Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
It is bread stuffing @Baymule . I like cornbread well enough, but love the bread stuffing with poultry seasoning .... and it is what I grew up with. Now, I love corn muffins and cornbread to eat.... and GRITS.... Yep, this "dam* Yankee" is a grits and ponhoss (scrapple) eater....

So the boxes and all are in and around the sewing table in the corner of the LR for the immediate future. Boxes with sample bottles ready to be put in the racks for tomorrow, and will pack the other samples in just a little bit. Going to move the dvd tower after I move a box of desk stuff, writing paper and other misc.... then probably quit for the night as I am starting to ache again and tomorrow will be a very full day. I am thinking I am going to leave earlier and go by the bank and see what possibilities there are for buying my mom's vehicle. Once the estate is settled I am pretty sure I would just pay it off... but it has to be bought and paid for first... so need to explore those possibilities. Also called and left a message for the mortgage lady that got me the loan for the house and told her what I was looking for and the circumstances and to see if their bank could do anything for me. May as well check it out now.... and then at least when it all comes down to it... I will know if I can or not. With the price of things, especially used vehicles, I think it is a fair price... Too much in my opinion,,, but all used vehicles are too much!!!!! And someone else in the family might be wanting it so it might be a moot point... but want to be prepared.

The sun peeked through the clouds for a little bit right about sunset. There was barely .1 inch in the rain gauge from the couple of little showers yesterday. Wound up with less than an inch for the week. Oh well....still better than none.
Need to get the chicken and all put away in the fridge. I left it in the hot oven so it could cook a little bit more from the heat. Need to get the potatoes into a container and the green beans into the fridge too. Boy, those Yukon golds are sure "yellow" as mashed potatoes.... but they tasted GOOD.....

So that's it for the night... we will see how tomorrow goes when I get home, whether you "see me here" or not.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Tuesday morning and I have to get my butt in gear. Samples need to be packed and the other bottles in racks into the truck.. Got to get the tote with the short hoses for this farm as the hook ups are close so only need the short hoses. Not going to unload everything off the truck as I will need the longer hoses Wed aft... and again for the weekend herd on Sunday.
Have to go by the farmer that I get my milk from and get his samples from his 5 cows as they get processed through the herd I am going to this afternoon. I will take my cooler and get milk too and just let it sit in the cooler with ice for the afternoon and then deal with it tonight. Save me a trip.

It was nearly 9:30 when I got home last evening I guess. Talked to the farmers I was at... it is where my cows are.... and I really like them. Talked to the wife for a bit as her mom has dementia issues and we talked about losing my dad and my mom and her situation before and all.... just a chance to vent a bit.

It is cloudy and misty like out this morning here too, and taking it's sweet time in burning off. Says we will have some clouds lingering today too. Was down to 59 last night... I see some "lighter" skies out there, but not "sunny" .....

Talked to DS yesterday for a few minutes and he was going to check the weather and maybe cut some yesterday he said, when I asked if there was going to be any hay to be making this week. Don't know if he did or not.... nothing needs to be done today regardless. Calling for a chance of some showers/rain on Sat. late in the day... front coming in and then temps will drop into the 40s-50s and maybe 60s - low 70's during the day. We'll see. It is FALL....

Got the green beans done and I think only like 3 or 4 pkgs in the freezer. But a few more than what I had.... I was so tired last night I ate some mashed potatoes warmed up for supper.... took a shower washed my hair as I got several splatters yesterday, and went to bed.
Time to get on the sample packing and get things ready to go for today. Have to leave here around 12:30 or so to swing by and get the samples and all so need to get my self going.
Did get my gallon of water and tea bags out on the deck to steep for the day so I can make iced tea this evening as I finished the gallon yesterday. Not much will get done here today....tomorrow will be slower as I will set up at the farm in the morning, then won't have to be back til 4:30pm and it is only about 6-8 miles away.... I will have the better part of the day to get a few things done here.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
I think your son make the right choice to take the new job with rise in salary and position. Raise in retirement alone is worth driving that far for possibly only a year if he can move into his boss's job locally in another year or so. The new advance in position will also look great on his resume when applying for his boss' job. Congrts to DS.

It will mean more work for you, but if you can do the work after knees get done and with GF help for the next year, it should work out better all around. Less fiscal worry about buying the new farm and eventually more income on retirement. With you doing more around the cattle and faarm, maybe you can afford to retire from the milk testing or cut down considerably.

So glad you are getting your knees done. My knee is not that painful yet but is cutting out on me occasionally, starting to cause me to limp and lurch LOL, and I was told that O should have it replaced. I am having some sort of injections (not cortizone) to see if that can help stave off surgery for a while. I'll be interested to hear how your replacements go before making the final decision.



Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Ridgetop are you getting something like Synvisc injections? It is hyluaronic (sp) acid which is what the joints have as the fluid in the joint... like greasing the joint to allow for more movement, less pain, and even to help build back up the cushioning "gel" fluid that the joint needs to function? It works for many people... never did for me, but a friend got it in her knee and she had nearly total relief for 18 months... it is supposed to help for 6-12 months for most people...

YEP.... THE BIONIC WOMAN.... boy that would be something huh????

Got home from testing about 9... sat and talked to the "farmer" after milking for a bit. I have been testing them for the 30 years I have been doing this. Betty is a great person... real good "cowman" (cow woman).... a little rough around the edges but a real generous type that is all about helping kids and very active in 4-H.... her knee is starting to pain her some and we talked about that.... losing parents... just alot of stuff....
Testing went okay... taking a pain pill is just not my idea of fun since it makes me light headed with a headache ( how does it do both I have no idea) and queasy on the stomach... but will take enough of the edge off that I can manage without wanting to cry...
Still feel like crap after we were done though.

Had clouds and then some sun this afternoon... not all day but partly sunny. Went from 59 this morning to 77 in the sun this afternoon. My tea steeped nicely and I got it made and into the fridge this eve.... ate some mashed potatoes again this eve... the tramadol just makes me feel half sick so eating is touch and go....
Have to set up in the morning, for tomorrow afternoons' test... that means changing the position of the brackets back to the top of the meters... but then they will all stay there for the rest of the tests this month. I will take his samples tomorrow eve so that I can take it a little easier in the morning and just get the milk weights... I am hurting now and a hot shower will help the knees a little.... hopefully I will sleep okay.
Then after set up, I will come back and pack the samples from this evening in the shipping boxes... get the bottles for the test ready... going to try to stop and feed the horse on my way home from set up....
Then get a sink full of dishes done and maybe get a few things put away.... Oh, do a load of barn clothes since I have gotten so splattered the last few days... supposed to be sunny and nice so they will dry good...

Bank is not wanting to loan on the explorer with the age of the vehicle... I am about ready to quit them even though I have been with them for over 20 years... talking like they want either a co-signer or a big deposit on it... screw 'em. Calling the bank I got my mtg from tomorrow to get a name of the person who does car loans....

Brother said in a text, that he mailed out; via the USPS; copies of the will to every one today. It will take the longest to get to us probably..... besides there is now the "mail slow down" that they talked about on the news.... so who the he// knows... guess once it arrives, there will either be overall "okay" with everyone... or some major unhappiness... he would not hint to anyone what it says.... I hope that he gets a good amount in the will, over and above everyone else.... and I will be glad if he does. Talked to DS right when I got home... he said he talked to brother about the different vehicles and such.... seems my sister is being a jerk... told her son about the different things for sale, but never relayed any info to her daughter... she is treating her daughter (my niece) pretty much like an airhead... granted she is a bit flaky... but she is entitled to know things... my DS said that the niece is interested in the pu truck...she told my brother, which is pretty dumb because she has this souped up jeep and needs the truck like a hole in the head... and since she cannot seem to manage her money at all, don't see how she can afford it... BUT... she is entitled to put in a request just like the rest of us... DS said he would consider buying it and then doing a few things it needs and maybe reselling it down the road because we don't need it... that was the reason for brother calling DS... guess there aren't too many other ones putting in their 2 cts about other things... DS said again that he thinks I ought to get the explorer and brother told him that I had requested the vin # since the bank asked for it.... and DS said to me that he would loan me the money and then when the estate got settled I could pay him back... so will still see what the other bank says.... but it seems like I will be getting it one way or another. Like he said, with only that many miles on it at that age it is a good buy... 4wd too, so can get around in the winter.... the thing of it is that we KNOW how well it was taken care of.... no guessing... so that is a plus.

I am still getting the engine in my forrester done... and probably going to sell the outback if I can.... as is... know a guy who likes to mess with subaru's... see if he wants to buy it; save me the hassle of getting it redone... If not, then might just get it redone after all the estate stuff settles, then I can sell it as running... in today's used market that might be my best way to go even if I am paying someone else to fix it....outback has 4 practically brand new tires on it that I put on it in the last several months.... there's over $400..... and they are 16" so won't fit either the truck or the forrester.....:barnie:barnie:rant:somad:he:he:he

Well, time to get a shower and relax these knees.....Tomorrow is another day to deal with all this stuff....