called DS about them and he had to call the other boss to handle it all.... But it was really a good soaking. Supposed to be clear for the next 5+ days....
DS was going to cut the sorghum at the big farm, then start cutting some hay close by here, and then will cut the rest of the piece across the road. Since we are due to have nice weather he says he needs to get some down and made into sq bales.
FINALLY, I got the big steer in at the nurse cow pasture this morning, could not get him in yesterday evening. Also got in 3 big heifers to wean and will try to get in the other 2 ( I think there are only 2 other big ones), that need weaning. I was not going to lose the steer trying to get in heifers that were not "essential" to get in.
DS said he wanted to ship a group today... he and GF got in the "old cows" and their calves at the pasture yesterday evening in anticipation to ship today. One of them was really hard to get in, GF has been feeding every other day since we were gone, and I had been feeding before that; but they took the 4 wheeler so that the cow could not outrun them and they finally got her in. BUT, he talked to the auctioneer who is a friend, and he said there were 2 buyers that weren't going to be there today so he said that the calves would do okay, but he thought they would do better next week. So we are going to wait and ship next Friday..they are all at the barn. There are 2 or 3 more that he thinks he will ship too. Got a real NICE, really good confirmation heifer out of one of my cows that is a total nutcase...been weaned for over 3 months; throws her head up, runs to the other end of the field when you go in there... won't come for feed unless she thinks you have backed off far enough.....she was running with a crazy one of his that he got rid of and we were hoping this heifer would calm down once the other idiot was out of there, but she hasn't calmed down at all. I said to get her in the barn and she can go too. She will bring nearly enough for me to pick up another cow/calf pair on a day when I find a bargain.... he also said there are 2 or 3 others that are nothing special so he is probably going to ship them too..... get the numbers down a little, while prices have been holding, before we bring home cattle from summer pastures....All we will have to do next Friday is sort out the ones we are keeping.... went through and looked at the heifers again and decided to ship a few more that he had originally kept.... plus we have all the ones out at pasture on cows that will be coming home this late fall... so will have more to pick through. No point in keeping ones we aren't really 100% positive we want to be replacements. Heifer prices are holding pretty decent so they need to go before prices fall and I think that will happen here soon.
Heard talk again today about inflation and grocery prices going up. Please, everyone that needs staples, get things now. There was a report that Cosco.... like Sam's Club.... warehouse groceries..... is limiting TP and some other staples... because of delivery problems and such.... it is just another "reason"....@Mini Horses mentioned it also. It is going to keep getting more expensive and things will not be available... I keep preaching to DS and he needs to get on GF to start getting stuff put back....if you can possibly do it, buy a 1/2 of beef, and/or pork and some chicken....get your animals streamlined as feed keeps going @Baymule said.... HUNKER DOWN.... it is going to get worse......
I think I am going to invest in another BIG freezer, replace an older smaller one here in the house, and let DS take the older one to use to keep any beef he does not get sold right off and then maybe he can sell some smaller amounts to people that cannot see their way to buying a larger quantity. Split things into "quarters" instead of halves. We have a heifer that I think is not "right" inside... might be a freemartin twin, and not able to breed. He has never checked her and she is at the barn to get checked but she is probably the next one to get killed in early Nov...she was in heat again today..... Got appts for 2 in Dec... one is already spoken for.
Going up to check the horse as I just found out that Deb did not stay all week as she had some appts she had to keep. Then I am coming back and just stay put.
I am still trying to get my feet under me..... I have to get some things moved around so that we can get the sewing table into the house that came from my mom's. POA brother said that he wanted it out and that it went with the sewing machine... I didn't question him... we just loaded it on the truck....Got to make room here to get it in the house.... re thinking what I want to do with the DR now.... it might have to go in there as there is no room in the BR where the other sewing stuff is.... Might see about a yard sale after all and get some stuff out of here....maybe the weekend I was going to go north to see my father before my surgery.... Won't have alot but might be able to get some of this stuff cleaned out....have to get some help to get stuff carried out and put up on tables and stuff... not charge a fortune and get it gone....Will see how the weather reports are looking too... and where we are in hay....
DS just texted me to come get him in 15 min from the field he is mowing and take him back to the truck. So I will post this so I don't accidentally erase it.
Depending on will, sale of house may not happen on previous POA brother's time. A POA is only good while person giving it is alive...he now has to abide by laws governing estates. Will or not. There is no longer any validity to his POA.
GLAD YOU GOT THAT RAIN! It showed a lot in your general area on radar. It will bring the pastures on for you....always a good thing.
@Mini Horses , I do realize that the POA was only valid while they were alive....Hoping my father had some sense and did better with his will making and such than his mother and grandmother both did... so much of the families properties were sold for estate taxes back then because they did not have a savvy lawyer to protect things. I would like to contact the lawyer myself, but have not been made privy to who it is yet. SO DAM@#D tired of all the secret crap.... will be glad when it is all a done deal... and I will go if they decide to have an estate sale which I feel is a real kick in the teeth to us kids in general.... but until we get some "OFFICIAL LEGAL " info, I have just decided to not let it eat at me. There are things there that most of us wanted that were more sentimental than anything.... and I think that some of it should have been allowed to be taken... such as ceramic wall things and all that my mom made herself in her ceramic room... she had a kiln and all that was given away a year ago.... but some of her things that were on the wall have no monetary value at all... but things that one person or other would like for remembrance reasons.... all 4 of us were there so it wasn't like anyone was trying to take things behind each others' back....
DS mowed several pieces of ground today.... 10 + acres of sorghum at the big farm and a 4 acre piece of mixed grass hay... and all but one field at Deb's where I take care of the horse....I moved her into the arena area so DS could get in and out with the tractor and discbine through the several gates since the fields are cut up... I imagine he cut 6-8 acres there at least. He says corn is about ready to chop for silage so he has to get the sorghum off back there so they can get in and out of the corn field..... chopping may take place in the next 10 days; the sorghum ought to dry good in the next few days with no humidity and the temps are supposed to get back up into the low 80's..... the grass hay is very short and thin so it will dry fast too . The rain was good for the ground in general and great for the spring at the nurse cow pasture.... and it didn't run off here as Deb's driveway was not at all washed this time....
Time for a shower and to just quit for the night....
It was down to 47 last night... up to 74 today. Real Fall weather....