Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
I like the map features on my phone. Put in the address and you get 3 routes to take. Tap and it will talk to you even to telling you what lane to get in. Going through Dallas and Fort Worth metroplex, that was a nice feature. But even with the talking phone directions and me repeating it to BJ, he could still wind up in the wrong lane and exit the wrong freeway taking us to who knows where. At least we didn't have to mull around getting even more lost, the phone would talk us back to the freeway we needed to be on. :lol:


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Sometimes when driving in ridiculously over crowded cities, you can't get over to the lane you need to be in! When we took DD2 to school in WI her freshman year I ended up going through Chicago instead of around (the PLAN!) because I couldn't get to the left lane to take the proper interstate.

DW said going through Chicago (or the vicinity) ONCE in her life was plenty. From then on we went through Canada even though it was longer. Much more pleasant drive than the toll road through NY, etc.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
If your GPS is not up to date you also get messed up. Our truck has a GPS that cannot be updated. There is a new freeway offramp to another freeway in Dallas that we miss each time because the GPS shows the old one being there! :barnie


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Yep! Though I think most built in nav systems can be updated ... for MONEY! The older Prius had DVDs, if you wanted to update it was over $200 and you didn't even know if things where you travel HAD updates. The new one has a micro SD card. SUPER cheap to make copies of, they still want a bunch of money to update. Best as I can find online (not easy!) the card would be $130 OEM, about $40 on eBay (and who knows what you are actually getting).

I wonder why not many people update ;) Seems like they could actually make some money on it if they charged maybe $20, it isn't like they are creating a special card for an individual, the same card covers the entire US and Canada. Of course you still don't know what has changed or how new the data is. I've heard the data used to make nav system maps can be a year old so even the "newest" isn't real current.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Give me a cotton pickin' PAPER map/atlas.... DS has all that on his phone and we were in the wrong lanes 2 different times because it didn't tell him soon enough... I was watching the signs and told him before the gps thing did...

It all is about money money money and I personally am pretty sick of always needing an update for this or that or some other thing. Just bugs me.

So, on to better subjects.... it was cloudy this morning and not a good sight... but no dew since the temp didn't drop...went from 60 to 82 the recording thermometer says. The sun started to come out around 11 or so. I finished raking the little piece around 12:15 ... only took 20 minutes but I was trying to give it time to dry a bit but no sun ... and I had that dr appt for the pre-op clearance....
So I came by and saw a new baby at the nurse cow field and swung in there to check. There are 2, maybe 24 hrs... one is definitely a bull calf but the other was off down the hill near the water trough and momma was keeping it in the brushier stuff. I wasn't really expecting them until the first of Nov... so they are calving right at 12 months from last year. In fact, the one with the bull calf is less than 11 months since her last one. Funny in a way, because she calved right at 11 1/2 months from her first one... now shortening the time up a little bit. AND, she has a limp that she has had since we got her (bought cow) and we were going to sell her after the first calf because of the limp, but then she turned up further along pregnant than we expected so decided to keep her. She never got preg checked this time... and has a calf. Of COURSE, she still has her last year's calf in this field since it is one that hadn't gone in the last time... but then she did the same thing last year, her older calf was still there... I hadn't seen the older calf nursing her in a couple months... same with the previous one. She seems to wean them off herself. We kept the first one, a heifer, and will keep the second one, heifer, but this new one is a bull so he will definitely get sold. Gotta catch him and get him banded. The other one is on one of my cows, her calf was taken off her already. So got to get the other 2 calves out of there, since it is likely the cows are also bred and expecting anyday. NOT the way it is supposed to be done.... I have gotten real behind on them. I will try to get them in this weekend... I have not seen any of the big calves nursing so hopefully the cows did wean them off. The other calves were born in April, so those cows should be bred now, and those calves won't get taken off until Jan or so.
Stopped by and fed the horse too ....

So, got home, changed clothes and went to dr. They did the ekg, said nothing to be concerned over... I have gained about 7 lbs since may or so which is not good, but I know it is because I am less mobile than I was.... BP was 130/70 so not bad... about normal for me. So I asked about the blood tests, and it seems that the lab/urgent care office next door is closed to reassignment of staff... so I had to go to the other satellite office.... what a PITA. But I went and of course you can't walk in, you have to do a prescreen outside, then wait in your car... then go in and do another check in ... then I sat and waited. This is at 4:30.... dr appt was at 2:10 and they were not on time.... got over to this office by 4:10....then the prescreen stuff....So at 5 of 5 the guy who does the blood comes out and gets a girl that had just walked in and been approved... and it seems that the computers did not send the orders for mine, from the office back to the "screening room".... which is less distance than most people walk in through their house.... Talk about the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing....he wouldn't know I was there since he is in the back, and they sure didn't bother to get up off their butts to see why I was still sitting there... . so he asked if I was waiting for blood and I said yes, as was another lady in there that came in after me...

He did the one he had the computer generated info for, took like 10 minutes tops; then came out and got me, took me back and he went in the other room and over rode the computer and printed out my stuff.... and did the blood draw in a couple minutes. He apologized and I said it was not worth getting all bent out of shape over... and that he looked familiar and it turns out he is the one that usually works at the other office where I was for the dr appt. He took blood from me for something awhile back... HE IS REAL GOOD... with the needle and all... done and out in a jiffy...

Had a message from the personal care person, that she will talk to me monday about the rehab after surgery... I had left them a message that I would be available after about 10 when I got home from work.

So it was like 5:30 at that point so I went by Walmart on the way home and picked up some stuff.. Adding to my stash of stuff and looked for a skinny trash can to fit inbetween the stove and cabinet. Stopped and put the check in the bank too. Came on home, brought all the stuff in the house . Meant to stop and fill up the truck because all the gas I saw has gone up another 5 cents... but one place... But I forgot to stop. I still have 3/4 tank, but .....
I just made a plate of warmed up chicken and some stuffing and the other half of the green beans. Will eat the mashed potatoes another day. This is plenty.

I was pretty tight/achy earlier but feel a little better this evening, so plan to do at least a sink full of dishes. Also found the heated mattress pad and all so will get the bed changed and situated in the next day or 2. Put away some of the stuff I got, laundry detergent and all, in the other room. Get out the suitcase and start getting things ready for packing that. Tomorrow is the apple butter festival at the mill and I would like to go for a bit.... supposed to be rain early but then hopefully clearing off. I will probably work for awhile in the house in the morning anyway.

So that's about it for the day. I'm heading into the kitchen to do dishes and then probably a shower. Got to get the sample bottles in the racks, for testing on Sunday afternoon, too.
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Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Sorry for the medical SNAFU Jan, that sucks. At least it got done.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yes, @Bruce , it got done. And the guy told me that he is like the head of the dept that runs the samples, that the results would be available in about 4 hours so if anyone starts with the bs that they have not received the results, that they can call and the results will be there. So, I will naturally wait until Monday since the dr and pre-op anesthesiologist are not in til Monday... I will make sure the dr I saw yesterday has faxed the copies of all the papers and then that the ones in Baltimore have the results. Hopefully that is all until the surgery now...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Ridgetop .... HUSH YOUR MOUTH..... don't even think that something will cause it to be delayed....:duc:duc:duc:smack.

Today has been interesting weather wise... Deb called and we went to the mill for the apple butter... and I was glad we did. It started out nice and warm... partly sunny... clouded up around 11 and then sprinkles/showers around... then turned into more steady showers. Wind started to pick up. We went from there to a church that has a big yard sale and Brunswick stew and at 12:30 they were sold out of both... bought a few little things off the many tables.... for donation..... that they give to various organizations. We finally went to a small pizza/italian place about 10 miles up the road, and ate, since we were going to eat the brunswick stew and support the church..... Then got gas as it was still 3.09 and everyone else is 3.14 and 3.19..... Got home just a little bit ago. Going to stay in for the rest of the day/evening.
Wind is really breezy - gusting - supposed to get down in the 40's maybe tonight???? CHILLY OUT.

So I am going to get the LR at least cleaned and things moved around now so I can use the heater.... be a good evening to have the heated mattress pad on the bed too I think!!!!

So that was the extent of my day. weather made the knees ache. Going in to get more dishes done, and come into the LR and do more. Did get a few things done last evening, instead of the dishes.

FALL is HERE!!!!!!

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