Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
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Bad news, cow that he pulled the calf from died... she might have gotten torn up inside from the malpresentation, who knows... I was a little concerned, but had hoped that she would pull through. Glad we did not spend a huge amount of money on a calf to try to graft on her... feel sorry for her but it is part of it... still more $$$ buried.
Sorry for another loss...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thank you @frustratedearthmother .... it is just part of it.... but I feel bad for her since she was not one of the "wish she would just drop dead 'bitches' " that we have had time to time... and yeah, the financial loss with the way prices are right now. But as the saying goes, if you have live stock, you have dead stock....sadly can't change it and that is the way it is.

46 to start... it is cloudy and dreary out there... supposed to clear off this afternoon and get windy again. Oh well, March is winds... April is showers... May is flowers.... type of thing.

We only had .3 inch... barely.... in the rain gauge last evening... I thought we got a little shower overnight also but I know it wasn't much. Some is better than none... Sure wish @Mini Horses would blow a little harder and keep more of it over this way instead of hogging it all :hide:hide:hide🫣🫣🫣.....

Tomorrow is supposed to be mostly sunny and breezy... Take it as it comes.

Chiropractor appt is at 3... so I will go up and feed and then leave and go south after awhile. I am going to be testing in the "north" so will go by Sharp Shopper again on the way home from testing and see about anymore of the ham and a couple other things.... not make a special trip today. Need to take the "slide" and try it out in the feed bin. Might need to oil the edges or something to get it working right since it has been out of there for a couple years.

Got to get out some potatoes that are not too sprouted for Deb as she wants to make scalloped potatoes for Easter... and take some canned green beans since some of what I froze last year were "older" and they are tough. I've taken some out of the freezer and eaten some and even tossed a pan or 2 that were just too tough. Going to have to do a better job of getting them picked and frozen quicker this year...although I think a bunch of the really tough ones were from that farmer that gave me all the ones... they were even kinda "tough" when I cut them up... I bought a case of green beans the last time I was there, so will take some of them....

Need to get the samples packed too. Time to get my rear in gear.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I would LOVE for you to have some of what I got in rain!! I have several of these big, black feed tubs, 4" deep, they were all overflowing. Ground so, so wet!

Going to/from work today, ditches full, water running over roads in many places, low spots. Many yards had "ponds". We had a lot overnight, then steady all day. The water runs will be worse next couple days, as things drain.

Just do not need more for 2 wks. Tractors will be quiet for a while -- I sink just walking on yard! 🫤


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
42 up to 62... Mostly sun but breezy and cool all day

Fed the calves at the pasture... had to go all the way around the house and get the twins to follow me up to the barn... and finally got the huge clump of hard dried manure off the tail of the one... pulled off some hair too... but it had gotten so big and she was just too lazy to pick up her tail and it was like a huge basketball with the tail coming out the bottom. Hopefully this will be the end of her getting it all sh!tty....

Couple more came in as they have been so that was good. Tomorrow I am going to have to go get a few sq bales for them... used it all up.

Packed the samples and left to go to chiropractor appt. Went to DMV because I cannot find the car registration in the glove box, tags needed renewing and cannot do it without the title number on line and I have no idea where the titles are to the vehicles... they are in a folder but not one of the boxes I unpacked I guess... It actually worked out good... NO LINE (miracles never cease) and I took in the ins paper from the glove box, and the reminder post card from DMV... they pulled it up, renewed for 3 years... got a new registration and out the door in less than about 15 minutes... THAT NEVER happens... then there was a UPS truck and driver in the parking lot... so I asked if he could take my samples... all packaged and a shipping label on them... and he said he sure could... so saved me another stop.
Went to appt... they had a cancellation so I could go right in.
Left there, went to the Goodwill right close, found a western shirt like I wear in the summer to keep cool... stopped at the Chicken salad Chick for the grape salad and a small "tub" (2 servings) of the chicken salad to bring home...
Then came back to the Lowes and they do not have the mower in stock although they have all sorts of JD and Craftsman and another one... guess I am going to have to get it sight unseen and hope I like it as much as the self-propelled walk behind mower... I need something to pull the lawn sweeper, and a cart and such all around here....
Got a couple little pots of some miniature daffodils... gonna give 2 to Deb for Easter... and plant a couple here... $2.98 each... figured I could afford a few for that.... Also got a few Dahlia's and a couple white Peonies (bulbs in a package) to plant in large pots.....They have some real nice big daffodils that have an orange/red trumpet in bright yellow outside leaves but I do not want the fancy pots... maybe after Easter they will be marked down and I could splurge on on pot of them and then they will multiply... maybe look for the bulbs in the fall... never remember seeing any this bright yellow with bright orange/red centers though.

Came home, locked in chickens in a bit ago,,, ate some green beans for supper and some of the grape salad...

Kitten is throwing up watery stuff... she was fine yesterday... no fever or feeling hot... a little concerned... but I will watch her. Might be a reaction to the stuff they put her out with.... acts very "lovey" all the time...

Talked to dr about the shoulder and did he have any suggestions... he thinks that maybe I could try some massage therapy... gave me a name, but said I might want to see if I could find anyone closer, and I will ask here if anyone knows anyone.... not wanting a replacement, but there seems to be only so much he can do... Does feel better after the adjustment today, even though it hurt alot after he did it.

Got clothes in the washer... white socks and all that I like to soak good... to hang tomorrow. Was too breezy for me to think about the brush pile...

Forgot to try the slide... Tomorrow is another day....
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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Bjs shoulder popped out of socket, what was left of it, several times a day. I learned how to pop it back in. He was in pain all the time from it. It was just worn out. He had shoulder replacement surgery. With him still knocked out on the table, the doctor couldn’t raise his arm higher than shoulder height. Doctor was disappointed. Told BJ that he would never be able to throw a ball.

Therapy was a torture session. BJ asked for hard treatment and he got it. At his 6 week checkup, when the doctor walked in the exam room, BJ threw a ball and hit him with it. The pain was gone. Therapy stretched out muscles and ligaments that contracted and were not used for years. The process was torturous but well worth it.

Joint replacement and therapy is life changing and I’m so grateful we have that option. We go from hobbling around in constant pain to walking pain free.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Shoulder had been looked at several years ago when seeing specialist for ankle replacement... down at Duke. Had separate appts for ankle one day then stayed over and did shoulder dr the next day...... X-rays, all that.... told it needed replacing then... nearly 5 years ago. Ankle was priority since I couldn't hardly walk... and knee was next then did both for a one shot rehab and pain...... shoulder was injured in the car wreck in 1989 so it has had problems but chiropractor got it working pretty good in 91, after all other drs told me it would never raise above the shoulder... so... let's see,,,,that's 30+ years of it "working".....been living with it aching some, but now is pretty much constant hurting. There is so much arthritis in it now... and cartilage is pretty much non-existent....

I am not ready for this body to just fold up and quit.... and yes, VERY THANKFUL for replacements and the benefits of modern medicine..... might need to take advantage of it again....

It was sunny, but now some clouds... said it would get sunnier as the day goes on.. BUT... wind warnings again and Fire Danger warnings so not burning anything this evening either. 38 to start... supposed to hit in the 60's later. I am going in to add a few things to the washer and fill with hot water now... get the clothes out in a bit.

Might rain early next week. I need to see about the 500 cow herd testing.... need to do a morning so got to see if DS can do anything. Also another herd is doing some barn renovations, so as soon as the cows get used to the change in walkways and such they want to test.

Past breakfast time, stomach is growling....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Friday night. Hit 65 the thermometer says but it was so windy you would never know it. Sun mostly out this afternoon...
Laundry is soaking... it was blowing so hard I didn't even try to finish it and hang. Tomorrow is supposed to be partly cloudy/partly sun... slight chance of a shower... I will hang in the morning. Winds dying down this evening...

Something has been getting in and out of the trap... all the bread, scraps of some meat, anything I set it with past the trip plate.... and some buckets and things knocked over on the porch... thinking it is a really big coon or big long possum.... or a possible dog? Going to have to set the big trap.... tired of everything being all messed up... the porch is a mess as is anyway...... but it is knocking over the bucket with the chicken feed and stuff like that... making sure I lock in the chickens every night.... tomorrow I will get the big trap out and see if I can get it to work... it is not real sensitive so got to try some different things to get it to trip more easily.

Took 3 rolls of hay/wheat to the nurse cow pasture and next door still had 2 partials so did not feed them any.
GF got the field across the street finished planting this afternoon.

Took the cat carrier back to Deb, some eggs and some potatoes so she can make some scalloped potatoes. They are really sprouting... I need a 2nd fridge to keep them in next year... I will not cut any to plant, just plant the whole one since I still have alot of them. So want to get the big brush piles burnt.

Bottles in racks, to test in the morning... so I am going to bed fairly soon.

"Kitten".... Silkie, acted better today so think maybe the throwing up yesterday was from her system purging the anesthesia from being spayed..... she is still acting a little slow... but pretty much okay.

Bit the bullet, ordered the riding mower... paid half and 12 months no interest on the other half... I put the 1/2 downpayment on the cc, and will pay it off when the bill comes due so no interest on that either...calf money.. Just need something that is workable and all the ones I looked at were in the 3,000 range... and then there is the gas and oil and maintenance.... got a 3 yr warranty with this one...about $4,000 with the warranty...and the batteries and chargers for them.... None to see anywhere... and I at least know where I can get it worked on, AND... they will have one to be able to refer people to, if they want... maybe work out some sort of deal if I need work.. or general yearly blade sharpening or something...
Sale is supposed to go off this weekend... so did not want to miss the added special price that was $750 off the regular price. Mowing season is about here now... Free shipping... I will have to put the seat together on it...
They now also make a battery powered walk behind trimmer.. like the gas one I got last year. It hurts my shoulder to pull the cord... so might be something to think about in the future... I could sell my gas one... future thing to consider....

So, guess I will keep testing for awhile too... Yep... we always find something to spend money on so then don't want to give up the added income... :th :th :idunno:idunno:idunno:idunno:he:he.

Gas here has gone up again... some places are 3.49.....