Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
With the empty shelves and slow mail service along with al the rest of the problems Biden has brought, it looks like Bernie ought to be happy. Remember when he said that bread lines were good since it meant that there was bread?!

I don't know what is so good about socialism or communism. I liked our country when you could get a job, make a living, save your money, buy what you wanted, and live a good life with your family. Apparently the middle classes are no longer to be allowed those options. If you are poor you can live well on welfare, free housing, free college, and free medical. If you are rich the same happens because you can afford it. If you are middle class the government plans to tax you out of your house, tax you annually on anything nice you buy (wealth tax), and anything you have saved up for your kids they will take when you are dead. Maybe even charging your children extra for the privilege of inheriting nothing.

Like my grandmother used to say "I don't know what this world is coming to!"

So glad you got to visit with your old friend. We tend to see people regularly but never seem to have time to really sit down and just talk. Always think we have plenty of time till we don't. I am glad DS is lending you the money to buy the car. It is a good buy, and will last you a long time. Once you see what is actually in the will you will have a better idea of how to proceed with the purchase. A short term loan from your DS may be the best choice instead of paying interest. You can sell your old car for part of the $$ to pay him back too.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Wed noontime. I have been eating some warmed up chicken and stuffing and mashed potatoes. Need a good meal to be able to take some stuff when I go test since it makes me queasy... and the knees will not make it through testing without help anymore. 2 weeks....

Started out at 58, HEAVY DEW, and now it is sunny.... NICE DAY out. Few high clouds around. DS mowed some stuff, and it needs to be tedded but I cannot lift the tedder tongue to get it on the tractor because of the knees hurting so much. You don't realize how much you lift with your legs/knees until it hurts so much that you can't do it. He said he will get it switched and I might be able to do some after he gets off work... before I have to go to the farm to test.

Not going to bother to go to the P.O. today, no way will the "will" be there this quick... but will check starting tomorrow... maybe by the weekend?

Went to the farm and set up the meters. Came home and have been packing the samples and getting the rest of the bottles in the rack to take this afternoon. After I get done testing tomorrow I will be tedding or raking I am sure... and finish raking anything on Friday before I have to go in for my pcp - dr appt check up; required for the knee dr.

Got some of the ordered stuff ALREADY from the Wayfair order; stuff for the kitchen cabinets. FAST SERVICE. I am VERY IMPRESSED.... Might go in and see about getting the couple of inside the door holders put in and get the things like the foil and wax paper put in...some organization....

DS will take the money out of the cattle account to loan me... stuff he puts away til the payments on loans are due... like fertilizer payments, whatever... and he has put back cattle money to pay for the upcoming corn chopping....It will be in the 5-8,000 range for that alone... the feed is nice and the price value per ton is very good... but it costs to get that silage put in the bag so we can use it down the road... Value of $50/ton...what we sell it for to a couple of the guys....but then again... you add in our time and use of the skid loader to load it on their wagon/truck/whatever... and we will put in over 400 doesn't cost $50/ ton to put it up... but about 10-20/ton to just get it chopped and bagged...the bags alone are costing over $700 each now... they were less than $400 last year....
and then the mtg payment that he has set up to pay once a year... which allows us to sell cattle when things are looking like better prices... hold them if we need to... but it has to be there when it is due... so sometimes it will sit for a few months....
Well, until I know what is in the will, I am not going to get too worked up over it.

Well, I need to go finish strapping up the boxes of samples so they can go out... get stuff in the truck for this afternoon's test... and if DS gets the tedder hooked up I could go do around the outside of the one field where there are trees and such so it doesn't dry out near as fast as out in the center of the fields....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Home and getting ready to get a shower and crawl into bed. It will not be fun in the morning.... 11 days and counting. Didn't get much done this afternoon after getting the samples done to go out. Spent time on the phone with several different ones on things needed for the surgery. Think everything is covered now.... until I get the pcp dr appt on Friday... they will fax the results to the dr in Baltimore so it can all go ahead as planned.
The hotel/inn that was suggested to stay in, is closed for renovationso_O:he:th... so have to find something else...
Did find out that UNFORTUNATELY.... I am not on the "first thing" list... I will be his 3rd and last surgery... first 2 are single replacements... mine is the only bilateral... probably not until noon or later....the girl in the office said that it was not "official yet" but that is the preliminary schedule she looked up.... have not talked to DS about that yet... I have to be there 2 hrs ahead... might just suggest going up early that morning.... leave here before 6.....I don't know. Will see what DS says... I won't sleep good the night before in a strange bed so maybe leaving early would be better. I can't eat after midnight... so riding might be less nerve wracking for me than sitting around up there watching the clock... I will definitely be staying over at least one night... and they will probably NOT be getting me up that evening, since it will 2-4 hours for the surgery... about an hour + per knee all according to how it does.... and then recovery.... so won't even be "with it" before 5 probably....
They will let me know the thursday before... so the 21st I ought to know the schedule for sure....

It started out 58 degrees and went up to just 80 this afternoon. Nice day out. The same for the next 2 days... then clouds and 40-50% chance of "scattered showers".... I did give DS a ride back up to get the tractor and rake... he got the tedder and took it down to his barn where he cut the 10 acres of orchard grass the other day... I didn't have enough time to do anything on the tractor after he got off work and took it down there... so he was going to put the tedder on the tractor, tedd out the couple outside rows along the trees and all so they might dry faster... then hook the rake back up and I will rake tomorrow afternoon. There are 2 fields that he cut Monday in the cloudiness... then a couple he cut Tuesday... and one smaller one he cut today... but it is all out in the sun with no trees or anything so it will dry better without being shaded at all.

Ate some green beans and finished the bread pudding up. Have a counter full of dishes to do in the next day or 2. I didn't get anything done with the cabinets yet... that took the back burner when I got on the phone...

I will do laundry tomorrow eve and get all the dirty barn clothes washed... of course I will be testing again next week, but after the rain on Sat., we are supposed to go into another dry sunny spell, just alot cooler. So I can get these dried...

I need to go to bed as I ache... going to just take some more tylenol for now and hope it takes off the edge so I can go to sleep. I have to be up around 4-4:30... leave by 5 to go to the farm.... will be glad when tomorrow is over. Maybe tomorrow eve I will be able to get a few things done here in the house. I still haven't gotten the TV on the coffee table and moved around in the LR yet. It'll get done...


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
When BJ had his shoulder replacement, he was the LAST one. Boy, did he gripe because he hadn't had anything to eat or drink, had to WAIT and he never was good at waiting. LOL They didn't come get him until after 5 PM. I was sitting in a huge waiting room, empty except for me and my daughter sent me a video on the phone. It was our granddaughter saying, "I love you Papaw." She was so darn cute that I laughed. I sat there playing it over and over, laughing like a loon. I'll try to text it to you. Found it and sent it to you. You can have a good laugh too. She was sitting on her potty chair, scooting it on the floor. You being the last one for surgery sparked this memory.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thursday morning. Got up and tested, did the computer stuff; got the meters out of the parlor after going through all the wash cycles... Home now, about 10 or so, and going to pack the samples in a few minutes.
Got down to 57 and was fog all around earlier. Sun is out and trying to dry off the grass... it is still wet with all the dew. I will go up around 12-1 to see about raking... it should be fairly easy, since the grass is thin and hopefully it is dry... there are several fields he said should be ready.
First things, got to eat, my stomach is rumbling. It is 11 already, so guess I will make some "lunch", warm up some more chicken....I will put it in the oven and let it heat and then go in and get the samples packed.
Making a list of things that need to get done in the next week....

@Baymule unfortunately my old flip phone says it does not support the video. Thank you for the thought though.
I am going to have to upgrade my phone since soon they will not be supporting 3G or older... but it is not going to happen before the surgery....I also am going to have to upgrade the computer as it is windows 7 and it is no longer supported. It has a lot of cracks and stuff so a whole new one is on the future purchase list, too. Maybe after I get done with the surgery, and in rehab I can do some more research on what I want.

Okay, several phone calls later, interrupting everything....I sat and ate my lunch inbetween... so now in to pack samples.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Biden didn't make that USPS change, DeJoy did - Trump appointee.
I don't see where it was said Biden caused the slow mail service... Mail service has been the pitts for years... the statement should have had a comma after"slow mail service "; QUOTE "With the empty shelves and slow mail service "comma", along with all the other problems Biden has brought, it looks like Bernie ought to be happy."

The empty shelves started with the covid crap, states shutting down businesses and all the "control" they have been exerting, and then continued into the new administration with all the EXECUTIVE ORDERS that have shut down and crippled our economy..... those are the problems that Biden has brought that DID NOT NEED TO HAPPEN with us reeling from the insanity of covid......

If the mail service had been decent, people would still be sending more through the mail than they do. But again, we are dealing with a new generation that has to have an electronic device in their hand 24/7... and want everything instantly.... Businesses have catered to that too. If you could depend on the mail to get the first class letters from A to B in just a few days like it used to, then many would still use it more. I quit sending checks in the to pay bills because I could not depend on them getting there. Walla.... electronic online bill paying.... instantaneous..... and you can be sure it is there.....
Yet we do more and more online shopping and the post office could have figured out a way to make that "make up for" the lost first class mail. But it costs a small fortune to ship in the mail compared to other carriers... There are alot of other factors in the post office/mail debacle.... a system that has not been self supporting in who knows how long.
I know your wife works for the Post office... I have several very good friends here that work both in the offices and a couple that carry the mail. I hear alot from them especially lately. Several are retiring because they can, not because they were planning it right now. There are so many layers of problems....

Since it was my journal, I figured I could make this comment.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thursday evening. I spent about 4 hours on the tractor raking hay. Got the orchard grass field at DS barn, raked , which is a pain with the cell tower because of where it had gotten moved to; because of the stupid B$@#H neighbor made such a big deal about where it was up against the trees with limited sight from her house....... so we had it moved down into the middle of the field... further off the boundary line... but it wasn't against her... she was just making a big issue over something that would not cause her any problem if it should "fall over".... and more in her line of sight.... because she kept on and on and so we did EVERYTHING the board of supervisors asked was so stupid.... Anyway... it cuts up the field alot and hard to mow but harder to rake with the big wheel rake I use. I got it raked, went up the hill and raked 3 more fields of 2-5 acres each... and one small one left to rake tomorrow because he had just mowed it yesterday....left it to dry a bit more on top today, then I will rake and turn it up tomorrow as soon as the sun dries off the dew... and it should finish drying better flipped for him to bale after work. It is going to get rolled because there is alot of Johnson grass in it and can't sell it for horse hay in sq bales....
Everything on the ground he plans to have baled tomorrow night because they are calling for the rain/showers to come in Saturday morning, then clear out later in the day... cool off and then dry for next week too. I imagine he will cut some more early next week to get it done before I am unable to rake. I think they will be chopping corn pretty soon too... but I won't be here.

Got most everything arranged for the surgery stuff... except for the rehab... waiting on the "personal care advocate" to call me back to finalize all the arrangements for that. We are playing phone tag....talked to another person and he was going to make sure my pcaa got the message. Tomorrow is the primary care appt so all that can be faxed to the dr for the knee replacements...then I should be done with that....

Temp hit 80 again today. No humidity so really nice. Next week is supposed to be HIGH'S of 60's ....

Took a pkg of ground beef out of the freezer and a small ham steak... break up the chicken leftovers. I did slice the breast meat so I can use it on sandwiches....

Talk about old.... I would have been married 50 years on Saturday.... HOLY COW o_O :ep:hide. Just was looking at the date, it is Apple Butter Day at Wade's Mill where I used to work part time... and looked at the date...I got married in 1971, son born in 1973....boy, where did the time go?????


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Ate some shrimp that was in the freezer, for supper... not real hungry. It was nice out but alot of sun today on the tractor that I am not used to since we had a week of clouds/showers/sprinkles etc... Going to save the rest of the package for when I get home for an easy in the oven meal. Made a big bowl of cooked package pudding rather than the instant that I just don't care for ....emptied a dish drainer so I can do dishes in the morning. I had to sit in a chair while stirring the pudding so decided that I just can't do anymore on my feet this evening.
Put a load of barn clothes in to soak, will add the clothes I wore today, and run through in the morning and hang out. Not much else got done, I just can't stand.

Stopped and got the mail at my P.O. box after I left the hayfield. No "official" letter yet... but I did get a surprise... :ep:celebrate:weee:jumpy:jumpy:yesss:. Got the $200. rebate check from the big bottle of Draxxin that I bought a couple months ago. That will be nice to put in my checking acct since I already paid the cc bill from when I charged it. I just have the vet's office charge the card instead of them sending a bill, then me sending a payment... That gives me a month or so to "pay it" too.... plus it is a good way to stay on their good side as they aren't waiting on money... and I get good service.
Our retired vet friend is having more hip problems with the other hip now, so will probably not be doing any more preg checks for us. He is late 70's and said that he is really feeling the shoulder surgery from a year or so ago....and lack of strength, and now the other hip. He can barely lift his arms up shoulder height. So this means we will have to make sure we get a whole bunch at the barn to do at one time so it is cost effective... although I do like the ultrasound for accuracy...DS will have to take an afternoon off work when he is across the mountain at the new position because I will not be able to do it all....even if the knees are real good. Takes 2-3 to run them in and up the chute, me catching with the head catch, writing the info and trying to give shots too....

That reminds me, I have got to get those 2 older heifers out of the nurse cow field and get the bull out of there too in the next couple of days. It slipped my mind.... not like I haven't had enough to try to remember and do with the upcoming surgery and all the testing.

Going in to get a shower and get off the knees/legs. Maybe eat a little bowl of pudding.... then probably will sleep good if I can get to sleep okay and they don't keep me up. I'm tired after all that "fresh air time" on the tractor raking the hay:lol::gig:th


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Get a new phone with internet, text, pictures etc. Yeah, they cost more and have a data plan charge. but they are worth it. Must be, almost everyone has one. Once you figure it out, it gets pretty easy. If BJ could use one, anybody can. LOL LOL