Farmerjan's journal - Weather


True BYH Addict
Nov 26, 2020
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Salisbury Maryland
That's an endorsement!? :lol: I'm still on an old flip, too. But considering a new type in 2022. Phone service on my tablet would work. :idunno even that ain't perfect.
Mini you be careful you buy one of these smart phones. They'll get you in trouble just today I typed Second Shot what came up was Sh#t aimed for the attachment and hit send to my Boss. Never even got a chance to proof read it. Then I pocket dialed my boy all while standing in the CVS.:old


True BYH Addict
Apr 14, 2021
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Zone 5b
Mini you be careful you buy one of these smart phones. They'll get you in trouble just today I typed Second Shot what came up was Sh#t aimed for the attachment and hit send to my Boss. Never even got a chance to proof read it. Then I pocket dialed my boy all while standing in the CVS.:old
Oh my lord. Like I said, Im your local Gen Z’er. PLEASE just ask for help.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Okay, here goes @Cecilia's-herd ... questions from a totally DUMB UNINFORMED OLD PERSON.... try to remember... I am old enough to be your grandmother plus.... :old:old:old:hide:hide:idunno:idunno:idunno:idunno:th
What is the difference between a tablet and an ipad and an ipod? I have no idea what each is or what it does. Just hear people talking about them. Have had ZERO interest in learning because I like my flip phone. And realize I have only had that for maybe 10 years.... You probably don't even know or remember but we had a landline phone with an answering machine... and did all our phone calls while in eating lunch or dinner, and supper at night. If you wanted someone you left a message, and they called you back. Simple and direct. Had a friend that had the original "bag phone" to take in their car....

So, what is the alternative to a flip phone that I can use that will not get a broken screen as all these smart phones get. I am talking something like this flip phone that I have dropped and run over in the field with the tractor, and it just flips open and works... LITERALLY. I have an old magnavox 385 (?) flip phone. Thin, metal case, basically indestructible. I use the number keypad and have to hit the buttons 3 times to get some of the letters ... just like the old phones that have 3 letters per number... He//, I still have a rotary dial phone that is indestructible.....
I want something small enough to slide in my front jeans pocket so it doesn't fall out when on the tractor like they can out of the back pocket. Something that I can sit on and not break it.... something not so thick that it is a big lump in my pocket.... My current phone is literally 1 3/4 " x 4 "....

What do you know about these new phones that are "foldable" smart phone screens? They look neat... and will FOLD up closed. How durable are they???? Galazy Z and the Razr????

And while we are at it, what about a laptop? Mine is a windows 7...Dell E6500 Latitude... a 2nd hand to me used one, that has been through the wringer with multitude trips into barns... cow splatters, dropped, dinged up, cracked plastic.. Need to replace it with a windows 10 I have been told... the most "compatible" style and operational wise to a 7.... I had an XP up until recently.....Liked the XP the best..... Not impressed with a touch screen one that one of my young farmers has (out of college a couple years)

Talk to me about different electronics... pluses... minuses.... I am no rocket scientist. I want to use the internet to look things up, read articles, do things like being on here and other cattle forums and such... do my banking and pay bills and such... safe from hacking and every kind of intrusion into my privacy.... don't want to be tracked on everything I do....

Okay... does this give you some clue as to what I am wanting/needing????? Might keep you busy for a little bit too, in case you are getting bored...:gig:lol::hide:hide

Thank you


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
An iPad is a tablet, an iPod is basically an iPhone without the capability to make phone calls. Games and music mostly I think though you can text from one but it has to have an internet connection.

iPad vs Tablet

I found this, hadn't even heard of foldable smartphones. I'm sure TracFone doesn't carry them the cheap ones are $900! Seems some of them are about as big as a non foldable, others not TOO much bigger than your current phone but they seem to have small screens on the outside so I assume there is breakage potential there.


True BYH Addict
Apr 14, 2021
Reaction score
Zone 5b
What is the difference between a tablet and an ipad and an ipod? I
Ok, let's start from the top! Tablet- large touch screen pad, essentially a giant Iphone you can't use cellular data with. Iphone- your standard touch screen phone, you probobly know this one the best. Ipod- non-touch screen little electronic device you can upload and play music on! they are like 2x2 (inches)
So, what is the alternative to a flip phone that I can use that will not get a broken screen as all these smart phones get.
Nothing really. BUT Otterbox makes nearly indistructable waterproof cases you might be interested in.
I want something small enough to slide in my front jeans pocket so it doesn't fall out when on the tractor like they can out of the back pocket. Something that I can sit on and not break it.... something not so thick that it is a big lump in my pocket....
You should look into the iphone SE, they are pretty small and you can get an otterbox to fit one
What do you know about these new phones that are "foldable" smart phone screens? They look neat... and will FOLD up closed. How durable are they???? Galazy Z and the Razr????
Yes, I've seen them 🙄. My friend (who is quite dumb) bought one for 2000 DOLLARS! insane, broke the next day. NOT worth it.
And while we are at it, what about a laptop?
Chromebooks are basically indistructable but the software isn't great so it has to be replaced ever 5 years or so... kinda annoying.
Talk to me about different electronics... pluses... minuses.... I am no rocket scientist.
I enjoy my iphone XR, I enjoy my chrome book, I don't like my smartwatch, I really hate my wife's HP computer. I put phones in my back pocket though and I put screen protectors (little piece of glass that prevents the real screen from cracking) on everything. I don't generally enjoy tablets but my grandma LOVES them because they are easier to read off of. Especially her online magazines.
I hope that helps! Ask anything else you like!

(Sorry for any typos, I'm very hungry)


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Bruce, I checked out your links and have seen most of what you mention. Thank you. Had looked at these foldable flip phones before. Yes they are WAY pricey. But if I am going to go for something that much of an upgrade; then I want what I want.... If that galaxy 3 plus thing, did not have the outside screen, I would probably be VERY interested...
And I don't like the "smaller" screen on the outside... I want just the inside, larger fold open screen.... But wanted to get some other thought's and since cecilia says she is the gen Zer... why not get another opinion.
No I did not realize that an iPad and a tablet are basically the same except different companies...

Way out of my league but the sites you referenced made more sense than some I have read.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Ipod- non-touch screen little electronic device you can upload and play music on! they are like 2x2 (inches)
There are a LOT of iPod models. The one DD2 has is a touch screen and she mostly plays games on it.

No I did not realize that an iPad and a tablet are basically the same except different companies...
"Same" in that they have similar function. Totally different operating system, different App stores, etc. An iPad/iPod/iPhone should sync better with a Mac computer than an Android or PC based tablet though there are apps to try to make it work. I've had some success but 'native' is easier.

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